Діагностувальна робота (письмо) Unit 4-7 Past Simple

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Діагностувальна робота до підручника Prepare 6 (Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс) Unit 4-7

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Prepare 6

Writing test

Variant 1

1.Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 My mum builds roads and buildings. She's.....

A a customer     B an engineer   C  factory worker   D a mechanic

2  My dad makes cars. He's….

A staff    B a factory worker    C a nurse   D a farmer

3  My cousin's a famous…… People take photos of him.

A manager   B farmer   C a staff   D model


2.Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the past simple.

1 My dad…… (work) in Los Angeles last year.

2 I hope you ……(have) a great time in Turkey  last week.

3  Did you…..(buy) any presents on holiday?

4  We …..(not go) to a show on Broadway..

5  My family and I …..(see) my friends and  their parents last weekend.


3 Choose the right word to complete the conversations.

1 A: Where were/wasn't/was you at 8 p.m. on Saturday?

B: I was at home watching a film.

2 A: Were you bored when you were at the concert?

B: No, I wasn't/ weren't/was.

3 A: Where was your earring?

B: It was/were/weren't in my bedroom.


 4 Write about yourself and your friends. Use the questions below to help you. Write about  40-50 words

-Who are your friends?

-What's your favourite activity?

-What do you usually do together at the weekend?

-Where do you go? -What don't you like doing?

Prepare 6

Writing test

Variant 2

1.Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 Emily works with animals. She's…

A. an engineer    B a farmer     C  an artist      D a manager

2  My uncle flies planes all over Europe. He's…

A a factory worker   B  a dentist    C a pilot   D a farmer

3 My aunt works in an italian restaurant. She's….

A a cook  B  a photographer   C a shop assistant    D an engineer


2.Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the past simple.

1 I …….(join) the school orchestra in March.

2  We yesterday…..(ride) our bikes to the beach

3 My mum …..(study) maths at university.

4  What did you ……. (eat) for breakfast this  morning?

5 I …….(not take) lots of photos when we were in Barcelona last month.


3 Choose the right word to complete the conversations.

1  A: Was/Were / Wasn't you surprised to get your guitar back?

B: Yes, I was. I was very happy to see it again.

2  A: Where was/were/wasn't Todd's ring?

B: It wasn't in his room. It was inside a fish.

3  A: Were they hungry after the basketball game?

B: No, they was/weren't/wasn't.


4 Write about your friend's birthday. Write about 40-50 words

-When and where was the party?

-What did you do?

-What did you wear?

-Did you like it? Why?/Why not?

14 грудня 2023
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