Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу з теми "Our school".

Про матеріал
Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу з теми "Our School". Розроблено до підручника"Quick Minds 3" Герберт Пухта, Гюнтес Гернгрос, Пітер Льюіс- Джонс.
Перегляд файлу

                                                  Unit 6:  Our School   

                                                       Diagnostic Test

  1. Fill in the blanks. Заповни пропуски.

 library / gym/  dining hall / toilet/ playground/ computer room /

  1. We play games with my friends during breaks there. It’s a _____________.
  2. I take my favourite books and read them there. It’s a ____________.
  3. I play basketball and volleyball there. It’s a ______________.
  4. I have lunch with my friends there. It’s a ___________.
  5. I learn how to use a computer there. It’s a ___________.
  6. We wash our hands here. It’s a ______________.

II. Make up sentences. Склади речення.

1. I/ the classroom/ in / was/ o’clock/ at/ yesterday/ nine. 2. o’clock/ the/wasn’t/ I /at/ two/ in /gym. 3. I/ have/ in / my lessons / the classroom.  4.Were / at/ you/ yesterday/ the/ cinema?

III. Complete the dialogues. Доповни  діалоги.

Ex.: -Were you in the playground yesterday at two o’clock, Paul?

-Yes, I was. I was in the playground.

Were you in the music room yesterday at nine o’clock, Jane?

-No, I wasn’t. I was in the dining hall.






dining hall


music room





1. Were you in the computer room yesterday at nine o’clock, Paul?


2. Were you in the reception yesterday at twelve o’clock, Paul?


3. Were you in the gym yesterday at twelve o’clock, Jane?


4. Were you in the library yesterday at two o’clock, Jane?


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