Дидактичні матеріали для проведення підсумкової контрольної роботи з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

Про матеріал
Підсумкова контрольна робота з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» розрахована для перевірки знань студентів-медиків ІІІ курсу. Контрольна робота складається з 3 варіантів, кожний з яких складається із 45 тестових завдань з обранням однієї правильної відповіді.
Перегляд файлу

Варіант ­­1


1. ______ is made of dead and weakened germs.

  1. A drug.
  2. A chemical.
  3. A medicine.
  4. A vaccine.
  5. A serum.


2. A nurse takes ______ of people who are sick.

  1. medicine.
  2. condition.
  3. care.
  4. walk.
  5. cups.


3. People with scarlet fever have ______.

     A. a flushed face.

     B. a rash.

     C. red spots.

     D. spots.

     E. a smiling face.


4. What substance can’t exchange in cough?

     A. Saliva.

     B. Blood.

     C. Sputum.

     D. Urine.

     E. Foreign bodies.


5. There are many _______ in the spine.

     A. ligaments.

     B. bones.

     C. cartilages.

     D. joints.

     E. vertebrae.



6. What term means «гортань»?

     A. Thorax.

     B. Lung.

     C. Larynx.

     D. Trachea.

     E. Pharynx.


7. What glands are situated above the kidneys?

     A. Sex.

     B. Parathyroid.

     C. Adrenal.

     D. Thyroid.

     E. Thymus.


8. Blindness is ________.

     A. loss of vision.

     B. loss of smell.

     C. loss of balance.

     D. loss of hearing.

     E. loss of weight.


9. We hear with ________.

     A. eyes.

     B. skin.

     C. ears.

     D. nose.

     E. tongue.


10. Mouth, pharynx, gullet, ______, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anal canal form the system of digestion.

     A. liver.

     B. bladder.

     C. kidneys.

     D. lugs.

     E. stomach.


11. The blood cell has no ______.

     A. enzymes.

     B. leukocytes.

     C. platelets.

     D. erythrocytes.

     E. plasma.




12.  The greater circulation begins with ______.

     A. the right heart.

     B. the left ventricle.

     C. the right atrium.

     D. the right ventricle.

     E. the left atrium.


13.  The science which studies the structure of the human body is ______.

     A. Myology.

     B. Osteology.

     C. Anatomy.

     D. Histology.

     E. Biology.


14. What term means «surgical needle»?

     A. Хірургічна голка.

     B. Операційне поле.

     C. Операційна рана.

     D. Операційний стіл.

     E. Післяопераційний стан.


15. When you have a running nose, you take _____.

     A. a mixture.

     B. an ointment.

     C. an infusion.

     D. drops.

     E. a paper tissue.


16. You use _____ when you are nervous.

     A. a laxative.

     B. a sedative.

     C. an antiseptic.

     D. an adhesive.

     E. an antibiotic.


17. Heart diseases mean _____ diseases.

     A. heart valve.

     B. cardiovascular.

     C. congenital.

     D. heart muscle.

     E. infectious.





18. The joints allow the bones _____.

     A. to make noise.

     B. to dance.

     C. to move.

     D. to work together.

     E. to step.


19. Between the right and left heart there is _____.

     A. an artery.

     B. a vessel.

     C. a septum.

     D. a valve.

     E. a wall.


20. A red blood cell is _____.

     A. leukocyte.

     B. monocyte.

     C. phagocyte.

     D. erythrocyte.

     E. granulocyte.


21. What is the organ of taste?

     A. Mouth.

     B. Nose.

     C. Skin.

     D. Eye.

     E. Tongue.


22. The system of respiration includes: _______.

     A. the nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and pleura.

     B. only lungs.

     C. bronchi, lungs and pleura.

     D. larynx and trachea.

     E. nose and mouth.


23. Where are the lungs situated?

     A. In the left part.

     B. In the right part.

     C. In the abdominal cavity.

     D. In the oral cavity.

     E. In the chest.




24. The inflammation of veins is _______.

     A. arthritis.

     B. chondritis.

     C. phlebitis.

     D. cystitis.

     E. carditis.


25. Novocaine is the medicine for relieving _______.

     A. headache.

     B. heartache.

     C. local pain.

     D. toothache.

     E. earache.


26. The _______ and ________ form the chest.

     A. ribs and breatbone.

     B. trunk and limbs.

     C. scapula and clavicula.

     D. maxilla and mandibula.

     E. upper and lower limbs.


27. A doctor ________ patients.

     A. prescribes.

     B. examines.

     C. works.

     D. observes.

     E. chooses.


28. What term means «cartilage»?

     A. Зв’язка.

     B. Кістка.

     C. Череп.

     D. Суглоб.

     E. Хрящ.


29. What term means «thyroid gland»?

     A. Щитовидна залоза.

     B. Шишкоподібна залоза.

     C. Гіпофіз.

     D. Надниркова залоза.

     E. Загрудинна залоза.





30.  Special food for patients.

     A. Vegetables.

     B. Fruit.

     C. Meat.

     D. Fish.

     E. Diet.


31. Sam _______ his training when he saw a famous coach.

A. has just finished.

B. had just finished.

      C. finished.

D. would just finish.

      E. finishes.


32. His mother ________ Spanish very well.

  1.  speaks.
  2.  speak.
  3.  doesn’t speaks.
  4.  don’t speak.
  5.  speakes.


33. Today I feel ______ I did yesterday.

  1.  better than.
  2.  as well than.
  3.  as better as.
  4.  as best as.
  5.  good than.


34. Choose the correct question.

  1. What time do they wake up every day?
  2. What time does they wake up every day?
  3. What time they wake up every day?
  4. What time do they wakes up every day?
  5. What time they do wake up every day?


35. Sharks have sharp __________.

  1. tooth.
  2. teeth.
  3. toothes.
  4. teethes.
  5. tooths






36. Is there _______ for me to eat?

  1. something.
  2. anything.
  3. nothing.
  4. any.
  5. some.


37. My parents bought _____ new car _____ week ago.

  1. the; -.
  2. -; a.
  3. a; the.
  4. a; a.
  5. the; the.


38. How _______ bread and how ________ sausages have you got in your basket?

  1. much; many.
  2. many; many.
  3. much; much.
  4. many; much.
  5. many; any


39. Don’t buy these trainers. They are _______ those ones.

  1. more cheaper than.
  2. as more expensive as.
  3. more expensive than.
  4. expensive.
  5. most expensive than.


40. We usually _____ tennis in the afternoons.

  1. play.
  2. plays.
  3. don’t play.
  4. doesn’t play.
  5. playes.


41. A postman hasn’t come yet.

  1. Present Simple.      
  2. Past Simple.          
  3. Future Simple.      
  4. Present Perfect.
  5. Past Perfect.




42. Ann _______ usually given interesting books by Edith.

  1. are                      
  2. is                              
  3. was                     
  4. were
  5. be


43. He pupil explained to the teacher that he couldn't come to school that day   because he ______.

  1. had been ill.                   
  2. is ill.                             
  3. was ill.                    
  4. were ill.
  5. has been ill.


44.  I said, «I like sweets». I said _______.

  1. he liked sweets.
  2. he likes sweets.
  3. I liked sweets.
  4. you he liked sweets.
  5. I like sweets.


45. This medicine will give _______ an instant relief.

A. they.

B. them.

C. I.

D. we

E. his.



















Варіант ­­2


1. What term means «легеня»?

     A. Thorax.

     B. Lung.

     C. Larynx.

     D. Trachea.

     E. Pharynx.


2. Deafness is ________.

     A. loss of vision.

     B. loss of smell.

     C. loss of balance.

     D. loss of hearing.

     E. loss of weight.


3. We see with ________.

     A. eyes.

     B. skin.

     C. ears.

     D. nose.

     E. tongue.


4. What term means «surgical field»?

     A. Хірургічна голка.

     B. Операційне поле.

     C. Операційна рана.

     D. Операційний стіл.

     E. Післяопераційний стан.


5. When you have a backache, you take _____.

     A. a mixture.

     B. an ointment.

     C. an infusion.

     D. drops.

     E. a paper tissue.



6. The inflammation of urinary bladder is _______.

     A. arthritis.

     B. chondritis.

     C. phlebitis.

     D. cystitis.

     E. carditis

7. What term means «ligament»?

     A. Зв’язка.

     B. Кістка.

     C. Череп.

     D. Суглоб.

     E. Хрящ.


8. What term means «thymus gland»?

     A. Щитовидна залоза.

     B. Шишкоподібна залоза.

     C. Гіпофіз.

     D. Надниркова залоза.

     E. Загрудинна залоза.


9. What term means «bruise»?

     A. Опік.

     B. Забій.

     C. Кровотеча.

     D. Перелом.

     E. Обмороження.


10. If you have a toothache, ________ you mouth every hour.

     A. gargle.

     B. apply.

     C. rinse.

     D. catch.

     E. keep.


11. The nurse ________ a warm compress on the patient’s back.

     A. take.

     B. apply.

     C. give.

     D. make.

     E. do.





12. The first symptom in many ________ is a skin rash.

     A. heart diseases.

     B. infectious diseases.

     C. children diseases.

     D. eye diseases.

     E. nervous diseases.


13. Vitamin ________ prevents rickets.

     A. A.

     B. B.

     C. C.

     D. D.

     E. E.


14. The ________ excretes bile.

     A. stomach.

     B. intestine.

     C. kidney.

     D. liver.

     E. gland.


15. Where do we usually take our temperature?

     A. In the oral cavity.

     B. In the armpit.

     C. In the anus.

     D. On the neck.

     E. Under the knee.


16. The _______ carries oxygen round the body.

     A. lymph.

     B. urine.

     C. water.

     D. vessel.

     E. blood.


17. Our responses to stress are regulated by the nervous and _______ systems.

     A. digestive.

     B. respiratory.

     C. reproductive.

     D. endocrine.

     E. lymphatic.





18. _______ is a periodic resting condition of the body.

     A. Pain.

     B. Stress.

     C. Insultus.

     D. Sleep.

     E. Meal.


19. What does the central nervous system consist of?

     A. The brain.

     B. The brain and spinal cord.

     C. The spinal cord.

     D. Nerves and ganglia.

     E. Ganglia.


20. What function does the process of digestion fulfill?

     A. Sexual.

     B. Metabolism.

     C. Supportive.

     D. Protective.

     E. Immune.


21. With the help of what is food cut in the mouth?

     A. Teeth.

     B. Tongue.

     C. Gums.

     D. Palate.

     E. Cheeks.


22. Through it food gets into the stomach.

     A. Liver.

     B. Esophagus.

     C. Duodenum.

     D. Rectum.

     E. Pancreas.


23. The organs of respiration are the _________.

     A. pharynx, gullet and stomach.

     B. heart and blood vessels.

     C. liver and pancreas.

     D. spleen and its blood supply.

     E. larynx, bronchi and lungs.





24. Bronchi have many divisions, so they form bronchial _________.

     A. leaf.

     B. branch.

     C. bush.

     D. flower.

     E. tree.


25. What does the heart pump?

     A. Blood.

     B. Plasma.

     C. Lymph.

     D. Water.

     E. Urine.


26.  Leukocytes are ________ blood cells.

     A. red.

     B. green.

     C. white.

     D. blue.

     E. yellow.


27.  What method is used to determine fractures?

     A. Operation.

     B. X-rays.

     C. Bronchoscopy.

     D. Narcosis.

     E. Palpation.


28.  What for are there joints between the bones?

     A. To connect bones together.

     B. To connect bones together and let them move.

     C. To move bones.

     D. To protect bones from injury.

     E. To prevent injuries.


29.  ________ is a written order for medicine.

     A. A label.

     B. A sick list.

     C. A direction.

     D. A prescription.

     E. An instruction.





30. One must take care of personal ________.

     A. immunity.

     B. hygiene.

     C. body.

     D. heart.

     E. computer.


31. It has been raining recently.

  1. Present Simple.      
  2. Present Perfect Continuous.     
  3. Present Continuous.    
  4. Present Perfect.
  5. Past Perfect Continuous.     


32. Nick is regarded _______ the best player in the team.

     A. as.

     B. at.

     C. by.

     D. to.

     E. with.


33. He went to bed ________ he had brushed his teeth.

     A. before.

     B. while.

     C. after.

     D. yet.

     E. with.


34.  _______ are flowers of life.

  1. Child.
  2. Childs.
  3. Children.
  4. Childes.
  5. Childrens.


35. Tonia is _______ nurse.

  1. -.
  2. a.
  3. an.
  4. the.
  5. some





36. _______ they go jogging every day?

  1. Does.
  2. Do.
  3. Don’t.
  4. Have.
  5. Has


37. There is no point in __________ you to do the washing up.

    A. ask.

     B. to ask.

     C. asking.

     D. to asking.

     E. asked.


38. If I ________ you, I’d drink less coffee.

  1. wasn’t                    
  2. were                       
  3. would                
  4. would be
  5. will be


39. This doctor _______ be more attentive.

     A. can.

     B. may.

     C. ought to.

     D. need.

     E. could.


40. We knew that he ________ ill.

     A. was.

     B. were.

     C. is.

     D. be.

     E. would be.


41. The man _______ the patient is my uncle.

     A. examine.

     B. examining.

     C. examines.

     D. to examine.

     E. would examine.





42. The patient _______ after by the ward nurse

     A. be looked.

     B. will looked.

     C. will be looked.

     D. looks.

     E. looked.


43. The nurse has already made injections.

A. Present Simple.      

B. Present Perfect Continuous.     

C. Present Continuous.    

D. Present Perfect.

E. Past Perfect Continuous.    


44. She usually _______ these heart drops.

A. buy.      

B. buys.     

C. to buy.    

D. buying.

E. buyes.    


45. If she _______ better tomorrow, she will see a doctor. 

  1. feel                        
  2. feels                         
  3. doesn’t feel            
  4. won’t feel
  5. felt



















Варіант № ­­3


1. What term means «горло»?

     A. Thorax.

     B. Lung.

     C. Larynx.

     D. Trachea.

     E. Pharynx.


2. We smell with ________.

     A. eyes.

     B. skin.

     C. ears.

     D. nose.

     E. tongue.


3. What term means «surgical wound»?

     A. Хірургічна голка.

     B. Операційне поле.

     C. Операційна рана.

     D. Операційний стіл.

     E. Післяопераційний стан.


4. The inflammation of joint is _______.

     A. arthritis.

     B. chondritis.

     C. phlebitis.

     D. cystitis.

     E. carditis

5. What term means «skull»?

     A. Зв’язка.

     B. Кістка.

     C. Череп.

     D. Суглоб.

     E. Хрящ.



6. What term means «adrenal gland»?

     A. Щитовидна залоза.

     B. Шишкоподібна залоза.

     C. Гіпофіз.

     D. Надниркова залоза.

     E. Загрудинна залоза.


7. What term means «fracture»?

     A. Опік.

     B. Забій.

     C. Кровотеча.

     D. Перелом.

     E. Обмороження.


8. If you have a sore throat, ________ you mouth every hour.

     A. gargle.

     B. apply.

     C. rinse.

     D. catch.

     E. keep.


9. The nurse ________ injection to patient.

     A. take.

     B. apply.

     C. give.

     D. make.

     E. do.


10.  Erythrocytes are ________ blood cells.

     A. red.

     B. green.

     C. white.

     D. blue.

     E. yellow.


11. What substances are produced by endocrine glands?    

     A. Enzymes.

     B. Hormones.

     C. Proteins.

     D. Vitamins.

     E. Glucose.





12. Where is the thyroid gland situated?    

     A. Under the heart.

     B. In the front part of the neck.

     C. In the back part of the neck.

     D. In the left side of the chest.

     E. In the right side of the chest.


13. What is there in the center of each cell?    

     A. Ribosome.

     B. Lysosome.

     C. Centriole.

     D. Cytoplasm.

     E. Nucleus.


14. Vitamin ________ prevents scurvy.

     A. A.

     B. B.

     C. C.

     D. D.

     E. E.


15. Where do we usually take our pulse?

     A. On the wrist.

     B. On the ankle.

     C. In the armpit.

     D. In the groin.

     E. Under the knee.


16. The _______ nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord.

     A. central.

     B. middle.

     C. autonomous.

     D. somatic.

     E. peripheral.


17. You touched a hot iron with your fingers. What do you feel?

     A. Pain.

     B. Thirst.

     C. Satisfaction.

     D. Joy.

     E. Horror.





18. Mouth, pharynx, gullet, stomach, __________, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anal canal form the system of digestion.

     A. liver.

     B. bladder.

     C. kidneys.

     D. lugs.

     E. duodenum.


19. Where are fecal masses formed?

     A. In the kidneys.

     B. In the bladder.

     C. In the appendix.

     D. In the rectum.

     E. In the large intestine.


20. Where is the stomach situated?

     A. In the thoracic cavity.

     B. In the abdominal cavity.

     C. In the oral cavity.

     D. In the head.

     E. In the large intestine.


21. A children’s disease which is characterized by repeated attacks of coughing is _________.

     A. whooping cough.

     B. diphtheria.

     C. scarlet fever.

     D. mumps.

     E. chicken pox.


22. What symptoms is the most common in respiratory diseases?

     A. Cough.

     B. Fatigue.

     C. Fever.

     D. Headache.

     E. Heartache.


23. What membrane separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?

     A. Septum.

     B. Diaphragm.

     C. Wall.

     D. Lungs.

     E. Stomach.



24. The greater circulation begins with _______.

     A. the right heart.

     B. the left ventricle.

     C. the right ventricle.

     D. the left atrium.

     E. the right atrium.


25. The heart and blood vessels form the ________.

     A. digestive system.

     B. nervous system.

     C. urinary system.

     D. cardiovascular system.

     E. endocrine system.


26. What term means «sprain»?

     A. Перелом.

     B. Вивих.

     C. Забій.

     D. Розтягнення.

     E. Контузія.


27. First aid in fracture of the limb is _______.

     A. to put plaster cast.

     B. to use splints for broken limb.

     C. to let person move.

     D. to put bandage on the place of fracture.

     E. to press on the place of pain.


28. This dangerous infectious respiratory disease is a great problem today.

     A. Pneumonia.

     B. Cancer of lungs.

     C. Influenza.

     D. Tuberculosis.

     E. Emphysema.


29. The main function of the mammary glands is _________.

     A. to produce milk.

     B. to regulate the temperature.

     C. to form the figure.

     D. to protect the heart.

     E. All answers are right.





30. What term means «scapula»?

     A. Ключиця.

     B. Таз.

     C. Зап’ясток.

     D. Лопатка.

     E. Ліктьова кістка.


31. Tom is _______ doctor.

  1. -.
  2. a.
  3. an.
  4. the.
  5. some


32. _______ you do morning exercises every day?

  1. Does.
  2. Do.
  3. Don’t.
  4. Have.
  5. Has


33. If I ________ you, I’d eat more fruit.

  1. wasn’t                    
  2. were                       
  3. would                
  4. would be
  5. will be


34. They seem to have been treated, _______ this new method.

     A. use.

     B. using.

     C. to use.

     D. used.

     E. to using.


35. If the nurses were given up-to-date apparatus, they _______ prevent many fatal cases.

     A. will.

     B. won’t.

     C. would.

     D. will be.

     E. would be.





36. Jack _______ go to hospital yesterday.

     A. has to.

     B. should.

     C. can.

     D. had to.

     E. must.


37. He is terribly fat. He ________ eat too much.

     A. would.

     B. should.

     C. can’t.

     D. had to.

     E. mustn’t.


38.  Mrs. Robson died in her sleep. Her doctor told me she ________ from a weak heart for some time.

     A. had been suffering.

     B. was suffering.

     C. had suffered.

     D. suffered.

     E. has suffered.


39. Suddenly they heard a strange noise and _______ at each other in horror.

     A. had looked.

     B. was looking.

     C. had been looking.

     D. looked.

     E. has looked.


40. I am tired. We _______ for more than an hour. Let's stop and rest for a while.

     A. are walking.

     B. have been walking.

     C. walk.

     D. have walked.

     E. walked.


41. Jack Strom has been a doctor all his life; he _______ people.

     A. are treating.

     B. treats.

     C. treat.

     D. has been treating.

     E. treated.



42. ________do you like to do on the weekends? 

    A. How.

     B. What.

     C. Who.

     D. Where.

     E. When.


43. Driving to work in a car is much _______ than riding a bicycle. 

     A. faster.

     B. fast.

     C. fastest.

     D. as fast.

     E. more faster.


44. I can't go right now because I still have a _____ orders to fill by 5 o'clock.

     A. few.

     B. little.

     C. some.

     D. any.

     E. more.


45. The nurse has already applied plaster cast.

A. Present Simple.      

B. Present Perfect Continuous.     

C. Present Continuous.    

D. Present Perfect.

E. Past Perfect Continuous.    

















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