Дидактичний матеріал для розвитку навичок аудіювання з теми «Ukraine»

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Тема "Ukraine" є однією з найважливіших тем на уроках англійської мови, так як ми маємо чудову можливість для формування національної свідомості та почуття національної гідності, виховуємо бажання у дітей вивчати культуру, традиції, героїчне минуле і сьогодення українського народу.

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Дидактичний матеріал для розвитку навичок аудіювання з теми     «Ukraine»

4196584-heart-icon-of-ukraineUkraine, a European country

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. The village of Dilove (district of Rakhiv, province of Transcarpathian) is considered to be the geographical centre of Europe.

Ukraine stretches from the mountains in the west to the steppes in the A)..............., and from the marshes in the north to the B)...............in the south.

Ukraine's longest C)...............is the Dnipro. It ranks as Europe's third longest waterway. It divides the country into right-bank and left-bank Ukraine, and flows south to the Black Sea, Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate continental climate. It has cold winters with snow and warm D)............... .The temperature ranges between +25°C and -8°C.

Ukraine is mostly a flat plain with extremely fertile black  soil.

Mount Hoverla (2,061 m) in the Carpathians is the highest E)...............in the country. There are many treeless summits which are called polonynas.

Ukraine has 5% of the world's mineral resources. There are 80 different types, including coal, iron, ore, titanium, granite and marble.

Ukraine is famous for its F)...............with plantations of pine, oak, beech and birch. Most forests are in the Carpathians and Polissia.

Ukraine has more than 3,000 lakes. In the Shatski lakes in the North-West there are a lot of fish: perch, pike and carp.

The animal world of the Crimean Mountains is G)...............from the other zones. The Black Sea is deep and has a wide range of animal life. However, there is no life lower than 1,500 m H)...............The deepest point of the Black Sea is 2,210m.


Task: Listen to the text and complete the text with the words:

River, forests, different, summers, deep, east, peak, steppes,

Keys: A) east; B) steppes; C) river; D) summers; E) peak; F) forests; G) different;

H) deep.

Text 5

The climate of Ukraine

The climate of Ukraine as well as any other country much 1)………….. its geographical position.

Ukraine is situated in the  2) …………….. Central Europe, so its climate is moderate. Winter is rather mild with no severe fronts but with snowfalls everywhere except its southern part. The rivers and lakes freeze in winter. Summer is hot and dry with  3)………………… and thunderstorms.

As Ukraine is rather a big country its climate is different in various regions of it. Of course, the coldest region is that in the North and in the North-east. The hottest one is in the South, it is subtropical there. The climate on the territory along the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov is much warmer. The Carpathian and the Crimean Mountains greatly influence the climate on the whole country: they protect the country from 4)………… ……………..

In the central part of the country the climate is moderate and continental. The differences in climate are coursed by many factors: by latitude, relief, altitude and 5)……………….. The climate varies not only from north to south, but also from the north-west to the south-east.

The coldest month is January with a  6)…………………. of -42 °C. The warmest month is July with a record high temperature of+45 °C.

So, the bigger the country is, the more climatic regions it has.


Task: Listen to the text and complete the text using these phrases:

south-eastern part of ; record low temperature; depends upon; occasional rains;    proximity to seas & oceans; bitter winds.

Keys: 1) depends upon; 2). south-eastern part of; 3).occasional rains; 4).bitter winds; 5). proximity to seas & oceans; 6) record low temperature.



4 квітня 2018
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