Дидактичний матеріал для розвитку навичок аудіювання з теми «Ukraine. Visit Kyiv famous sights»

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Дидактичний матеріал для розвитку навичок аудіювання з теми     «Ukraine. Visit Kyiv famous sights»



St Sophia's Cathedral

St Sophia's Cathedral was built in 1037 during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs and to glorify Christianity. The Cathedral is 37 metres long, 35 metres wide and 29 metres high. In 1707, the Cathedral was rebuilt in the style of Ukrainian baroque. The church became a holy place of worship for ancient Kyivites. It was a major cultural and political centre of Kyivan Rus’. The first library and school were situated there. It was the centre for the writing of manuscripts.

Nowhere else in Europe does one find so many frescos and mosaics. The Cathedral is surrounded by monastery buildings that date from the 17th century. The Cathedral’s interior has been touched by very few changes. The iconostasis dates from the 18th century and cast-iron plates on the floor from the 19th century. Today St Sophia’s museum includes the branches of St Cyril’s Church, St Andrew’s Church, the Golden Gate.


Task: Listen to the text and match the beginning and ending of sentences.

1.The Cathedral is 37 metres long, 35 metres wide and…

2.The church became a holy place of worship…

3.The Cathedral is surrounded by monastery buildings…

4.The iconostasis dates from the 18th century and…

5.Nowhere else in Europe does one find…

6.Today St Sophia’s museum includes the branches of…


a). that date from the 17th century.

b). 29 metres high.

c). cast-iron plates on the floor from the 19th century.. above the Dnieper.

d). St. Cyril’s Church, St Andrew’s Church, the Golden Gate.

e). so many frescos and mosaics.

Keys: 1.b   2.e   3.a   4.c   5.e   6. d


Text 3

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Monastery

It seems to me that the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Monastery is a spiritual and cultural treasury of the Ukrainian people. On its territory there are more than 80 buildings, among them 37 monuments of the 11th and later centuries, the caves of the Lavra Monastery are a unique creation of nature and human hands.

The monastery stands on the green hills above the Dnieper. It occupies a huge territory of 22 hectares. It covers two big hills and the valley between them. In the 12th century as one of the biggest ones it got the name lavra (“street” in Greek). The monastery developed rapidly. It became the Kyiv-Brother Collegium. In 1701, it was reorganized into the Kyiv Mohyla Academy.


For many centuries the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Monastery was the seat of Ukrainian culture. In the 16-17th centeries a number of outstanding public figures were educated in the monastery.

In 1926, a government decree proclaimed the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery an ancient monument under state protection.


Task: Listen to the text and decide whether these statements are true or false:


1) A spiritual and cultural treasury of the Ukrainian people is the St Sophia's Cathedral.

2) The caves of the Lavra Monastery are a unique creation of nature and human hands.

3) Dnieper covers two big hills and the valley.

4) The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was reorganized into the Kyiv Mohyla Academy in the XVIII century.

5) A number of outstanding public figures were educated in the monastery in the 16-17th.

6) In the 12th century as one of the biggest ones it got the name cathedral.

Keys:  1.False ; 2.True; 3.False; 4.True; 5.True; 6.False.



4 квітня 2018
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