Дидактичний матеріал з англійської мови на тему"Technology"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал містить ряд запитань для розвику та удосконалення умінь та навичок усного мовлення з теми: "Technology". Рекомендовано для учнів 9-11 класів.
Перегляд файлу


  • How important is technology in modern life?
  • Which technologies do you use at work?
  • Which technological gadgets do you have?
  • How much time do you spend on the computer?
  • Do you use social media? If so, how much time do you spend on social media?
  • Which technology could you live without?
  • Which technology could you not live without?
  • In your opinion, what's the most important type of technology in our lives?
  • Are you comfortable using a computer?
  • Do you think we can trust what we read on the internet?
  • How can we recognize if something is trustworthy on the internet?
  • What type of device would you like to buy?
  • How much money do you spend on technology every year?
  • Can you program a computer? If not, would you like to learn?
  • Do you spend more time watching TV or surfing the internet?
  • Do you ever shop online? If so, what type of things do you buy online?
  • What would happen if we lost electricity for a long period of time?
  • If you could, would you use less or more technology every day?
  • What type of technology do you find frustrating?
  • Which type of technology do you find the most helpful in your daily life?