Дидактичний матеріал з англійської мови "Read and Match"

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тематиці ситуативного спілкування учнів початкових

класів. Мета посібника – поглибити інтерес учнів до

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Нагорнюк  І.А.

Дидактичний матеріал для уроків англійської мови

 в початкових класах











 Поданий посібник  містить тексти для читання, які відповідають

тематиці ситуативного спілкування учнів початкових

класів. Мета посібника – поглибити інтерес учнів до

читання та розуміння прочитаного, активізувати

лексичний та граматичний матеріал, стимулювати

самостійну діяльність учнів.

      Посібник призначений для вчителів, що працюють

в початковій школі.





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1. This room isn’t big. There is a bath in it. It is white. The walls in                                            this room are light brown. You can brush your teeth or have a shower                                                 in this room.                                                                                                                                          


2. This room is light and big. There are two armchairs and a sofa in it.                                                They are white. There is a table in the middle of the room. It is small.                                         You can sit and read a book or watch TV there.                                                                                   


3. This room is large.There is a cooker and a sink in it. There is a table                                       and a chair on the left. There are some cupboards on the wall. They are                                              light green. You can cook breakfast or lunch in this room   






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1. This room is large. It has a large soft bed with white pillows.                                                   There is a bedside table in it. The curtains in this room are light                                                   green. I think this room is very comfortable.                                                                                


2. This room is large and light because there are six windows in                                                         it. In the middle of the room there’s a table with six comfortable                                                  chairs around it.   


  3. This room is big. The furniture is red and grey. There are  some toys in this room. The bed is unusual because it is in the                                                     shape of a car. I think this room is cozy.

















  1. Free Time.
  2. At School.
  3. My Friends.
  4. Favourite Characters.
  5. Jobs.
  6. Holidays.
  7. Seasons and Weather.
  8. Fruit and Vegetables.
  9. Food.
  10. Animals.
  11. This is My Flat.
























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      1. These children are in the yard now. Their names are Vicky,

         Jane and Ann. Vicky and Jane are schoolgirls but Ann doesn’t 

          go to school. She is only five. 


     2. The children are in the yard now. Vicky and Bill are playing

       a ball now. They like this game very much. Their dog  is   

        looking  at them.  


      3. Vicky and Bill aren’t at school today. They have got holidays

        The weather is fine and they are in the yard now. They are

         playing  a ball.








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        1. This animal lives at the sea bottom. It has got a hard shell It has got five pairs of legs. It feeds on fish and other animals                                                     which live at the sea bottom. The crab is grey or brown when                                                    it is alive but when it is boiled it becomes red in colour.                                                            


2. This animal spends almost all its life in the water. It leaves                                                    water only to warm itself in the sun, to rest and to sleep. It                                                        lives in the cold countries but it has no hair. This animal                                                           swims fast and dives for fish.                                                                                                     


3. This is the biggest animal living on the dry land. It lives in                                                     wet tropical forests of Africa and Asia. This animal eats                                                                     leaves, grass, bananas, plants, young bamboo.






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1. This animal lives in hot countries. It is green. It has got a big                                            mouth. It has got four short legs and a long tail. This animal                                                 eats fish and meat.                                                                                                                            


2. This animal lives in the forests of the warm countries.

I t climbs up the trees with its hands and legs. It likes young                                                 leaves   and fruit. This animal is very funny.                                                                                  


3. This animal usually lives in the nests or in the hollows of the                                             trees.  It likes to eat  nuts, berries and sometimes  bird eggs.                                                                                                                                               I t jumps   from one tree to another with the help of tail







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1. I can see two children in this picture. Their names are Tom

and Kate. They go to school and they like it. They like Maths

and Music but their favourite lesson is Reading. They are

reading a book now.


2. I can see children in this picture. They are sitting on the bench

The girl’s name is Jane and the boy’s name is John. They are                                                           

speaking  now


3. These children aren’t speaking now. They are good pupils

They are sitting on the bench and reading an interesting book




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1. Hello! My name is Tom. I’m a schoolboy. My hobby is football.  This game is very interesting and exciting. I play football with my  friends every day. You can see us in the photo. I like watching   football matches on TV, too. My favourite football player is Ruslan Rotan.


 2. Hello! My name is Tom. I’m at school now. We are playing musical instruments. Look at this photo, please. Jim is playing the drum, Jane is playing the violin and I’m playing the saxophone.     I also like listening to music. My favourite kind of music is   Rock’n’Roll          


 3. Hello! My name is Tom. I’m a schoolboy. My hobby is sport.            I like swimming, basketball and football. I go swimming on                                               Sundays and Tuesdays. I play basketball  every day.                                                                                                 






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  1. This animal lives in a cage. It looks like a mouse- but it is bigger. It has got sharp teeth. This animal likes corn, seeds and carrots.


  1. This animal lives on a farm. It can swim and walk. It has got two wings and a beak. This animal feeds on grass and corn.


  1. This animal looks like a wolf – but it’s domestic. It lives on   farms or in houses. It has got short or long  ears.  It can bark and it  likes bones.




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  1. This animal lives on farms. It helps people. It is brown or black, grey or white. This animal has got a long neck and a tail. It eats grass and corn.


  1. This animal lives on farms or in houses. It’s black or white, grey or red. This animal has got a long tail. It can catch mice.



  1. This animal lives on farms. It has got long ears and a short tail. Its hair is fluffy. It likes carrots, cabbage and grass.






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  1.          My friends go to school. Their names are Nick and Vicky.  They like reading, writing and doing sums. But their favourite                                             lesson is Art. Nick and Vicky like painting  most of all. They                                              have got new pencils and they are going to draw now.  


  1.          Nick and Vicky are in the classroom now. They are at the        lesson. They are listening to their teacher. Their teacher’s name      is Mrs. White. She is very kind and friendly to her children.                                                 


3.     Nick and Vicky aren’t in the classroom. They are at home now. It’s Sunday today. Children don’t go to school on Sunday.   They aren’t painting now. They are sitting at the desk and reading a book. Nick has got a pen in his hand. He is wearing a red shirt. Vicky is wearing a blue dress.                                                                                                                             








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  1. Hello! My name’s Tom. I’m eight and I go to school

I like to read and write but my favourite lesson is Sport.

 I’m fond  basketball. I play basketball with my friends.

 Sport is useful for our life.


 2.  Hello! I’m Andy. I’m eight. I’m a pupil and I go to school

  My school is big and new. Our lessons start  at 9 o’clock.                                            

  I have got 5 lessons every day. Our lessons are interesting.

       I like to listen to our teacher and answer her questions.


 3. Hello! I’m Alex. I’m a pupil and I go to school. I like my

 school and my teachers. After school I go to my football club

and play football with my friends. It’s cool! Our uniform is

blue and yellow. I like watching football matches on TV, too.



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  1. This dish is very tasty. You need some eggs, some milk, some salt and sugar. Break the eggs into a bowl, add some salt and sugar and pour some milk. Mix all ingredients and fry the mixture into the hot pan.


  1. This is my favourite dish. My mum cooks them every Saturday.  She takes some flour, some eggs and some sugar.  I like eating them with jam, my sister likes them with sour cream.


  1. This dish is very popular in Ukraine. Ukrainian people like it with pampushkas and sour cream. You need  a lot of different vegetables to cook it



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  1. I have this  dish for breakfast. It’s easy to cook it. You need one bread roll, some cheese, some tomatoes and cucumbers. It’s delicious.


  1. This dish is healthy. You need two cucumbers, three tomatoes, one onion and some oil. You can make it yourself. It’s very easy.


  1. This is my favourite dish. I make it every Sunday. I take two kiwis, one orange, one banana, some straw- berries and some ice cream. Yummy!




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1. Hello! I’m eight and I go to school. My school is big and                                           new. There are a lot of classrooms in it. My classroom is on                                           the second floor. I like my school and my school uniform.                                             


  2. Hello! I’m Andy. I’m nine. I’m a schoolboy. I’m wearing a              green sweater, blue trousers and grey shoes. I’m in the classroom now. I’m looking at the blackboard and listening                                           to my teacher.

3. Hello! I’m Helen. I go to school and I’m a schoolgirl.                                                 Look! I’m wearing a brown dress and a white apron. I                                                    have got grey socks and red shoes on my feet. I like my                                                 school uniform. And what about you?




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  1. Hello! I’m a young princess but I live in the wood. My skin is white, my hair is black, my lips are red. I have got seven friends. They are friendly and kind. We like singing and dancing together.
  2. Hello! I’m a little girl. My hair is long and blue. I’m wearing a blue dress. It’s nice. I like to read and write I have got a lot of friends. They are kind and friendly. 


  1. Hello! I’m a little girl. My hair is fair and my eyes are green. I am very active and curious. Sometimes I’m naughty buy I’m kind. I have got a lot of friends but Misha  is the best one.    




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     1. This fruit is very tasty and juicy. It grows in hot countries.      There are a lot of vitamins in it. It’s round and orange.


2. It’s a vegetable. It’s long and orange. There are a lot of vitamins in it. This vegetable is tasty. It  is useful for your eyes and teeth.


3. This fruit is sour but it’s useful. It is yellow. There are a lot of vitamins in it. I like to drink tea with it.








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  1. I like it very much. It’s green and tasty. It is long.

 It is a vegetable.


  1. I like it very much because it’s juicy. There are a

 lot of vitamins in it so it’s useful. It helps your teeth.

 It’s round and green.


  1. It is round and green. There are a lot of vitamins in it.

   You need this vegetable to cook borsch. I like because

     it’s useful.










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1. This character is kind and funny. He has got a lot of friends and he likes to visit them. This character likes to make up funny songs and sing them. But he likes honey most of all. Honey is his favourite food.      


2. This character is small and funny. He can run and move very quickly. His tail is long and black. He has got a small black nose. He is kind and brave.         


3. This character is big and fat. His skin is green. He has got unusual ears. His teeth are big. This character is kind, he has got a lot of friends.








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1. I wear a uniform and I work with other people. I work during the day or at night. I help children when they are ill. I like my job. I work in a hospital.


2. I work inside and outside, and I work during the day or at night. I drive a car and sometimes I walk along the street. I wear a uniform. Most people think this job is dangerous but I like it. I like to help people.


 3. I enjoy my job because I like my subject and I like children. I don’t wear a uniform. I work during the day and teach young learners. They are friendly and kind. I work five days a week. My job is interesting.








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         1. This is the season when days are long and nights are short.                                                                                The weather is hot and sunny. Children don’t go to school. They can swim in the warm sea,  play games, go to the park                                                                   or to the forest.


         2. This is the season when children can skate and ski. Boys and girls like to make a snowman or a snow castle. This season is                                                       very beautiful because everything is white and nice.


         3. This is the season when the leaves fall down from the trees.         They are yellow, red and brown. It often rains, the sky is grey.                                                      People wear raincoats and boots.                                                                                                                                                               





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           1. This season is very beautiful. The trees are yellow and brown.  There are a lot of leaves on the ground. It’s sometimes cool and    rainy. People wear raincoats and boots.  


2. This is the season when days are short and nights are long.

There is much snow everywhere. Children can skate and ski.  

Boys and girls like to make a snowman or a snow castle.  


3. This season comes after winter. It is cool and wet. Sometimes           it’s frosty and sunny. The snow is melting. Fields and meadows

turn green with grass and there are first flowers in the gardens                                                             and in the parks.    



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1. I think my job is very interesting. I usually work inside but sometimes when the weather is fine I work outside. I don’t wear a uniform. I draw and paint pictures for magazines and books.


2. I work inside. I don’t often sit down at work. I meet a lot of different people during a day and help them find the things they

want to buy. My job is interesting.


3. I wear a uniform and work inside. I usually work a lot of hours a day. My patients are ill animals. I like helping them because animals are a part of nature. I enjoy my job because I like animals, they are funny and friendly.









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  1. The British celebrate this holiday in spring. On this day people follow the old tradition of eating eggs and hot cross buns. Many families gather together at dinner and organize egg hunts.


  1. This holiday is celebrated in winter. The symbol of this holiday is a “valentine”, a greeting card named after St. Valentine.  People of all ages love to send and receive valentines. 


  1. The important part of this holiday is a lantern made of                                                                                                 pumpkin with holes in the shape of eyes, a nose and a mouth. They celebrate this holiday in autumn.









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  1. It is the biggest holiday of the year. Ukrainian people celebrate it with big dinner. The main dish of it is kutia Children like to sing koliadky. Ukrainian celebrate this holiday in winter.


  1. Ukrainian people celebrate this holiday in spring. Coloured eggs and paska is the symbol of the holiday. People usually go to church and give thanks to Christ this day.


  1. Ukrainian children like this holiday very much because they have a lot of presents. They believe St. Nicholas  brings them at night. In Ukraine we celebrate it in winter, December,19.






















































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