Tip: Use links to go to a different page inside your presentation. How: Highlight text, click on the link symbol on the toolbar, and select the page in your presentation you want to connect. Introduction. History. Mission. Values. Goals and Strategy. Organizational Chart. Culture. Calendar and Key Dates. Contact. Whiteboard. Brainstorm. Resources
Номер слайду 3
Дев’яте січня. Класна робота
Номер слайду 4
,поділити на 1 000 - прибрати три нулі.6000 : 1000 = 6
Номер слайду 5
2016 Briefly elaborate on a milestone the company achieved in this period. 2017 Briefly elaborate on a milestone the company achieved in this period. 333 300333 330333 333180609324000 + 300000 :10000 = 24000 + 30 = 24 03024030
Номер слайду 6
Домашнє завданняс. 5 Приклади 13 Приклади 7 ( другий стовпчик) на с. 2 друкованого зошита