Ділова подорож. У місті.

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Розробка допоможе розширити словниковий запас студентів новими словами і виразами, які можуть бути використані під час прогулянки містом
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Тема: Ділова подорож. У місті.

Мета: Розширити словниковий запас студентів новими словами і виразами, які можуть бути використані під час прогулянки містом.

Студент повинен:

  • знати слова і вирази, які можуть бути використані під час ділової подорожі, орієнтації у місті;
  • уміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми, реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри та розуміти комунікативні наміри співрозмовника в типових ситуаціях під час перебування у місті; вміти називати основні об’єкти та орієнтуватись на місцевості.


Hutchinson Tom. English for life. Elementary.  — Oxford University Press ELT, 2009.

Забезпечення заняття: опорний конспект, картки із завданнями, посібник, планшетний комп’ютер.

Хід заняття


  1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. What other places in a town do you know?

  1. a park
  2. a market
  3. a car park
  4. a pedestrian crossing
  5. a hairdresser’s
  6. a square
  7. a hospital
  8. a station
  9. a newsagent’s
  10. a chemist’s
  11. a post office
  12. public toilets
  13. a street
  14. on the corner of
  15. opposite
  16. next to
  17. between
  18. at the end of


  1. What are these places? More than one answer may be correct.
  1. You take the train here.
  2. You buy medicine here.
  3. You get money here.
  4. You park your car here.
  5. You buy food here.
  6. Doctors and nurses work here.
  7. You cross the road here.
  8. You buy newspaper here.
  9. Someone cuts your hair here.
  10. You wait for the bus here.


  1. Read the conversation.

Man: Excuse me. Are there any banks near here?

Woman: Banks? No, there aren’t. There are three or four banks in the town centre, but there isn’t a bank near here.

Man: Oh dear. I need a cash machine.

Woman: Oh, well, there’s a cash machine at the petrol station over there.

Man: Thank you very much.

Woman:  That’s OK.

Man: Oh, there’s just one more thing.

Woman: Yes?

Man: Is there a pedestrian crossing near here?


  1. Ask and answer about the area around your college. Use the cues.

  1. a cash machine
  2. a post office
  3. any good restaurants
  4. a cinema
  5. any hotels
  6. a sport centre
  7. any car parks
  8. a petrol station


  1. Read the conversation and choose the correct answer.
  1. What’s your town like?
  2. Well, it’s quite old. There’s a big square in the town centre. It’s called Town Hall Square because the town hall is there. Here – I’ve got a postcard of the square. The town hall is the big building at the end of the square.
  1. Is there a market in the square?
  2. Yes, there is. There’s a market every Wednesday. And once a year there’s a French market, too.
  1. A French market?
  2. Yes, the people from France come to the town, and you can buy French cheese and bread and things like that.
  1. That sounds nice. What are the other buildings in the square?
  2. Well, on one side of the square there’s a big hotel – The Angel Hotel. There’s a good restaurant at the hotel and there’s a club in the cellar, too. We usually go there on Saturday nights.
  1. Uh-huh.
  2. Opposite the hotel there’s a museum.
  1. What kind of museum is it?
  2. Oh, there are photographs and things about the town there. Next to the museum – between the museum and the town hall – there’s a café. When the weather’s nice, you can sit outside in front of it.
  1. Where are the shops?
  2. Oh, well, when you leave Town Hall Square, there’s a post office on the corner next to the hotel. Then you come into Penny Street. Most of the shops are there. There are clothes shops, shoe shops, banks – the normal places. It’s a pedestrian street, so there aren’t any cars.


  1. What is the name of the square?
  1. Market Square
  2. Town Hall Square
  1. When is the market?
  1. every Wednesday
  2. every Thursday
  1. What happens in the square once a year?
  1. a music festival
  2. a French market
  1. What is the name of the hotel?
  1. The Lancaster hotel
  2. The Angel Hotel
  1. What is in the hotel cellar?
  1. a club
  2. a hairdresser’s
  1. Which shops does the speaker mention?
  1. book shops
  2. clothes shops



6.  Homework: Describe the centre of your town or city. Use the words and expressions:

There’s …

There are …

It’s called …



on the corner of


next to


at the end of


29 березня 2020
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