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Словник, де вміщенні пояснення і переклад кожного слова з 5 тем: родина, дім,погода,їжа,місто
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Father: a male parent; the man who is the parent of a child.(тато)

Mother: a female parent; the woman who is the parent of a child.(мама)

Brother: the male child of the same parents.(брат)

Sister: the female child of the same parents.(сестра)

Son: a male child.(син)

Daughter: a female child.(дочка)

Grandfather: the father of your mother or father.(дід)

Grandmother: the mother of your mother or father.(бабуся)

Uncle: the brother of your mother or father; or husband of your aunt.(дядько)

Aunt: the sister of your mother or father; or wife of your uncle.(тітка)




Husband: a married man; the male partner in a marriage. (чоловік)

Wife: a married woman; the female partner in a marriage.


 Father-in-law: the father of your husband or wife; related by marriage.(свекор)

  • Mother-in-law: the mother of your husband or wife; related by marriage.(свекруха)

Cousin: the child of your aunt or uncle; a relative of the same generation.(двоюрідний брат,сестра)

Stepfather: the husband of your mother, but not biological father.(вітчим)

Stepmother: the wife of your father, but not biological mother.(мачуха)


Stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather; not a biological sister.(зведена сестра

Stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather; not a biological brother.

(зведений брат)

  • Family tree: a diagram showing the relationships between people in several generations of a family; a genealogical chart.(сімейне дерево)
  • Ancestor: a person who was in your family in the past times, several generations ago; also called forebear or progenitor.
  • (предок)
  • Descendant: a person who relates to a specific ancestor.
  • (нащадок)
  • Triplets: three siblings born at the same time; three children born to the same mother at one birth.(трійня)


Sibling: a brother or sister; a person with the same parents as another person.

(сестра і брат)

Nephew: the son of your brother or sister; your sibling's male child.


Niece: the daughter of your brother or sister; your sibling's female child.


Great-grandfather: the grandfather of your mother or father.(прадід)

Great-grandmother: the grandmother of your mother or father.(прабаба)

Twins:two siblings born at the same time; three children born to the same mother at one birth.(близнюки)



















Weather Зображення — огляд 8,514,352 Стокові фото, векторні зображення й  відео | Adobe Stock

Climate: the general weather conditions in an area over a long period; can be categorized into different types.(клімат)

Sunny: when the sun is shining brightly; clear skies and no clouds.


Cloudy: filled with clouds; often indicates that the weather might become rainy.(хмарно)

Rainy: wet weather; precipitation in the form of water droplets.(дощ)

Snowy: cold weather with falling or lying snow; often associated with winter.(сніжно)

Windy: characterized by strong winds; can be cool or warm.


Foggy: thick mist or haze; visibility is often reduced.


Stormy: violent weather with rain, wind, thunder, etc.; often includes lightning.(гроза)

Clear: no clouds in the sky; often after a storm or rainy period.


Overcast: covered with clouds; no sun is visible.(похмуро)

Chilly: quite cold; cooler than what might be comfortable.


Mild: moderate in temperature; neither hot nor cold.


Sleet: often occurs when rain freezes as it falls.

(мокрий сніг)

Drizzle: light rain; smaller droplets that often persist for extended periods.



Temperature: measurement of heat or cold; measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.(температура)

Humidity: the amount of moisture in the air; can make the weather feel hotter or cooler.(вологість)

Precipitation: any form of water falling from the sky, including rain, snow, sleet, etc.(опади)

Meteorology: the scientific study of the atmosphere and weather; meteorologists are the people who study this field.(метеорологія)

Cold front: boundary of an advancing mass of cold air; associated with cooler weather.(холодний фронт)

High pressure: weather conditions with dry, clear skies; often associated with fair weather.

(високий тиск)

Low pressure: weather conditions with wet, cloudy skies; often associated with storms.(низький тиск)

Barometer: an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure; used in weather forecasting.(барометр)

Gale: very strong wind; usually from 34 to 40 knots.

(сильний вітер)


Visibility: the distance one can clearly see; often reduced in conditions like fog.(видимість)

Dew point: the temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture; related to humidity.

(рівень роси)


Hurricane: a tropical storm with violent wind; can cause severe damage.


Tornado: a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds; associated with thunderstorms.(торнадо)

Drought: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water.(засуха)

Flood: an overflow of a large amount of water; often causes destruction.


Blizzard: a severe snowstorm with strong winds; leads to poor visibility.(завірюха)

Earthquake: shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth; not a weather condition but often included in emergency broadcasts.


Thunderstorm: a storm with thunder and lightning; often accompanied by heavy rain.(гроза)

Lightning: a sudden electrical discharge from a thunderstorm; results in a visible flash.(блискавка)

Tsunami: large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption; not weather-related but can be a natural disaster.(цунамі)

Cyclone: a system of winds rotating inwards; in the Northern Hemisphere, they rotate counterclockwise.(циклон)

Hail: balls or lumps of ice that fall from clouds; often occurs during severe thunderstorms.(злива)

Tropical: relating to the regions near the equator; usually hot and humid.


Arctic: pertaining to the areas around the North (арктичний)

Pole; extremely cold and icy.(полюс)

Monsoon: a seasonal wind, often bringing heavy rainfall; common in parts of Asia.(мусон)

Equinox: time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator; day and night are of equal length.


Solstice: time or date when the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination; the longest or the shortest day of the year.


Polar: relating to the North or South Pole; extremely cold climates.(полярний)




















54 Rooms in a House: Design Inspiration for Every Corner of Your Home

Room: a section within the house that is separated by walls; each room serves a specific function.(кімната)

Living room: a room in a house for general and informal everyday use.(вітальня)

Kitchen: the name of the room where food is prepared and cooked.(кухня)

Dining room: a room where meals are served and eaten.(столова)

Bedroom: the name of the room for sleeping in.(спальня)

Bathroom: a room containing a toilet and typically also a sink and either a bathtub or shower.(ванна)

Hallway: a long passage inside a building with doors leading to rooms on either side.(коридор)

Closet: a small room or compartment for storing clothes, shoes, and other items.(клосет)

Floor: the lower surface in a room that you walk on.(підлога)

Ceiling: the upper of a room; opposite the floor.(стеля)

Wall: a vertical structure, often made of various materials, that encloses or separates home rooms.(стіна)

Window: a fitting in a wall or roof that allows light and air to enter a room.(вікно)

Door: a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle(двері)


Study or office: a room for reading, writing, or academic, professional work.(кабінет)

Library: a room where books, periodicals, and sometimes music and video recordings are kept for use or borrowing.(бібліотека)

Game room or recreation room: a room for relaxing and activities such as playing games or hobbies.(кімната відпочинку)

Home theater: a room equipped to reproduce the experience of a commercial theater in a private home.(домашній театр)

Guest room: a bedroom for the accommodation of guests.(спальня для гостей)

Nursery: a room in a house set up for the care of a young child or baby.(дитяча кімната)

Laundry room: a room where clothes are washed and ironed.(кімната для прання)

Craft room: a dedicated space for hobbies such as sewing, painting, or other crafts.(кімната ля заняття малюванням)

Music room: a room where musical instruments are kept and can be played without disturbing others.(кімната для заняття музикою)

Foyer: an entrance hall in a house or apartment.(фоє)

Family room: a casual, general-purpose room in a house often used for activities like watching television, or playing games.(сімейна кімната)


Gym or exercise room: a room with equipment for exercising. (спортивний зал)

Pantry: a small room or closet where people keep food, dishes, and cooking tools. (кладова)

Attic: a place or room right under a house's roof that is often used to store things.(горище)

Drawing room: a formal room where guests can be welcomed.(гостина кімната)

Billiard room: a room where you can play billiards.(більярдна кімната)

Gallery: a room or a group of rooms where art is shown.(галерея)

Parlor: a room used for conversation or the reception of guests; a sitting room.(кімната для перемовин)



Difference Between a City and a Town: Defining Places | YourDictionary


Bank: a place where people send, receive, deposit, or borrow money; where financial transactions occur.(банк)

Hospital: a facility where people receive medical treatment or care.(лікарня)

School: an institution for educating children and teenagers.(школа)

Library: a building containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and music for public use.(бібліотека)

Police station: a place where police officers work; a hub for law enforcement activities.(поліція)

Post office: a facility where mail is processed and sent; where stamps can be purchased.(пошта)

Fire station: a location housing firefighters and their equipment; responds to fire emergencies.(пожежна частина)

Church: a place of Christian worship; may also host community events.(церква)

Bus station: a hub where buses pick up and drop off passengers; central for public transportation.(автобусна станція)

Restaurant: a place where you can buy and eat meals; offers various cuisines.(рестроран)


Park: a public area with greenery for recreation and relaxation.(парк відпочинку)

Museum: a building or institution showcasing collections of artifacts, artworks, or scientific specimens.(музей)

Theater: a venue for live performances such as plays, movies, or concerts. (театр)

Gym: a facility equipped with exercise machines and weights; used for physical fitness.(спортивний зал)

Cafe: a small restaurant where you can buy drinks, especially coffee, and light meals.(кафе)

Zoo: a facility where animals are kept and displayed to the public.(зоопарк)

Art gallery: a space where artworks are exhibited; may offer pieces for sale.(картина галерея)

Amusement park: a large outdoor area with rides, shows, and other entertainment attractions.(парк розваг)

Beach: a sandy or pebbly shoreline by the sea or lake; used for relaxation and water activities.

Nightclub: an evening entertainment venue with music, dancing, and drinks.(нічний клуб)


Mall: a large enclosed shopping area with various stores and often restaurants.(торговий центр)

Supermarket: a large store selling groceries and household items.(супермаркет)

Pharmacy: a store where you can buy medicines and health-related products.(аптека)

Bakery: a place where bread, cakes, cookies, and other baked goods are made and sold.(пекарня)

Boutique: a small shop that sells fashionable clothing, jewelry, or other luxury items.(бутік)

Farmer's market: an open-air market where farmers sell their produce directly to consumers.(базар)

Bookstore: a shop where you can buy books; might also offer magazines and stationery.(книгарня)

Electronics store: a shop selling electronic devices like phones, computers, and TVs.(магазин техніки)

Shoe store: a retail shop specializing in footwear.

Furniture store: a large shop selling furniture for homes or offices.(меблевий магазин)















Фото Food, более 88 000 качественных бесплатных стоковых фото

Fruit - a type of food that grows on trees or bushes and has a sweet taste; Example sentence: I love to eat apples as a snack.(фрукти)

Vegetable - a type of food that is grown in the ground and is usually eaten as part of a meal; Example sentence: I like to add broccoli to my stir-fry.(овочі)

Dairy - a type of food that comes from animals such as cows, goats, and sheep; Example sentence: I love to put cheese on my sandwiches.(молочні продукти)

Grains - a type of food that comes from plants such as wheat, rice, and oats; Example sentence: I often eat oatmeal for breakfast.(зерно)

Meat - a type of food that comes from animals such as cows, chickens, and pigs; Example sentence: I enjoy eating steak for dinner.(м'ясо)

Fish - a type of food that comes from the sea; Example sentence: I often eat salmon for lunch.(риба)

Nuts - a type of food that comes from trees; Example sentence: I like to snack on almonds.(горіхи)

Eggs - a type of food that comes from chickens; Example sentence: I like to make scrambled eggs for breakfast.(яйця)

Herbs - a type of food that comes from plants such as basil, oregano, and rosemary; Example sentence: I like to add oregano to my pasta dishes.(трави)

Spices - a type of food that comes from plants such as cinnamon, cumin, and turmeric; Example sentence: I like to add cumin to my curries.(спеції)

Sweets - a type of food that is usually sugary and eaten as a treat; Example sentence: I love to eat chocolate as a dessert.(солодощі)

Soup - a type of food that is made from vegetables and stock; Example sentence: I often eat vegetable soup for lunch.(суп)

Salad - a type of food that is made from raw vegetables; Example sentence: I like to make a salad with lettuce and tomatoes.(салат)

Pasta - a type of food that is made from flour and water; Example sentence: I often eat spaghetti for dinner.(макарони)

Dessert - a type of food that is usually sweet and eaten after a meal; Example sentence: I love to eat ice cream for dessert.(десерт)


Bake - To cook food in an oven, usually covered with a lid or foil. Example: I like to bake a cake on the weekend.(пекти)

Boil - To heat a liquid until it reaches a temperature where it bubbles and produces steam. Example: I boiled the potatoes for 10 minutes.(варити)

Broil - To cook food directly under a heat source, such as a grill. Example: I broiled the steak for 5 minutes on each side.(смажити м'ясо)

Fry - To cook your meals in hot oil or fat. Example: I fried the onions until they were golden brown.(смажити)

Grill - To cook food over direct heat, usually on a metal grate. Example: I grilled the vegetables for a delicious side dish.(смажити на грилі)

Roast - To cook food in an oven, usually uncovered. Example: I roasted the chicken for an hour.(запікати)

Steam - To cook food by exposing it to steam, usually in a covered container. Example: I steamed the vegetables for a healthy side dish.(варити на пару)

Stew - To cook food slowly in a liquid, usually in a covered pot. Example: I stewed the beef for a few hours until it was tender.(тушкувати)

Smoke - To cook food over indirect heat with smoke from burning wood. Example: I smoked the ribs for hours until they were tender.(коптити)

Microwave - To cook food quickly using microwaves. Example: I microwaved the leftovers for a quick meal.(готувати в мікрохвильовці)

Barbecue - To cook food over direct heat, usually on a metal grate. Example: I barbecued the burgers on the grill for a delicious dinner.(готувати барбекю)

Plate - a flat dish used for serving food; Sentence example: She served the cake on a plate.(тарілка)

Bowl - a round container used for holding food; Sentence example: He ate his cereal from a bowl.(глибока тарілка)

Pot - a metal container used for cooking food; Sentence example: She boiled the potatoes in a pot.(казан)

Pan - a shallow metal container used for cooking food; Sentence example: She fried the eggs in a pan.(пательня)

Grater - a utensil with sharp edges used for shredding food; Sentence example: She grated the cheese with a grater.(терка)

Peeler - a utensil with a sharp blade used for peeling vegetables;


Flour - a powder made from grains, used to make bread, cakes, and other food - "I need to buy some flour to make a cake.(борошно)

Sugar - a sweet substance obtained from plants, used to sweeten food and drinks - "This recipe calls for a cup of sugar."(цукор)

Butter - a solid dairy product made from churning cream, used to add flavor and texture to food - "I spread the butter on my toast."(масло)

Eggs - a common ingredient in baking, used to bind and leaven food - "I added two eggs to the cake batter."(яйця)

Milk - a white liquid produced by mammals, used to make food and drinks - "I poured some milk into my cereal."(молоко)

Salt - a mineral used to add flavor to food - "I sprinkled some salt on my fries."(сіль)

Vanilla extract - a flavoring made from vanilla beans, used to flavor baked goods - "I added a teaspoon of vanilla extract to this cake batter."(ванільний цукор)

Chocolate - a sweet food made from cocoa, used to make desserts - "I melted some chocolate for the cake frosting."(шоколад)

Oats - a cereal grain, used to make oatmeal and other breakfast foods - "I cooked some oats for breakfast."(овес)

Honey - a sweet liquid made by bees, used to sweeten food and drinks - "I drizzled some honey on my toast."(мед)

Cream - a thick liquid made from milk, used to make sauces and desserts - "I added some cream to the soup."(вершки)

Cheese- a dairy product made from milk, used to add flavor to food - "I sprinkled some cheese on my pizza."(сир)

Oil - a liquid fat, used to cook food - "I heated some oil in the pan."(олія)

Spoon - a utensil used for stirring, scooping, and serving food; Sentence example: She stirred the soup with a spoon.(ложка)

Fork - a utensil with two or more prongs used for eating food; Sentence example: She ate her salad with a fork.(виделка)

Knife - a utensil with a sharp blade used for cutting food; Sentence example: He cut the steak with a knife.(ніж)






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