Мета: - узагальнити лексичний матеріал з теми «Food»; ввести й активізувати нові Л.О. з цієї теми;
- виховувати бажання дотримуватися здорового способу життя.
Name______________________________ Surname___________________________
Ice cream, sugar, milk, banana, rice, cheese, sausage, pizza, chips, potato, omelet, meat, fruit salad, coffee, butter, eggs, porridge, yoghurt, mayonnaise, pepper, peas, jam.
Food that comes from plants: _____________________________________________________________
Food that comes from animals: ___________________________________________________________
2) Guess the dish.
Match the words with their translation. |
1) cornflakes |
а) важливий |
2) bones |
b) багатство |
3) important |
с) кістки |
4) wealth |
d) також (у заперечних реченнях) |
5) either |
е) кукурудзяні пластівці |
Read the text and complete the table. FOOD THAT... |
Makes you strong and gives energy |
Help you to grow |
Makes your bones and teeth strong |
Has a lot of vitamins |
Yesterday I have three meals a day. I have: breakfast, dinner and supper. I eate a vegetable salad and sandwiches with tea and then I go to school. For dinner I have soup for starter, and meat with a lot of potatoes for main course. My mother come home and I cook the cake for dessert. For supper my father cook fried fish and mashed potatoes.