Family Tree. Royal Family.

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The Family Tree Royal Family

Номер слайду 2

Other things may change us, but we start and end with family

Номер слайду 3

My father has a sister Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt, And her children are my cousins, and their mother is my aunt. Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt, And her husband is my uncle, and his wife… well, that’s my aunt. Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt, And her brother is my father, and her sister is my aunt. And my aunt has got a brother, and her brother’s name is Chris, And his wife… well, that’s my mother, can you tell me who Chris is?

Номер слайду 4

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s ………….. . 6. John is Jenny’s ……. . 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s ……….. . 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s ……….. . 3. Ted is Amy’s ……….. . 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 5

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s ………….. . 6. John is Jenny’s ……. . 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s ……….. . 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s ……….. . 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 6

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s ………….. . 6. John is Jenny’s ……. . 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s ……….. . 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter . 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 7

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s ………….. . 6. John is Jenny’s ……. . 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter . 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 8

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s ………….. . 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 9

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s ……… . 7. Martha is Start’s grandmother. 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 10

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s ……… . 8. Jenny is Bob’s wife. 7. Martha is Start’s grandmother. 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 11

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s ……….. . 9. Elizabeth is John’s sister. 8. Jenny is Bob’s wife. 7. Martha is Start’s grandmother. 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 12

Janice is Bob’s ………. . 10. Stuart is Ted’s nephew. 9. Elizabeth is John’s sister. 8. Jenny is Bob’s wife. 7. Martha is Start’s grandmother. 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 13

Janice is Bob’s niece. 10. Stuart is Ted’s nephew. 9. Elizabeth is John’s sister. 8. Jenny is Bob’s wife. 7. Martha is Start’s grandmother. 6. John is Jenny’s son. 5. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother. 4. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter. 3. Ted is Amy’s husband. 2. Max is Jenny’s father. 1. Checking homework

Номер слайду 14

I, you, he, she, it, we, they played tennis yesterday. Past Simple affirmative

Номер слайду 15

I, you, he, she, it, we, they did+not play tennis yesterday. Past Simple interrogative

Номер слайду 16

I, you, he, she, it, we, they Did play tennis yesterday ? Past Simple negative

Номер слайду 17

. the kitchen her The asked daughter mother tidy to ? happy childhood Did grandparents a have your . country lived the family That in . in aunt born My was 1978 . that niece painting didn’t His like ? spend the time your at weekends Did good uncle Make up the sentences

Номер слайду 18

Victoria Albert Victoria Frederick Alice Louis Edward Alexandra William Sophia Albert Victor George V Louis Alexandra Victoria

Номер слайду 19

Номер слайду 20

Queen Elisabeth II granddaughter of George V

Номер слайду 21

William, Henry, Mark Phillips, Peter, Zara, Sarah, Beatrice, Eugenie. Fill in the following names in the appropriate blanks Queen Elisabeth II, Phillip, Charles, Andrew, Edward, Anne, Diana,

Номер слайду 22


Номер слайду 23

Read the text Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926. She is one of the richest women in the world and she gets about 8 million pounds a year to be a queen. In 1947 she married Prince Philip. Elizabeth was only 25 when her father King George VI died and she became the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Prince of Wales Charles, the Queen’s eldest son, married Diana Spencer. Diana was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she was killed in a tragic car crash. Charles and Diana had two sons, Princes William and Henry. Prince William Arthur Philip was born on the 21st of June 1982 and two years later his younger brother was born. When they were eight and six their parents divorced. William is more serious than his younger brother. He often visits Queen Elizabeth at the weekends at Windsor Castle. Princess Anne, the Queen’s only daughter, married Mark Phillips, but in 1992 they divorced. Prince Andrew, the Queen’s second son, married Sarah, Duchess of York. The Queen’s youngest son is Prince Edward. He is a television producer, who makes history documentaries. He married Sophie Jones in 1999 and their first child, the daughter, was born in 2003. Four years later, the son James was born. This is a family like any other, but it is one that fate has placed in a special position.

Номер слайду 24

Queen Elizabeth II is the richest woman in the world. Queen Elisabeth gets about 8 million dollars. Elizabeth’s father King George VI died in 1951. The Queen’s eldest son Phillip married Diana Spencer. Diana was very pretty woman. William and Henry are two children of Charles and Diana. Henry is three years younger, than his brother. Diana’s eldest son always visits Queen Elizabeth at the weekends at Windsor Castle. The Queen’s youngest son is Prince Andrew. Prince Edward married Sophie Jones in 1999. Write T for true or F for false according to the text.

Номер слайду 25

Homework: Write 6 questions about Royal Family

Номер слайду 26

Thank you!

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Розробка уроку з англiйськоi мови в 6 кл.

«Family. Family tree.»


Мета уроку: 


Практична: удосконалювати знання за темою « Family.»; розвивати навички аудiювання та письма; сприяти формуванню монологічного і діалогічного мовлення; формувати навички читання з пошуком наданої інформації; активізувати вживання граматичного матеріалу у мові.


Хiд уроку:


  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення..


  1. Привiтання.


T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!


P: Good morning, teacher!


T: Sit down, please! I’m glad to see you! I hope you are fine today.


T: What’s the date today?


P: Today is the first of March.


T: What season is it now?


P: Now is spring.


T: What holiday are we going to celebrate soon?


P: The eighth of March.


T: Whom do you congratulate this day?


P: We congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, teachers and other women.


T: Who usually prepares this holiday in your family?


P: Father, grandfather, brothers, uncles.


  1. Мовленева зарядка i повiдомлення теми уроку.


T: You are right, and I think it’s a great pleasure to have a family. Do you agree with me?


P: Yes, we agree with you.


T: There is such a proverb: “Other things may change us, but we start and end with family”, which expresses the importance of the family. As I know, everybody of you has a family. Is your family important for you?


P1: Yes, my family is very important for me.

P2: My family loves me.

P3: My family supports me.


T: It’s very pleasant to hear it. Now I’d like you to read a poem about a family, training the phonetic skills.

(children read the poem)


My father has a sister

Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt,

And her children are my cousins, and their mother is my aunt.

                  Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt,

                  And her husband is my uncle, and his wife… well, that’s my aunt.

Well, my father has a sister, and her name’s Patricia Hunt,

And her brother is my father, and her sister is my aunt.

                  And my aunt has got a brother, and her brother’s name is Chris,

                  And his wife… well, that’s my mother, can you tell me who Chris is?


T: And who is Chris?


P: Chris is the father.


T: So, the theme of the lesson is “Family”. Moreover, we’ll speak about Royal Family tree.

We’ve discussed this family at the previous lesson, and today you have an opportunity to get more information about the modern family members.


  1. Основна частина уроку


  1. Перевiрка домашнього завдання.


T: What was your homework for today?


P: Our homework for today was to complete the sentences using family tree, given in exercise 1 page 10 in Workbook.


T: Let’s check the home task, revising the words and possessive case.

(children read the task they have done at home)


1. Max is Jenny’s father.

2. Ted is Amy’s husband.

3. Elizabeth is Bob’s daughter.

4. Jeremy is Jenny’s brother.

5. John is Jenny’s son.

6. Martha is Start’s grandmother.

7. Jenny is Bob’s wife.

8. Elizabeth is John’s sister.

9. Stuart is Ted’s nephew.

10. Janice is Bob’s niece.





  1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.


T: Let’s revise the vocabulary concerning the family members.


   1). Your task is to match the pair of the following words. I’ll say one word, throwing the ball, and you should say the pair of it.

    (boy – girl, boyfriend – girlfriend, nephew – niece, man – woman, husband – wife, mother – father, grandmother – grandfather, aunt – uncle, daughter – son, child – grandchild, brother – sister)


  1. Тренування вживання минулого неозначеного часу.


     1). Revising grammatical material.


      T: You know the names of family members well and now you will use them, speaking about the            

      members of Royal Family. But before it, let’s revise the grammatical material of Past Simple. I’ll

      ask you the questions and you should answer them. So, how do we form Past Simple?


P: We form Past Simple with the help of adding the ending –ed to the regular verb or the second form of the irregular verb.


T: Yes, you are right. How do we form negative sentence in the past?


P: We form negative sentence in the past with the help of the auxiliary verb “did”+not and the base form of the main verb.


T: Very well. How do we form interrogative sentence in the past?


P: We form the interrogative sentences by putting “did” at the beginning of the sentence and the base of the main verb.


T: If there is the verb “to be” in the sentence, do we need the verb “did”?


P: No, we don’t need.


2). Writing. Training the Past Simple.


T: Now I want you to train the Past Simple. So your task is to make up sentences of different types, putting the following words in the correct order.

























































  • The mother asked her daughter to tidy the kitchen.
  • Did your grandparents have a happy childhood?
  • That family lived in the country.
  • My aunt was born in 1978.
  • His niece didn’t like that painting.
  • Did your uncle spend good time at the weekends?


  1. Speaking and listening.


1). Asking the questions.       


T: At the previous lesson we got acquainted with the Royal Family members. Open, please, your books at page 16 to revise it. Now, I’ll give you the cards with the questions. Your task is to read the question and ask anybody you want to answer it. And we’ll do it in turn.


  • P1: When was Queen Victoria born?

P2: Queen Victoria was born in 1819.

  • P2: When did she die?

P3: She died in 1901.

  • P3: How many children did Victoria and Albert have?

P4: They had three children.

  • P4: How was George V related to Edward?

P5: He was his nephew.

  • P5: How was William related to Sophia?

P6: He was her brother.

  • P6: When was William born?

P7: He was born in 1859.

  • P7: Who was Alice to Sophia and William?

P8: She was their aunt.

  • P8: Who were Edward’s parents?

P9: They were Victoria and Albert.

  • P9: When was Alice born?

P10: She was born in 1843.

  • P10: How old was Alice, when she died?

P11: She was 35 years old when she died.


      2). Building the family tree.


      T: You know about the members of British Royal family, but as you noticed, they lived about 100                          

      years ago. Now I’d like to offer you the family tree of modern Royal family, that is, of Royal    

family members, who live nowadays. But you’ll make up this tree for yourselves. You will listen to me about the members of this family and write the names in the appropriate blank. But first, look at the screen. Do you know this woman?

(children look at the screen and should recognize Queen Elisabeth II)


T: Look at the family tree of Royal people once more and say how Queen Elisabeth is related to George V.


P: She is his granddaughter.


T: Yes, you are right. Now, please, listen to me and complete the blanks with the following names: Queen Elisabeth II, Phillip, Charles, Andrew, Edward, Anne, Diana, Mark, William, Henry, Zara, Peter, Sarah, Beatrice and Eugenie.


  • Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, is the husband of Queen Elisabeth II.
  • Charles, the Prince of Wales, is the eldest son of Elisabeth and Phillip.
  • Andrew and Edward are two other sons of Elisabeth and Phillip.
  • Anne is Elisabeth and Phillip’s daughter.
  • Diana Spencer was Charles’ wife.
  • Their children are Prince William and Prince Henry.
  • Anne’s husband was Mark Phillips.
  • They have their son Peter and daughter Zara.
  • Andrew married Sarah and they have two daughters Beatrice and Eugenie. 






Queen Elisabeth II















































  1. Reading.


T: Now you’ll get more information about the existing Royal family members, reading the following text.


Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926. She is one of the richest women in the world and she gets about 8 million pounds a year to be a queen. In 1947 she married Prince Philip.

Elizabeth was only 25 when her father King George VI died and she became the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Prince of Wales Charles, the Queen’s eldest son, married Diana Spencer. Diana was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she was killed in a tragic car crash.

Charles and Diana had two sons, Princes William and Henry. Prince William Arthur Philip was born on the 21st of June 1982 and two years later his younger brother was born. When they were eight and six their parents divorced. William is more serious than his younger brother. He often visits Queen Elizabeth at the weekends at Windsor Castle.

Princess Anne, the Queen’s only daughter, married Mark Phillips, but in 1992 they divorced.

Prince Andrew, the Queen’s second son, married Sarah, Duchess of York.

The Queen’s youngest son is Prince Edward. He is a television producer, who makes history documentaries. He married Sophie Jones in 1999 and their first child, the daughter, was born in 2003. Four years later, the son James was born.

This is a family like any other, but it is one that fate has placed in a special position.


 Write T for true or F for false according to the text.

  • Queen Elizabeth II is the richest woman in the world. (F)
  • Queen Elisabeth gets about 8 million dollars. (F)
  • Elizabeth’s father King George VI died in 1951. (T)
  • The Queen’s eldest son Phillip married Diana Spencer. (F)
  • Diana was very pretty woman. (T)
  • William and Henry are two children of Charles and Diana. (T)
  • Henry is three years younger, than his brother. (F)
  • Diana’s eldest son always visits Queen Elizabeth at the weekends at Windsor Castle. (T)
  • The Queen’s youngest son is Prince Andrew. (F)
  • Prince Edward married Sophie Jones in 1999. (T)


  1. Заключна частина уроку


1. Домашнє завдання:


      T: Write down your home task. You are to write 6 questions about modern Royal Family members.


2. Підведення підсумків уроку


      T: We have done a lot of work during our lesson, and I’m very satisfied with your work. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye, children!



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