Фрагмент уроку з читання мовчки тексту “ Children’s parties ”

Про матеріал
Мета: навчити учнів читати мовчки текст з повним розумінням змісту. “ Children’s parties” My friends and I like sleep-over parties. At sleep-over parties my friends eat and play games in my bedroom. Then they sleep at my house. Of course we go to sleep very late because we tell stories and talk about our friends. Linda Theme parties are my favourite. You choose a theme for your party and your friends wear clothes to match the theme. You can also decorate the party room and have food and music with the same theme. Fancy dress parties, funny hat parties and pyjamas parties are also great! Steve. Outdoor parties are also good but you need good weather! My family and friends often have picnics in a garden or near the river. Food always tastes fantastic outdoors! Then we swim or play games. Sometimes my friends and I sleep in tents after these parties. Nataly Tonight is my birthday party and the theme of the party is Japan. Today my mum is cooking Japanese food. I'm cleaning the house, decorating the party room and making my costume. I'm having fun! Bob.
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Фрагмент уроку з читання мовчки тексту Children’s parties

Мета: навчити учнів читати мовчки текст з повним розумінням змісту.

  1. Read the text and guess the meanings of the new words.

Children’s parties

My friends and I like sleep-over parties. At sleep-over parties my friends eat and play games in my bedroom. Then they sleep at my house. Of course we go to sleep very late because we tell stories and talk about our friends. Linda

Theme parties are my favourite. You choose a theme for your party and your friends wear clothes to match the theme. You can also decorate the party room and have food and music with the same theme. Fancy dress parties, funny hat parties and pyjamas parties are also great! Steve.

Outdoor parties are also good but you need good weather! My family and friends often have picnics in a garden or near the river. Food always tastes fantastic outdoors! Then we swim or play games. Sometimes my friends and I sleep in tents after these parties. Nataly

Tonight is my birthday party and the theme of the party is Japan. Today my mum is cooking Japanese food. I'm cleaning the house, decorating the party room and making my costume. I'm having fun! Bob.

Етап, методичний прийом

Зміст роботи

1. Дотекстовий етап.

Створення в учнів установки на читання і розуміння тексту.


Мозковий штурм. Груповий режим.






Подолання лексичних та фонетичних труднощів.

Хорове повторення, здогадка про значення лексичних одиниць, переклад.














Співставлення слів, виразів з їхнім перекладом.






Фронтальний контроль.


Повідомлення супровідного завдання.

2. Текстовий етап.

Читання тексту.






3. Післятекстовий етап.

Читання таблиці.




Виправлення тверджень учителя у фронтальному режимі.
















Виконання тесту множинного вибору в індивідуальному режимі.




















Усна перевірка тесту у фронтальному режимі.

Складання мікро-діалогів в опорі на структурно-логічну схему та текст у парному режимі.



Вибірковий контроль.


Обговорення у парах, у групі.

Обговорення у парному, а потім фронтальному режимі.

T.: Children, do you like parties? Why do you like it? I see that many of you like parties. Split into two groups and write down all the words which are associated with this parties. Make a spider web. For example:



good mood





T.: Open your books at page 70. Look through the text Children’s parties  and find the words sleep-over parties.

 At sleep-over parties my friends eat and play games in my bedroom.

sleep-over parties Everyone! Translate this word combination.

Cl.: піжамні вечірки.

T.: Theme parties. Everyone! (Учні хором повторюють за вчителем). You choose a theme for your party and your friends wear clothes to match the theme.

Translate this word combination.

Cl.: тематичні вечірки

T: Right you are. Outdoor parties. Everyone! (Учні хором повторюють за вчителем). My family and friends often have picnics in a garden or near the river

Cl.: вечірки на свіжому повітрі.

T.: Very well! birthday party . Everyone! (Учні хором повторюють за вчителем). I had my last birthday party at the restaurant last week. Have you ever have a birthday party?


T.: Let’s review these words again. (Учні хором повторюють за вчителем слова і перекладають їх).

 Match the words and word combinations with their translation.

  1. sleep-over parties       a. вечірка на свіжому повітрі
  2. Theme parties             b.вечірка до дня народження
  3. Outdoor parties          c. тематична вечірка
  4. birthday party            d. піжамна вечірка

Let’s check your answers. Key: 1d, 2с, 3a,4b.




Let’s start reading the text.

While reading it fill in the table:


Name of the party



sleep-over parties      


theme parties            


outdoor parties         


birthday party           



T.: That will do. Your time is up. What is the definition of the sleep-over party? (and questions about others parties)

What kind of party do you like most of all?

Учні відповідають на поставлені запитання.


T.: Correct me if I’m not right.

  1. At sleep-over parties my friends sleep my bedroom. (F)
  2. You choose a theme for your party and your friends wear clothes to match the theme.(T)
  3. You cannot decorate the party room and have food and music with the same theme. (F)
  4. Fancy dress parties, funny hat parties and pyjamas parties are very expensive. (F)
  5. Outdoor parties are also good but you need good weather! (T)
  6. Food always tastes fantastic outdoors!(T)
  7. Then we can sleep and go home.(F)
  8. Tonight is my birthday party and the theme of the party is Japan. (T)
  9. Today my mum is cooking Ukrainian food. (F)
  10. I'm cleaning the house, decorating the party room and making my costume. (T)


T.: Open your exercise-books, write down the date. Choose a, b, c, d to complete the sentences from the text:

  1. At sleep-over parties my friends………
  1. Sleep
  2. Eat and play games
  3. Do exercises
  1. You choose a theme for your party and…..
  1. your friends wear clothes to match the theme
  2. sing special songs
  3. don’t bring you presents
  1. Outdoor parties are also good but you need……
  1. A lot of many
  2. fine weather
  3. good mood
  1. Tonight is my birthday party and the theme of the party is …..
  1. Italy
  2. Africa
  3. Japan
  1. I am….
  1. Buy food
  2. Invite guests
  3. Decorate the party room

T.: Your time is up. Close your exercise-books and give them in. Let’s check the test orally.


T.: Split into pairs. Each of you will get a card with the name of the party. Compare the sleep-over parties and theme parties. Follow the pattern:

- What do we usually do at the sleep-over parties?

 - Well, … . What about theme parties?

- Theme parties …

T.: That will do! Let’s listen to … . Class, try to guess what party she is talking about.


T.: What kind of parties do people usually have at thete birthday? Discuss it in pairs.


27 січня 2020
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