Game show "Who's upstairs?"

Про матеріал
Гра “Who’s upstairs?” створена за зразком проєкту розважального телевізійного шоу “Хто зверху?”, в основі якого полягає протистояння інтелекту, розуму та кмітливості дівчат проти хлопців. Гра складається з декількох раундів, де дівчата протистоять хлопцям та навпаки. Перемагає найрозумніша та найбільш інтелектуально розвинута команда.
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Game “Who’s upstairs”

Гра “Who’s upstairs?”була створена за зразком проекту  розважального телевізійного шоу “Хто зверху?”, в основі якого полягає протистояння інтелекту, розуму та кмітливості дівчат проти хлопців. Гра складається з декількох раундів, де дівчата протистоять хлопцям та навпаки. Перемагає найрозумніша та найбільш інтелектуально розвинута команда.

Діти із задоволенням сприяли створенню гри і всіляко допомагали своїми ідеями, тому шоу пройшло на Ура! Дана гра, створена вчителем із урахуванням вікових,  розумових можливостей,  а найголовніше – рівнем сформованості знань та вмінь учнів володінням англійської мови. Рівень володіння учнями англійської мови, які гратимуть  має відповідати рівням B1, A2+.

За для проведення гри знадобиться технічне обладнання як телевізор, ноутбук чи мультимедійна дошка (smart board), а також  MP3  з навушникам.

Діти чи вчитель формує команди по 5 чоловік, 2 ведучих(хлопчик та дівчинка), суддівство (3дитини або 3 вчителя або більше за бажанням).

Нижче запропоновано раунди із завданнями, але завдання можна змінювати в залежності від інтересів та рівня володіння англійською мовою учнями.


Aims: - to develop students’ spontaneous speaking on different life issues;

-         to widen children’s outlook connected with up-to date information in spheres of cinema, celebrity world, sport, science which raise their attention to improve English skills;

-         to teach students how to respect the position of others, to work in groups and individually.

-         To develop sociocultural competence based on initiation of other cultural backgrounds.


These letters are used to mean G – girls, B-boys

G: Oh, hello there! My name is _______

B: And my name is____________

G: We’re happy to see you on our show called ‘Who’s upstairs?”. So today there are two teams of boys and girls.

B: They will compete who are the best of the best in this battle. Let’s the show begin! First of all let’s get acquainted with our participants!

G: Hey, you! Welcome to our show. As you see, we have 5 members for each team. So let’s start with the girls! (characteristics of players depend on their personalities)

       Player 1 – pretty and sweet

       Player 2 – intelligent and loyal

       Player 3 – blond but smart

       Player 4 – bright and sober

       Player 5 – witty and comely

B: So, boys, I hope that we won’t loose our positions and we will prove that we’re smarter, cooler and tuff. Meet my team! (characteristics of players depend on their personalities)

       Player 1 – is future computer hacker

       Player 2  – is famous for his pretty ginger hair.

       Player 3 – courteous and

       Player 4 – humble and

       Player 5 – decisive and energetic

B: We wish you good luck!

G: Thanks. The same to you! Now, greet our honorable judges. The result of the game depends on their decision. So you should obey their rules and follow their requirements.

B: Our first judge is Judge1– cute Blondie but with tuff and objective inner world.

G: Next our judge is Judge2– peaceful, calm, talented pianist bur be careful of her.

B: Our last judge is Judge3– elegant, loyal, smart, attractive and in the same time true to reality and ready to judge you honestly.

G: So we became acquainted with everyone. Boys and girls it’s time to begin.


Round 1 Guess the Character (here players are proposed to guess the famous personalities, both teams have 5 pictures to name them)

B: In this round you have to guess the character. Nothing hard.

G: The rule is simple: you have only one attempt to guess the character on the pictures.

B: Who will start though?

G: The simple game ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’ will decide!

Girls: 1.Yoda

   2. Bruno Mars

   3. Morgan Freeman

   4. Michael Jordan

   5. Leonard and Penny


Boys (the same with the girls, the pictures are proposed to boys different from the opposite team):

  1. Totally Spies           

  2. Pink

  3. Julia Robert

  4. Serena Williams

  5. Elena and Damon

 (Judge1 does some conclusions and some comments after the first round. And Judge 1 announce the score)


Round 2 ”Guess the Song”(choose any songs to your students’ to their tastes and preferences)

B: We’re approaching to the next step. It’s called ‘Guess the Song’.

G: One member for each song. There are two for each team. One of us gives you headphones, you listen to the song.

B: Your task is to show the song to your team with no words. You have 1 minute to win. Shouting won’t be accepted.

Girls 1. James Blunt – You Are Beautiful

Boys 2.        Katy Perry - Firework

Girls 3.        Rihanna - Umbrella

Boys 4.        Lana Del Ray – Summertime Sadness

(Judge 2 makes comments and tells the points)…


Round 3 ”Guess the Film” (choose the trailers of the most famous foreign films and show them for 30sec or 1min to give the chance for guessing)

G: The third round called ‘Guess the Film’. You watch 30 seconds of teaser for each film and guess the title.

B: Remember! You have only one attempt. The English variant is the only correct answer and it will be scored to your points.

     Girls:                                                       Boys:

1) Untouchable                                     1) The fault in our stars

2) 12-Years a slave                               2) Frozen

3) The avengers                                     3) Hunger games

 (Judge 3 makes comments and tells the score)…


Round 4 “Answer Man or Woman”

B: And we’re moving forward. It’s time for round 4!

G: You will hear questions and you should give short answer: man or woman.

B: Moreover you have 1: 00 to score as many points as possible. Are you ready?



  1.     The ruler of the Britain (M)
  2.     The first person stepped on the Moon (M)
  3.     The inventor of the bulb (M)
  4.     The creator of high-hills (M)
  5.     Who has the highest level of IQ (W)
  6.     The owner of company called “Gucci” (M)
  7.     The artist of “Sunflowers” (M)
  8.     The author of Harry Potter (W)
  9.     The first explorer that swam around the planet (M)
  10.            The inventor of washing machine (W)
  11.            The most well spread gender in world (W)
  12.            Who invented the theory of relativity (M)
  13.            Who was three times Olympic winner in swimming among Ukrainian sports (W)
  14.            Who was the last winner of Ukrainian X-factor (M)
  15.            The vocalist of music band “Cranberries” (W)


  1.     The ruler of Australia (W)
  2.     The first person flew into the space (M)
  3.     The inventor of the telephone (M)
  4.     The creator of the ball pen (M)
  5.     The artist of the Mona Lisa (M)
  6.     The owner of the company Victoria’s Secrets (M)
  7.     Who was the fastest speech  (M)
  8.     The author of the Lord of the Rings (M)
  9.     The first human in the world (M)
  10.            The creator of the game Monopoly (W)
  11.            Gathered the biggest number of views on YouTube (M)
  12.            Who invented periodical system of chemical elements (M)
  13.            What is the symbol of America (W)
  14.            Who was the creator of Facebook (M)
  15.            The vocalist of music band Maroon 5 (M)

 (Head of judges does comments and analyses …)


Round 5 ”Girls vs. Boys”

G: The last round is crucial and the most challenging. It called ‘Girls vs. Boys’. Can you imagine how girl is getting ready in the morning to go out?

B: Oh, no. I have no idea. I think it’s something complicated.

G: How lucky you are! Now you have a chance to come across with this difficult process. You have 90 seconds to match the names of cosmetic to the items.

 1) Mascara

           2) Foundation

        3) Powder

 4) Blush

  5) Lipstick

 6) Eye liner

 7) Lip gloss

           8) Nail polish

B: Have you ever done some repairing by yourself?

G: No, never. My dad does this for the whole family. And I’m thankful for him.

B: So, now, girls, you have to match the names with the given tools. We, boys, know them perfectly. Good luck!

1) Nails                                           

2) Bolt                                               

3) Hammer                            

4) Screw                                    

5) Rope                             

6) Turn-screw  

7) Pliers    

8) flash light

The End (congratulate the winners and give some presents to all participants)

4 січня 2024
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