Гра- презентація Idioms, підготовка до ЗНО

Про матеріал
Гра- презентація Idioms, підготовка до ЗНО- це гра-тренажер для учнів 11 класу. Необхідно обрати правильну відповідь з 3 варіантів. Завдання у грі-це завдання для перевірки знань ідіом англійської мови.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Use of English(idioms)Підготовка до ЗНО

Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4

The doctor thought it best if she was in hospital where he could … an eye on her.nextkeeplookhold

Номер слайду 5

After a few days of phoning Stephanie, he knew her number by … .nextheartmemorybrain

Номер слайду 6

We’re keeping our fingers … that she’s going to be OK.nextcrossedputstretched

Номер слайду 7

He was one of my customers, and that, to … a long story short, is how we met.nextcutreducewrite

Номер слайду 8

Everyone was … ears as soon as I mentioned a cash prize.nextallwholeevery

Номер слайду 9

Fortunately, that man passed exams with flying … .nextcoloursflagsplanes

Номер слайду 10

Everyone thinks he's a pain in the … .nextneckfacemouth

Номер слайду 11

Harriet is still an unpredictable teenager with her head in the … .nextcloudssunsky

Номер слайду 12

His voice had a freshness that would make many tenors go green … envy.nextwithfromby

Номер слайду 13

She looks efficient and as cool as a … .nextcucumbertomatopotato

Номер слайду 14

She helps … the ice when I am interviewing.nextbreakcrackcut

Номер слайду 15

If you're feeling … , spend time with people who are supportive.nextblueredyellow

Номер слайду 16

I had to do this to … face for my father.nextsavecreaterespect

Номер слайду 17

5,000 new schools are to be built, but this is just a drop in the … for such a vast country.nextoceanriverlake

Номер слайду 18

After I got the promotion, some co-workers started giving me the cold … .nextshoulderhandarm

Номер слайду 19

When Mike lost his job, we could barely make … meet.nextendsmoneypennies

Номер слайду 20

Cathy's a real … - she's very friendly, but all that talking can wear you out.nextchatterboxspeakboxtalkbox

Номер слайду 21

Moving to this big apartment was like a breath of … air. Finishfreshlightclean

Номер слайду 22

Використані джерела:1 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English https://www.ldoceonline.com/

12 липня 2021
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