Гра-вікторина What do you know about Great Britain

Про матеріал
Гра - вікторина "What do you know about Great Britain" допоможе розширити знання учнів про відомості даної країни.Можна використовувати на уроках для перевірки засвоєних знань.
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Тема: “What do you know about Great Britain?”

Мета: Поглиблення та розширення знань у галузі лінгвокраїнознавства.


  • познайомити учнів з новою інформацією про країну мови;
  • систематизувати знання;
  • підвищувати інтелектуальний рівень учнів;
  • формувати вміння працювати у команді.

Вигляд: гра-вікторина.

Обладнання: комп'ютер, презентація.

Хід уроку

T: Hello, students! I am glad to see you. Let’s begin our linguistic game “What do you know about Great Britain?” I want you to introduce the teams. The first team is called “…” and the second team is called “…”.

In our game there are 6 stations: “History”, “Geography”, “Sport”, “Literature and Art”, “Traditions and customs”, “Cinema and Music”, where you can earn points. All the members of the team should work together. The team with most points wins. So let’s start. I wish you good luck!



The station “History”

T: Answer the questions.

1.Who gave London its first name?

The Romans

2. How many years lasted the War of the Red and White Rose?

30 years

3. What’s the name of the British flag?

Union Jack

4. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?


5. When were the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge founded ?

13th century

The station “Geography”


1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

3. What is the capital of Scotland?


4. Where is the Loch Ness situated?

In Scotland

5. Which river runs through London?

The Thames

The station “Sport”

1. In what city is the Wimbledon tournament held?


2. What are the popular sports in the UK?

Cricket, Football, Rugby, Tennis, Golf, Polo, Racing

3 . When did the first modern Olympic games take place?


4. What is the most popular English football club?


5. Whom belong the words «O Sport, you are Piece!» to?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin


Musical pause

(Beatles song “Let it be” with presentation)


T: Let's continue our game, next station “Literature and Art”.

The station “Literature and Art”

1. What theatre was organized by W. Shakespeare?

Globe Theatre

2. What was John Constable?


3. In what year was the work "Jane Eyre" written by Charlotte Bronte?


4. Robin Hood is …

A character of novels and tales

5. What novels were written by Agatha Christie?

Detective novels

The station “Traditions and customs”


1. What is Eisteddfod?


2. The man that wanted to set fire to the House of Parliament ... .

Guy Fawkes

3. The traditional English drink is ... .

4. A kilt is … .

Plaid pleated skirt

5. The British people celebrate Christmas on … .

The 25th of December





The station “Cinema and Music”


1. Who works for the British government and has the number 007?

James Bond

2. Who is the founder of the British Opera?

Henry Purcell

3. Who said (and in which film): “I’ll be back”?

Arnold Schwarzenegger (in Terminator)

4. The most popular song of the Beatles?


5. The national musical instrument of the Scots?


The game is over. Count the points. The results of the game. Team “…” how many earn points. Congratulations to the winners of the game, team “… ”.Thank you for game. Good-bye.




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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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