Гра-змагання. Sport game.

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                     SPORT GAME

                                 LEVEL 1

1 What is the name of the sport when the player swims?

a) boxing  b)swimming  c) chess d) hokey

2 Find the irregular verbs

a) swim  b) run  c) play  d) jump

3 Find the second part of the word-combination “figure-…”

a) skiing  b) skating  c)riding  d) playing

4 Find the Ukrainian translation of the word “fencing”

a) фехтування  b) хокей с) футбол d) тренер

5 Find the English translation of the word “шахи”

a) trainer  b)fencing  c) chess  d) draughts

6 Find the English translation of the word “змагання”

a) composition  b) competition  c) country  d) coincide

7 Find the noun

a) courageous  b)warm  c) tennis  d) wrong

8 Find the verb

a) to swim  b) chess  c) book  d) courageous

9 Translate into Ukrainian the word “wrestling”

a) фехтування  b) змагання с) боротьба  d) шашки

10 Find the word which common to hokey, volleyball, football

a) athletics  b) gymnasium  c) sport game  d) stadium

                                   LEVEL 2

1 Put the words in the alphabetical order

a) wrestling  b) fencing  c) basketball  d) boxing

2 Find the English translation of the word “гравець”

a) trainer  b) player  c) result  d) wrestling

3 What word is connected with the summer sports?

a) skiing  b) swimming  c) skating  d) figure skating

4 What word is connected with winter sports?

a) football  b) volleyball  c) hokey  d) basketball

5  What game does Andriy Shevchenko go in for?

a) football  b) volleyball  c) chess  d) boxing

6  What is the name of the sport when players run with the ball and take it with hands? These players are very strong and tall

a) football  b) basketball  c) hokey  d) chess

7 How many players are there in the basketball team?

a) 10 or 11  b)  6 or 5  c) 21 or 22  d) 1 or 2

8 Who are the best Ukrainian and world winner in swimming competition?

a) Shevchenko  b) Voronin  c) Klochkova  d) Klytchko

9 How many players are there in the football team?

a) 12  b) 13  c) 11  d) 21

10Where did the first Olympic Games take place?

a)Ukraine  b) the USA  c) Greece  d) England

                            LEVEL 3

1 How many players play tennis?

a) 2  b) 13 c) 14  d) 40

2 What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?

a) fire  b) water  c) soil  d) air

3 How often do the Olympic Games take place?

a) every 4 years  b) every day  c) every year  d) every 14 years

4  What kind of sportsman is Ronaldo?

a) football player  b) volleyball player  c) swimmer  d) basketball player

5 When are the next Olympic Games going to take place?

a) 2009  b) 2010  c) 2012  d) 2020

6 When did the first winter Olympic Games take place?

a) 1924  b) 1896  c) 1323  d) 1824

7  What is the British national sport?

a) football b) cricket  c) boxing  d) jumping

8 When did the modern Olympic Games begin again?

a) 1924  b) 1991  c) 2000  d) 1896

9  What colour is the “Dynamo” sport club’s badge?

a) red and blue  b) black and red  c) blue and yellow  d) white and black

  1.  When and where was the sport club “Dynamo” organized?’                a ) 1900, Lоndоn b) 1943, Kyiv  c) 2001, Washington  d) 1861, Madrid



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