Граматична казка про Present Simple

Про матеріал

Граматична казка про Present Simple допоможу у вивченні та закріпленні матеріалу про Теперішній неозначений час, у цікавій віршованій формі діти краще засвоять основні правила.

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Grammar fairy-tale  “ Present Simple”



Once upon the time there were two brothers DO and DOES. They lived in the wood. DO and DOES don’t like each other and had their own friends.

DO had friends I and You , We and They. They were playing every day!

DO  + I   you   we   they



DOES  (had) –  another better friends – He and She and It. Let’s play!



           DOES      +            

                                                             She                     He                 It


DO and DOES like to ask:


  • Do you like?  or Do you have?
  • Yes, I do,  another said. 
  • Does he swim?
  • Yes, he does.


DO and DOES like the helpers: don’t and doesn’t make in the sentence.



Make Present Simple:

  1. Bob \ not\ drive \ to work.
  2. She \ live \ in Spain?
  3. Sue and Scott \ not \ go \to school.
  4. James \ not\  like\ spiders.
  5. I \not\ sleep\ until 10\ in the\ morning.
  6. They \ read\ books\ every day?
  7. We \ not\ work\ at the shop.
  8. A penguin \not \ eat\  fish.



3 лютого 2018
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