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Mixed Conditional

Придаточные условные предложения смешанного типа

Придаточные условные предложения смешанного типа бывают двух видов:

а) условие относится к прошедшему времени, а следствие – к настоящему или будущему времени: 

If you had visited this city last year, you would know it better now. Если бы ты посетил этот город в прошлом году, ты бы теперь лучше знал его. 

If we had sent a letter yesterday, they would receive it tomorrow. Если бы мы послали письмо вчера, они бы получили его завтра.

б) условие относится к неопределенному времени, а следствие – к прошедшему времени: I should have invited them if I liked them. Я бы пригласил их, если бы они мне нравились.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите предложения и определите, какой это тип условия – 2й, 3й или Mixed. 


  1. Если бы я работал в вашем банке, я бы не опаздывал на работу.
  2. Если бы я продал тогда машину, я бы каждый день ездил на метро.
  3. Если бы я не купил машину, я бы сейчас ездил на метро.
  4. Если бы русские люди не пили столько водки, завод "Кристалл" производил бы зеленый горошек.
  5. Если бы мы не встретились в Праге, мы бы не поехали встречать Новый год вместе.
  6. Если бы ты не сломал телефон, я бы сейчас с ним связался.
  7. Мы бы не жили сейчас на даче, если бы соседи не делали ремонт.


Упражнение 2. Вставьте нужное время.


  1. If I __________ (not go) on my business trip next week, I ____________ (accept) that assignment at work yesterday.
  2. If Sam ________ (take) an aspirin, she _________ (have) a headache now
  3. If Kate ______ (have) enough money, she________ (can do) this trip to Hawaii last year.
  4. If he _________ (take) the medication as prescribed, Anthony _________ (be lying) sick in bed.
  5. If Molly __________ reasonable precautions, she __________ (be) pregnant now.
  6. If old Sam __________ (not run) after the car thief and _________ (not suffer) a heart attack, he ___________ (be) alive today.
  7. If he __________ (not be) such a poor dancer, Nickolas __________ (get) a job in that musical last week.
  8. If Polly _________ (not be) so blind to Jack’s faults, she ___________ (realize) that Jack was out to swindle her.


1. If I __ (not have to do) this task, I __ (go) to the cinema.

2. Vasya __ (go) by car if he (can) drive.

3. They (go) jogging if it __ (be raining).

4. If I were you, I __ (quit) this long time ago.

5. If they __ (eat) in a better restaurant, they (feel) so sick now.

6. Taras (feel) so tired now if he __ (have) a good rest yesterday.

7. Sveta would be moving to Italy next week if she __ (get) the position.

8. If they __ (win) the lottery last week, they'd be better off.

9. If I __ (learn) to play the piano, I could be in an orchestra now.

10. You __ (go) to a better university if you were a better learner.

11. If I __ (to get) a master’s degree, I __ (to have) a better job right now.

12. If he __ (to steal) the money, he __ (to be) in prison now.

13. If I __ (know) her, I __ (talk) to her yesterday.

14. If I __ (be elected) the President last year, I __ (serve) my country and people.

15. If she __ (not miss) the bus, she __ (be) here now.

16. If Samuel Pepys __ (not keep) his diary, we __ (not know) so much about the Great Fire of London now.

17. If I __ (invest) in that company ten years ago, I __ (be) rich now.


Упражнение 3. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

  1. Melody wouldn’t have come/ wouldn’t come by bus if she could / can drive.
  2. If I was / were him, I will not quit / wouldn't have quit my work until I'd found another one.
  3. You wouldn't be / are not so tired if you went / 'd gone to bed earlier.
  4. David went / would go to Kenya next month if he had got/ would have got the job yesterday.
  5. If we won / had won lottery last night, we will / would be rich now.


1. If I had accepted that job,                               a) I would be a millionaire now. 
2. If I had married him,                                       b) I would have invited them to lunch. 
3. If I were a good cook,                                     c) I would live happy now.
4. If I didn't love him,                                         d) I wouldn't have married him.


Ex. 5 Match the two halves of the sentences and translate them into Russian.(Соедините две части предложения и переведите их на русский язык)


1. If I had taken that job…

2. We wouldn’t be lost…

3. If I had taken French in high school,…

4. If you hadn’t spent all your money on CDs,…

5. I would be rich…

6. If I had worked harder at school…

7. If people were a little more tolerant,…

8. If you hadn’t taken so long getting ready,…

9. If my father had locked his car properly, …

10. We wouldn’t be standing here in a queue…


a) ... I would have a better job now.

b) ... our world would be a better place earlier.

c) …if I had won the lottery.

d) …we’d be there by now.

e) …I would be a millionaire now.
f) ... he would still have it.

g) …if he had booked a table.

h) …I would have more job opportunities.

i) …you would buy this T-shirt.

j) …if we had looked at the map.



(Если бы я взялся за эту работу, был бы миллионером сейчас.)

(Мы бы не потерялись, если бы посмотрели на карту.)
(Если бы я взял французский язык в старшей школе, то у меня бы была работа лучше сейчас.)
(Если бы вы не потратили все свои деньги на компакт-диски, вы бы купили эту футболку.)
(Я был бы богатым, если бы я выиграл в лотерею.)
(Если бы я усерднее учился в школе, то имел бы больше возможностей для трудоустройства.)
(Если бы люди были немного более толерантными (терпимыми), то наш мир был бы лучше раньше.)
(Если бы вы не так долго готовились, мы были бы там уже сейчас.)
(Если бы мой отец запер свой автомобиль должным образом, то он все еще был бы его обладателем.)
(Мы не стоял бы здесь, в очереди, если бы он заказал стол.)



1. If you were always near I  _________   in the forest. 
a) wouldn’t get lost           b) didn’t get lost                с) wouldn’t have got lost  
2. You would get a better mark today if you _______over the material yesterday. 
a) had looked             b) have looked                   с) looked
3. If you hadn't wasted your time on computer games you ________the final exam. 
a) wouldn’t have failed       b) wouldn’t fail                  c) have failed
4. If I knew her well I  ___________  her invitation. 
a) have accepted                  b) had accepted                  c) would have accepted


7. Перефразируйте предложения, используя условные предложения смешанного типа:


Pattern: She didn’t study hard. She won’t pass the exams. 
If she had studied hard she would pass the exams


1.You didn’t wake me up. Now I’m late for my appointment.
2. She isn’t well-qualified. She didn’t get the job. 
3 We didn’t go to the restaurant. We don’t like fast food. 
4. She didn’t bring her umbrella. Now, she’s getting wet.
5. I don’t know them very well, so I didn’t go to the party. 
6. He isn’t at the lecture because he wasn’t told about it. 
7. They didn’t take a map with them. They’re lost now. 
8. The driver isn’t careful. He crashed his car into a wall. 
9. I didn’t buy tickets. We can’t go to the theatre tonight. 
10. He didn’t reserve a table. He has to wait for an hour. 
11. Sue forgot to go to the bank. Now she can’t go shopping. 
12. They missed the flight. They won’t arrive until tomorrow.


Упражнение 8. Переведите с английского на русский:


  1. If Nataly and Liz had finished the chores, they would be able to watch TV now.
  2. If the TV set had not broken, the boys would watch the game this weekend.
  3. If Jim spoke better French, he could have got that job.
  4. If you were smarter, you wouldn't have borrowed money from Sam.
  5. If they had this book, they would have gave it to you yesterday.
  6. If she knew the answer, she would have told you then.
  7. If Nick were rich, he would have bought that Ferrari yesterday.
  8. If Sally spoke Russian, she would have translated that letter.
  9. If Masha had married George, she would live in America now.
  10. If we hadn’t missed the train, we would be home already.
  11. If I were you / If I were in your shoes, I would have bought that violet hat.
  12. If Jillian had studied at the university, she would have a diploma now.
  13. If Nick had turned in his application, he would probably be working here now.
  14. If our parents had recorded that show last night, the children could watch it now.
  15. If Rosemary had not called Sally, they wouldn't be going to the party tomorrow.
  16. If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
  17. If I had taken French in high school, I would have more job opportunities.
  18. If she had been born in the United States, she would not need a visa to work here.
  19. If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you would be well now.
  20. If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
  21. If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai.
  22. Our teacher would be pleased if all students had done the test.
  23. If I had thought the problem over I wouldn’t get into trouble now.
  24. I would be living in another town if I had had enough money to buy flat there.
  25. If I could fly I would have flown to Africa.
  26. If you were married, that blonde girl wouldn’t have attracted your attention.
  27. If I were a better teacher, I wouldn’t have let the children miss my class yesterday.
  28. If Frank had told you the truth that day, you would know all the facts now.
  29. If you weren’t so lazy, you would have passed that test.
  30. If you’d remembered to bring a map, we wouldn’t be lost now.  
  31. If Paul hadn’t driven too fast, he wouldn’t be in trouble with the police.  
  32. If I had a degree, I would have got that job.
  33. If you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking.
  34. All people would be geniuses if they had worked hard to improve themselves.
  35. If I had won the lottery I would travel around the world.
  36. I would be rich and famous if I had married a millionaire.


Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский, используя Mixed Conditional.


  1. Если бы ты не сломал телефон, я бы ему позвонил.    
  2. Я бы работал сейчас в Бразилии, если бы подписал контракт.    
  3. Где бы ты сейчас жила, если бы вышла замуж за того сумасшедшего путешественника?    
  4. Если бы ты купил пальто, тебе бы не было так холодно.    
  5. Алекс ездил бы сейчас на мотоцикле, если бы не продал его летом.    
  6. Мы бы гораздо лучше знали географию, если бы чаще ходили на уроки.    
  7. Ей было бы очень одиноко, если бы начальник не подарил ей на день рождения хомячка.    
  8. Если бы я тогда выиграл в лотерею, то сейчас я был бы сказочно богат.
  9. Если бы я не была такая переборчивая (придирчивая, требовательная), я бы не была сейчас одна.
  10. Если бы Меган изучала французский в школе, она бы имела гораздо больше возможностей для трудоустройства сейчас.
  11. Если бы Николай был рожден в США, ему не нужна была бы виза, чтобы работать там.
  12. Ecли бы ты вчepa cдeлaл cвoe дoмaшнee зaдaниe, ceйчac ты бы знaл oтвeт нa этoт вoпpoc.
  13. Ecли бы ты тoгдa нe пoтpaтил cтoлькo дeнeг, я бы ceйчac тak нe злилcя
  14. Если бы ты вчера не заболел, ты бы сейчас кушал мороженое вместе с нами. 
  15. Если бы я был богат, я бы купил ту машину, что мы вдели вчера
  16. Если бы Макс был хорошим студентом, он бы сдал тест.
  17. Если бы мой друг поступил в Университет, он был бы студентом сейчас.
  18. Если бы я проехал через центр, я бы сейчас стоял в пробке.
  19. Если бы студенты сделали домашнее задание, они могли бы ответить на вопросы профессора.
  20. Если бы она учила стих вчера вечером, когда у нее было свободное время,  ей бы не пришлось делать это сегодня вечером.
  21. Если бы она усерднее училась в прошлом году, то сегодня она блестяще сдала бы экзамены.
  22. Если бы ты был лучшим оратором, то в понедельник презентация прошла бы успешнее.
  23. Если бы ты был благоразумнее (вообще), то промолчал бы вчера.
  24. Если бы я вчера на вечеринке ел меньше, сегодня я бы чувствовал себя лучше.
  25. Если бы он не совершил преступление (в прошлом), полиция не пыталась бы его поймать (сейчас).
  26. Если бы ты купил молоко вчера, я бы приготовила сегодня кашу.
  27. Если бы я согласился на эту работу, я был бы сейчас миллионером.
  28. Если бы я вышла за него замуж, я бы жила сейчас счастливо.
  29. Если бы я не любила его, я бы не вышла за него замуж.
  30. Если бы меня пригласили, я бы пришел. 
  31. Если бы я хорошо готовил, я бы пригласил их на обед. 
  32. Если бы я знал английский, я бы нашел лучшую работу.
  33. Если бы Майя лучше предсказали изменения погоды, их цивилизация, вероятно, существовала бы и сегодня.
  34. Если бы Гуттенберг не изобрел печатную машинку, люди бы не имели возможности публиковать столько книг сейчас.
  35. Если бы я знала того актёра, я бы поговорила с ним.
  36. Если бы Габриела нашла работу, она бы не искала её сейчас.
  37. Если бы мой отец починил машину, я бы не пошла сейчас пешком в свой институт.
  38. Все люди были бы гениями, если усердно работали бы над самосовершенствованием



  1. If you hadn’t broken the phone, I’d ring him.
  2. I’d work in Brazil now if I’d signed that contract.
  3. Where would you live now if you’d married that crazy traveller?
  4. If you’d bought the coat, you wouldn’t be so cold now.
  5. Alex would still ride his motorbike now if he hadn’t sold it in summer.
  6. We’d know geography much better if we’d come to the classes more often.
  7. She’d be very lonely if the boss hadn’t given her a hamster for her birthday.
  8. If I had won the lottery then, now I would be fabulously rich.
  9. If only I hadn’t been so picky, I wouldn’t be alone now.
  10. If Мegan had taken French at school, she would have much more job opportunities now.
  11. If Nikolai had been born in the US, he wouldn't need a visa to work there.
  12. If you had done you homework last night, you would know the answer to this question now.
  13. If you hadn’t spent so much money then, I wouldn’t be angry now.
  14. If you hadn’t fallen ill yesterday, you would eat ice-cream with us now.
  15. If I were rich, I would have bought that car we saw yesterday.
  16. If Max were a good student, he would have passed the test.
  17. If my friend had entered the University, he would be a student now.
  18. If I had driven through the center, I would be stuck in a traffic jam now.
  19. If the students had done the hometask, they would be able to answer the professor's questions.
  20. If she had been learning the verse last night, when she had spare time, she wouldn’t need to do it this evening.
  21. If she had studied harder last year, then today she would pass brilliantly her exams.
  22. If you were a better speaker, The presentation on Monday would have been successful.
  23. If you were more sensible, you would have kept silent yesterday.
  24. If I had eaten less yesterday at the party, I would feel better today.
  25. If he hadn’t committed a crime, the police wouldn’t try to catch him.
  26. If you bought milk yesterday, I would cook cereal today.
  27. If I had accepted that job, I would be a millionaire now.
  28. If I had married him, I would live happy now.
  29. If I didn't love him, I wouldn't have married him.
  30. If I were invited, I would have come.
  31. If I were a good cook, I would have invited them to lunch.
  32. If I knew English, I would have got a better job.
  33. If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilisation would probably survive today.
  34. If Guttenberg hadn’t invented printing with movable type, people wouldn’t be able to publish so many books now.
  35. If I knew that actor, I would have spoken to him.
  36. If Gabriela had found a job, she wouldn't be searching for one know.
  37. If my father had repaired the car, I wouldn’t go to the institute on foot.
  38. If I hadn’t made many mistakes in the last test, I wouldn’t be writing a new test now.


10. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below following the example given with the appropriate conditional form.


1.a. She will take care of the children for us next weekend because her business trip was canceled.

1.b. But, she (take, not) would not be taking care of the children for us next weekend if her business trip (be, not) had not been canceled.


2.a. Marie is unhappy because she gave up her career when she got married.

2.b. But, Marie (be) _____ happy if she (give, not) _____ up her career when she got married.


3.a. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal groups.

3.b. But, Professor Schmitz (talk, not) _______ so much about the Maasai tribe if she (be, not)__________ an expert on African tribal groups.


4.a. I am unemployed because I had a disagreement with my boss and I was fired.

4.b. But, I (be, not) ___________ unemployed if I (have, not)  ________ a disagreement with my boss and I (be, not)  _________ fired.

5.a. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years.

5.b. But, Nicole (speak, not) __________ Chinese fluently if she (live, not)________ in China for ten years.


6.a. I will not help you study for your test because you have spent the last two weeks partying and wasting time.

6.b. But, I (help) ___________ you study for your test if you (spend, not)_________ the last two weeks partying and wasting time.Начало формы

7.a. Eleanor and Ben are not going skiing with us this year because Eleanor just had a baby.

7.b. But, Eleanor and Ben (go) ________ skiing with us this year if Eleanor (have, not, just)________ a baby.


8.a. I am completely exhausted, so I will not go with you to the movies tonight.

8.b. But, if I (be, not) _________ completely exhausted, I (go) _______ with you to the movies tonight.


9.a. Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg snowboarding last week.

9.b. But, Frank (go) ________ to the graduation ceremony if he (break)_________ his leg snowboarding last week.


10.a. They are not releasing the prisoner next month because there was so much public opposition to his parole.

10.b. But, they (release) ______________ the prisoner next month if there (be)__________ so much opposition to his parole.


11.a. Tom is not going to come to dinner tomorrow because you insulted him yesterday.
11.b. But, he (come) _____________  if you (insult) ___________  him. 

12.a. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. 
12.b. But, Dr. Mercer (accept) __________  the research grant at Harvard if he (take, not) ________  six months off to spend more time with his family. 

13.a. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow because she is not giving a speech. 
13.b. But, she (be) _________  worried about the conference tomorrow if she (give) _________  a speech. 

14.a. The hotels filled up months in advance because the festival is going to include jazz artists from around the globe. 
14.b. But, the hotels (fill) ________  up months in advance if the festival (include) __________  jazz artists from around the globe. 

15.a. We are not worried about the recent string of robberies in the neighborhood because the police have started regularly patrolling the area. 
15.b. But, we (be) ________ worried about the recent string of robberies in the neighborhood if the police (start, not) ________  regularly patrolling the area.

Конец формы 


Exercise 2 а).

1 Weren’t going / would have accepted, 2 had taken / wouldn't have, 3 had / could have done, 4 had taken / wouldn't still be lying, 5 had taken / wouldn’t be, 6 hadn't run / hadn’t suffered / would be 7 weren't / would have got 8 weren't /would have realized,

Exercise 3.

  1. wouldn’t have come / could  2.were / wouldn't have quit 3. would not be / 'd gone  4. would go / had got  5. had won / would




       Предложения с “I wish”спользуются для выражения сожаления, разочарования, грусти, когда что-то столь желаемое не получается или не получилось ранее. Они имеют много общего с условными предложениями. Для этого в них присутствует слово wish (жалко, что не).
      I wish I knew what to do about the problem. – Жаль, что я не знаю, что делать с этой проблемой (и я сожалею).
В английском языке предложения с “I wish” могут быть трех типов:
Речь идёт о настоящем времени. Такая фраза – выражение сожаления о настоящем.
Речь идёт о прошедшем времени. Такая фраза – выражение сожаления о прошлом.
мы желаем, чтобы что-то произошло в будущем, сожалеем настоящем.

     Схема предложения строится следующим    образом:

wish     +     Past Simple / Past Continuous 
wish     +     Past Perfect 
wish     +     Would + Infinitive
I wish I knew the answer. 
I wish you hadn’t been so rude to my parents yesterday. 
I wish you would stop playing computer games and spend some time with me!




1. I wish I knew the answer. 
2. I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow.
3. I wish you hadn’t been so rude to my parents yesterday. 
4. I wish you had told me about your plans in advance.
5. I wish we would go with you!
6. I wish you would stop playing computer games and spend some time with me!




1. Жаль, что я не знаю, что делать с этой проблемой (и я сожалею).
2. Жаль, что ты должен идти.
3. Жаль, что я это сказал.
4. Жаль, что я не учился усердно в школе.
5. Жаль, что я не говорю по-итальянски.
6. Жаль, что я не взял фотоаппарат.

7. Как было бы хорошо, если бы я умел играть на скрипке (но мой поезд ушел, и я так и не научусь).

8. Как здорово было бы поехать в Австралию (но это лишь мечта).

9. Эх, если бы я мог в прошлом практиковаться в английском больше!


3. Упражнение. Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct form.

  1. I wish I __________ (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
  2. I wish I ___________ (can drive) a car and we could go travelling.
  3. The Browns live in the city, but they wish they ________ (live) in the suburbs.
  4. Robert can’t dance very well, but he wishes he ________ (can dance) better.
  5. Kate is having a hard time learning English at the University. She wishes she ________ (study) it better at school.
  6. Mike didn’t go to college after school. Now, he wishes he ________ (go) to college.
  7. The weather was hot while we were there. I wish it _________ (be) a bit cooler.
  8. I wish you ________ (stop) watching TV while I am talking to you.
  9. I wish she _________ (can come) yesterday but she had an important meeting.
  10. I wish I __________ (know) someone to whom I could have gone for advice when I was 18.


4. Упражнение. Раскроите скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после «I wish».

  1. The weather was awful. I wish it __________ (to be) better.
  2. I wish I __________ (to know) Sue’s telephone number.
  3. I wish it__________ (not to rain) so much in England last week.
  4. Do you wish you __________ (to study) science instead of languages last year?
  5. I feel sick. I wish I __________ (not to eat) so much.
  6. It’s crowded here. I wish there __________ (not to be) so many people.
  7. I wish I __________ (to be) taller.
  8. I wish you __________ (stop) shouting. I am not deaf you know.
  9. I wish he__________ (to borrow) that book from the library last week.
  10. I wish you__________ (to give) him my phone number at that party.
  11. I wish it __________ (to stop) raining.
  12. I wish I ________ (can speak) several languages.
  13. If only I _______ (to have) the chance to study when I was younger.


5. Упражнение. Подчеркните верный вариант.


1) I wish he... (will get/got/would get) on better with his parents.

2) I wish you... (stopped/will stop/ would stop) talking at the lessons.

3) I wish I... (have/ had/had had) more money.

4) If only I... (was having / have had / had had) the chance to study when I was younger.

5) If only I... (would keep / kept / had kept) my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn't have toothache now.

6) If only you... (will/would/ wouldn't) make less noise.

7) I wish I ... (had been / hadn't been / weren't) disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

8) If only you ... (had been / would be / were) tolerant of each other's moods in your family! You would get on better.

9) I wish I... (had learnt / learnt / have learnt) to trust my own judgments in my childhood.


6. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets


1. I wish I __ to go to work on Monday. (not / have to)

2. If only I __ that to him. He's not speaking to me at all. (not / say)

3. I wish my father __ here now. (be)

4. I wish you __ your office. It's a nightmare! (tidy up)

5. You know, I wish we __ 5 years ago. (meet)

6. If only Vasya __ here. He'd definitely know what to do. (be)

7. If only you and your wife __ with us that Sunday. (be)

8. If only he __ with them next week. (come)

9. We wish you __ yesterday. (arrive)

10. If only Katya __ at home now. (be)

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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Гаврилець Кирило Андрійович
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    Відповідність темі
  2. Мельник Ірина Вікторівна
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 лютого 2019
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