Граматичні вправи з англійської мови для початкової школи

Про матеріал
Матеріал містить різноманітні граматичні вправи початкового рівня: дієслово to be, have/has, can, займенники
Перегляд файлу

 1  Напиши скорочену форму

1. She has got a good friend. 2. I have got a nice sister. 3. We have got a happy family. 4. He has got little ears. 5. They have got a big dog.

2  Напиши повну форму

1. I’ve got a funny kitten. 2. He’s got a little brother. 3. They’ve got a brown puppy. 4. She’s got five dolls. 5. You’ve got a pink mouth.

3  Встав have або has. Зверни увагу на виділене слово.

1. She…………. got fair hair. 2. We ………… got three pets. 3. You …………. got a guinea-pig.  4. They ……….. got eleven fish. 5. Her mother ……….. got long hair. 6. His dogs ………. got dog-houses. 7. My cat ………. got green eyes. 8. Hamsters ……….. got little ears. 9. Sam ………… got a parrot.

4  Встав Have або Has. Тобі допоможуть виділені слова.

1. ……….. you got a rubber?

2. ……….. he got a new pencil-case?

3. ……….. we got seven books?

4…………. they got beautiful children?

5. ………… your sister got a black hair?

6. ………… her dog got black eyes?

7. ………… Sam and Tim got a rabbit?

8. …………. his robot got a nose?

9. ………… your brother got a computer?

 5  Постав питання

1. She has got red lips. 2. Jim has got short hair. 3. Frogs have got big eyes. 4. It has got six legs. 5. You have got an aquarium. 6. Her sons have got a horse.

 6  Встав haven’t або hasn’t

1. You …….. got a big nose. 2. She ………… got a yellow doll.  3. I ……… got a son. 4. They ……….. got a nice school. 5. Her son ……….. got a robot. 6. I ………. got a big mouth. 7. My dad ………….. got long hair. 8. Nan and Pam ………. an uncle.

7  Закінчи відповіді

1. Have you got a pet? – Yes, I …….. .

2. Have they got two cows? – No, they ………… .

3. Has Nazar got a ball? – Yes, he …………. .

4. Has your dad got long hair? – No, he ………….. .

5. Has Nelly got fair hair? – Yes, she ………….. .

6. Has your mum got blue eyes? – No, she …………. .

 8  Скажи, що це не так

1. Snakes have got hair. 2. Tom has got a pet. 3. A goldfish has got ears. 4. Boys have got long hair. 5. My sister has got a kitten.

 9  Встав have або has

1. I ……… got a family. 2. ……….. she got a new doll? 3. Our granny ………. got a big house. 4. They ………… not got many English books. 5. The children …….. got a blue ball. 6. ………. your father got a car? 7. ………. you got a brother? 8. Mr. Smith ……… got three children. 9. ………. the cat got kittens?

10  Склади речення

1. have, We, a friend, got

2. got, My, hasn’t, brother, a robot

3. Tom, have, and Ann, a pet, got

4. she, got, Has, a, doll, nice?

5. a mum, you, got, Have?

11  Переклади

1. У мене є кошеня. (Я маю кошеня)

2. У мого кошеня зелені очі. (Моє кошеня має зелені очі)

3. Є у його сестри гарна лялька? (Має його сестра гарну ляльку?)

4. У моїх братів немає комп’ютера. (Мої брати не мають комп’ютера.)

Перегляд файлу


       My name is Pete. My family is big. This is my mother. Her name is Ann. This is my father. His name is Tom. Look! This is my grandma Kate and this is my grandpa Ted. I have got a brother and a sister. Their names are Sam and Pam.


Встав am, is, are

1. I   ____ a pupil. 2. He _____ from America. 3. They ______ plump. 4. It _____ a book. 5. He _______ a teacher. 6. I ____ eleven. 7.  It _____ Africa. 8. I _______ from Ukraine. 9. They ____ clowns. 10. We ___ children. 11. It ___ fat. 12. She _____ pretty. 13. He ____ Dan. 14.  You ____ noisy. 15.  This _____a plane. 16.  March ___ in spring. 17. The dog ____ black. 18. Their friends ____ Jack and Jim. 19.  The doll _____ nice. 20. My pen and my pencil_____ in my bag. 21. His name ____ Tom. 22. Our mothers ____ kind. 23. Those balls ___ red. 24. Its puppy _____ funny. 25. His family ____ big. 26. These girls _____ slim. 27. The tigers and lions _____ hungry. 28. The pencil-sharpener ____ on the desk. 29. Those balloons ____ yellow and blue. 30. Ukraine _____ nice.

Встав am, is або are

1. You ….. pupils. 2. I ….. your friend. 3. His sister …..   beautiful. 4. My brother and I …… happy. 5. They …… from the USA. 6. We ….. from school 38. 7. I ….. nine. 8. Her mum and dad ……. fine. 9. This puppy ….. funny. 1. This table ……. brown. 2. This room ……. very big. 3. My dad ….. strong. 4. The windows …… clean. 5. The flowers ……. yellow. 6. Ted and I …….. tall. 7. My mum ……. kind. 8. The houses …… beautiful.


Заповни пропуски англійськими словами. Не забудь про am, is, are.

1. (Вона) She is beautiful.                7. (Ми)_________ kind.

2. (Я) ________strong.                       8. (Ти)________ nice.

3. (Ми) ________ ill.                          9. (Ви) ________ old.

4. (Вона) _________ clever.               10. (Вона) _________ young.

5. (Вони) ________ small.                 11. (Він) _______ very tall.

6. (Воно) ________ big.                     12. (Ти) __________ weak.

Прочитай та переклади речення.

1. She is not my mother, she is my sister.

2. He is not my brother, he is my friend.

3. They are not my parents, they are my grandparents.

4. His robot is big, it is not small.

5. They are bad, they are not good.

6. Max is not tall, he is short.

7. They are robots, they are not dolls.

8. You are my friend, you are not his friend.

9. She is my friend, she is not my sister.

10. I am not plump, I am slim.

11. My ball is not small, it is big.

12. She is not ugly, she is nice.

13. The weather is bad, it is not fine.

14. His computer is new, it is not old.

15. My mother is not old, she is young.


Здогадайся, про яку тварину йде мова

    1. I am not big and I am not small. I am not grey. I am red. I am not slow (повільний). I am fast (швидкий). Who am I?

    2. I am not small. I am very big. I am not green. I am grey. I am not fast. Who am I?

    3. I am not black. Sometimes (іноді) I am white and sometimes I am grey. I am not slow. I am very fast. I am not brave (хоробрий).

    4. I am not big. I am small. I am not dangerous (небезпечний). I am not blue. I am green.

    5. I am not small. I am big. I am not friendly (дружній). I am very dangerous. I am not grey. I am green.

    6. I am not short (низький). I am tall (високий). I am not grey. I am yellow and brown. I am not dangerous. I am friendly.


Встав в листа am, is або are

Hello! My name (1)………. Brian. I (2)……… ten. I (3) ………. from Canada. I have got a sister. Her name (4) ……… Kathy. She (5) ……….. twelve. She (6) ……. nice. I have got a mother and a father. My mother (7) ………. beautiful. My father (8) ……….. clever. They (9) ………. my family.

Bye.  Brian

Встав am, is або are в діалог

  • Hello, Dick. How (1) ………. you?
  • Hello, Mary. I (2) ………. fine, thanks. How (3) ………… you?
  • I (4) …………. OK. Thank you.
  • You have got so many balloons!
  • It (5) ………… my birthday today.
  • Congratulations! How old (6)………….. you?
  • I (7) ……….. eleven.


Встав am, is або are

Hello! I (1)………. Jack. And This (2) ……….. Julie. She (3) ……….. my sister. We (4) ……….. brother and sister. I (5) …………. ten and Julie (6) ………… ten. We (7) ………….. twins (двойнята). We (8) ………….. from Greenwood. Greenwood (9) ………… in Britain. This (10) ………… Fluffy. It (11) …………….. our pet cat. It (12) …………….. lovely and soft.









































































































Перегляд файлу

Прочитай та переклади віршик

                        Tigers can run in the jungle.

                        Monkeys can climb in the trees.

                        Parrots can fly in the blue sky.

                        Dolphins can swim in the sea.

Встав I can або I cant, щоб речення були про тебе

1. …………….. jump.               5. ……………… swim.

2. ……………. read.                 6. ……………… climb a tree.

3. …………. walk.                    7. ……………… dance.

4. …………. write.                    8. ……………… sing.

Постав питання

1. Sam can run well. 2. She can dance. 3. Frogs can swim. 4.  They can sing. 5. Parrots can fly. 6. His hamster can hide (ховатися).

7. Her puppy can jump.

Скажи, що це не так

1. Cats can fly. 2. Liz can climb a tree. 3. Tortoises can run. 4. Guinea-pigs can swim. 5. Snakes can walk. 6. My rabbit can dance. 7. Her horses can sing.

Закінчи відповіді

1. Can your mum swim? – Yes, she ……… .

2. Can Linda climb a tree? – No, she …………. .

3. Can you run? – Yes, I ……………… .

4. Сan you fly? – No, I ……………. .

5. Can Tom dance? – Yes, he ……………. .

6. Can tortoises jump? – No, they …………. .

7. Can guinea-pigs hide? – Yes, they ………… .

Склади питання для вікторини про тварин

1. elephants / jump / can?                 6. swim / can / horses?

2. dogs / can / swim?                        7. climb trees / cats /can?

3. fly / can / penguins?                      8. dogs / can / climb trees?

4. can / swim / penguins?                  9. fish / can / fly?

5. horses / jump / can?                      10. parrots / can / talk?

Склади речення

1. hamster, My, can, hide

2. can’t, tortoises, A, jump

3. mum, can’t, Our, a tree, climb

4. dance, you, Can?

5. pet, his, Can, swim?

Прочитай і переклади

         Ive got a dog. His name is Spot. Hes big and kind. He can run and jump. He can bark. He can play with the ball. He can swim. Spot can’t climb trees and can’t play football.


        This is a tiger. Tigers are very big and strong. They are wild. They are dangerous. Tigers can run, jump and swim. They can’t fly. They can roar. They can’t meow.


1. Я можу танцювати. 2. Папуги можуть літати. 3. Хом’яки можуть ховатися. 4. Він не вміє плавати. 5. Кролики не можуть бігати. 6. Ваше цуценя вміє стрибати?


Перегляд файлу


I це я,                                            Вінце he,                                    Мице we,

Вице you,                                   Вона – це she,                              Вонице they!

Співай з нами                              Вивчити віршик                           А itце все,

Пісню мою!                                  Ти поспіши!                                   Крім людей!

Усно переклади речення та випиши з них займенники

                    1. Jack is a boy. He is seven.

                    2. Pam is a girl. She is tall (висока).

                    3. They are pupils.

                    4. This is my bag. It is big.

                    5. We live (жити) in Ukraine.

                    6. They have got a puppy. It is black.

                    7. – Do you like to play football?

                        -  No, I don’t.

                    8. – Have you got a grandmother?

                        - Yes, I have.

                    9. This is Kate. She likes  English.

                    10. We are from (з) Great Britain.

Якими займенниками можна замінити ці слова. Напиши замість крапочок.

Bill and Jill – ……, Katia – …….., Maksym – …….., school – ………., dogs – ………., my sister –  ………., my friend and I – ………….,  my family – …………., hamster – …………., London – ………….. .

Прочитай текст, перекладаючи займенники

      Dick and Pam are brother and sister. Їх surname is Chester. They are from Britain. Їх friends, Ben and Liz, are from Britain too. Pаm is nine.  Її  brother Dick is ten. Chip is їх pet dog. Його favourite toy is a ball. Fluffy is їх pet cat. Його favourite food (улюблена їжа) is milk. The children’s school is in High Street. Її name is High Street School.

Прочитай речення, перекладаючи займенники

1. This is Sofia. This is її father.

2. This is Bill. This is його toy.

3. These are Dick and Pam. This is їх dog.

4. This is Nelly. This is її parrot.

5. These are Ben and Kate. This is їх school.

6. This is Mrs Bell. This її garden (садок).

7. We are the Greens. This is наш house

8. This is my mother. This is її room.

9. This is my brother. Thіs іs його bicycle.

Встав пропущені англійські займенники.

1. I love…….mother and father. 2. We love……...mother and father. 3. You love…….mother and father. 4. Tom loves……..mother and father. 5. Ann loves......... mother and father. 6. Jack and Jenny love………. mother and father.


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