Grammar Test “Present Continuous and Present Simple”

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Даний тест перевіряє рівень володіння граматичним матеріалом з теми "Present Continuous and Present Simple". Його можна використовувати як для перевірки рівня засвоєння вивченого, так і під час опрацювання нового матеріалу.
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Grammar Test “Present Continuous and Present Simple”




1.       The castle .......... on the hill. o stand  o is standing o stands






2.       imageHey, why .......... that girl .......... on the table? odoes, stand o are, standing ois, standing 







3.       imageWater .......... at 100° Celsius.

o   is boiling o boils boil





4.       imageThe water .......... . Turn it off, please.

o   boils o boil o is boiling





5.       He .......... ! I just hate it!  o always complains  ois always complaining o is always complain




6.       Really? I (not/believe) you!



7.       She is not lazy at all. She (work) hard most of the time.




8.       Which sentence is NOT correct?

o   My boss is not in the office, she works from home this week.

o   My boss is not in the office, she's working from home this week.


9.       Which sentence is CORRECT?

o   How is your Japanese? - Not bad. It's improving slowly.

o   How is your Japanese? - Not bad. It improves slowly.



10.   imageCan you hear them? What ........ they ........?

o   are, saying o do, say





11.   I hate it if people .......... me when I .......... .        

o   imageinterrupt, am speaking o are interrupting, speak oare interrupting, am speaking 

3 квітня 2023
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