Гривня - українська національна валюта

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Тема: Гривня – українська національна валюта

Мета: Вчити студентів висловлюватись англійською мовою про українську національну валюту.

Студент повинен:

знати лексичний мінімум з теми;

вміти висловлюватись щодо інформації про українську національну валюту, володіти навичками ситуативного мовлення при обговоренні питань професійного характеру.

Література та інтернет-ресурси:

  1. Іноземна (англійська) мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина 3. Завдання для практичних занять для студентів кооперативних технікумів і коледжів / Уклад.: Мартинчук О.М. – К.: НМЦ «Укоопосвіта», 2014.
  2. 7 Facts about Ukrainian Currency / ukrainianlessons.com/ukrainian-currency/


Забезпечення заняття: опорний конспект, картки із завданнями, посібник, планшетний комп’ютер.


Хід заняття


Hryvnia was introduced on September 2, 1996, right after the celebration of Ukraine Independence Day. It replaced the old "Coupon" (or "Karbovanets") which was a temporary bill in Ukraine for the period it was leaving the rouble zone. Old coupons were changed at fixed rate 100 000 coupons for 1 Hryvnia since September 15 and now it is the only legal tender in Ukraine.

There are bills for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 Hryvnias. There are also coins called "kopiyka" for 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 kopiykas (1 kopiyka is equal to 1/100 (one hundredth) of Hryvnia) and one Hryvnia.

Bills of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 Hryvnias marked with year 1992 were designed and printed in Canada. Bills of 1 Hryvnia (alternative design), 50, 100, 200 and 500 Hryvnias were designed and printed already in Ukraine in 1994.

Hryvnia can be freely converted to hard currency in any authorized bank or exchange point. During the last period it proved to be a stable and reliable currency.

There are several protection layers in Hryvnia bills. In addition, bills of 50, 100, 200 and 500 Hryvnias and partially 1 Hryvnia (alternative design) have additional protection levels to ensure their safety.

Every year the National Bank of Ukraine releases the new design of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 Hryvnia bills to increase their protection from falsification.



to introduce [,ɪntrə'dju:s] — запроваджувати; вводити

celebration [,selɪ'breɪʃ(ə)n] — святкування

to replace [n'pleɪs] — заміняти

fixed rate [fɪkst reɪt] - фіксований курс

legal tender ['li:g(ə)l 'tendə] — законний платіжний засіб

bill [bɪl] — банкнот coin [kɔm] — монета

currency ['kʌrənsɪ] — валюта

authorized ['ɔ:θəraɪzd] bank — уповноважений банк

safety ['seɪftɪ] — безпека, цілість



1. When was Hryvnia introduced?

2. What currency did it replace? 3 How were old coupons changed?

4. What bills are there? .

5. Are there any coins?

6. Where can Hryvnia be freely converted to hard currency?

7. Why was the new design of 2, 5, 10 and 20 Hryvnia bills released?

At the exchange bureau/сurrency exchange

- Hi. What can I do for you?

- Yes. I’d like to exchange US dollars into hryvnia. What’s the buying rate for American dollars at your exchange office today?

- Well, today it’s 27.40 euro to one dollar, sir.

- All right. Actually that’s pretty good for today. And do you charge any commission?

- No, we don’t. Our rates include commission, so there are no extra charges here.

- Oh, that’s great!

- How much are you going to change?

- I’ve got 800 (eight hundred) US dollars.    

- OK. That makes  21920 hryvnia. And may I see your passport or some other ID, please?

- Here you are.                                                                                                       

- How would you like the money? Would you prefer your currency in large or small bills?

- In 500 hryvnia notes, please, if possible.

- Sure. Please, put your signature on the receipt.

- Here you go.

- Thank you, sir. Here is your money.

- Sorry. But could I have new notes, please?

- Certainly. No problem.

- Thanks. Have a nice day.



Lisa, what are you going to do today?


I’m going shopping.


What time are you leaving?


I’m going to leave around 4 o’clock.


Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store?




Do you have enough money?


I’m not sure.


How much do you have?


125 dollars. Do you think that’s enough?


That’s not very much.


I think it’s OK. I also have two credit cards.


Let me give you another hundred dollars.


Thanks. See you later.



7 Facts about Ukrainian Currency

Get acquainted with personalities and places depicted on the Ukrainian banknotes, find out the etymology of the Ukrainian currency name and other interesting facts!  At the end take a virtual tour of The Museum of Money of the National Bank of Ukraine and take the quiz!


Fact #1. Ukrainian currency is called hryvnia…

…or гривня in Ukrainian. The hryvnia code is UAH. It was proclaimed the national currency five years after USSR dissolution in 1996.


Fact #2. The official sign for Ukrainian money is ₴.

It consists of the cursive Cyrillic letter “г” and double horizontal stroke. Letter “г” stands for the first letter in Ukrainian word “гривня” (hryvnia). Double horizontal stroke symbolizes stability (the same sign is used in European € and Japanese ¥  currency symbols). In Ukraine, the abbreviation грн is used more often than the hryvnia sign.


Fact #3. The Ukrainian currency got its name in honor of the old currency. 

http://ukrainianlessons.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/img_59f68d34babbb.pngThe word “hryvnia” was used to denote first copper and then silver ingots of a certain weight in Kyivan Rus’ times. They looked like this:


The word probably derived from Slavic word “hryva” with the meaning “mane” and consequently “hryvna” with the meaning “neck jewelry”. According to etymologists, the meaning of the word “hryvna – neck jewelry” was complemented with meaning “monetary unit” due to the widespread tradition of making neck jewelry out of coins.



Fact #4. Main motifs on the front side of the banknotes…

…represent important personalities who lived in the territory of the present Ukraine in various historical eras. On the back side of the banknotes, these motifs are completed by depicting places related to the names of these personalities. Currently Ukrainian hryvnia is issued in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 denominations.


Fact #5. Hryvnia hundredth part is копійка. 

Currently Ukrainian копійки are issued in 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 1 hryvnia denominations. Obverse: the Ukrainian tryzub (Coat of Arms), the name of the country (Ukraine), minted year and floral ornament. Reverse: denomination and floral ornament.



Fact #6. There are few different grammar forms of the word гривня…

…depending on the number used before it.

1 + гривня

2, 3, 4  + гривні

5 to 9 and 0 (and 11-14) + гривень

For numbers ending with 1 thenominative singular formгривня is used  (except 11)

одна гривня (1 грн)

двадцять одна гривня (21 грн)

сто одна гривня (101 грн)

For numbers ending with 2, 3, or 4 the nominative plural form гривні is used (except 12, 13, 14).

дві, три, чотири гривні (2, 3, 4 грн)

двадцять дві гривні (22 грн)

сто три (103 грн)

For numbers ending with 5 to 9 and 0 the genitive plural form гривень is used.

пять гривень (5 грн)

десять гривень (10 грн)

дев’яносто дев’ять гривень (99 грн) 


The singular for the subdivision is копійка, the nominative plural is копійки and the genitive is копійок.

Fact #7. Banknotes issued in Ukraine can be viewed at the Museum of Money of the National Bank of Ukraine…

…in Kyiv (9, Instytutska Str., Kyiv, entrance No 5). The museum’s collection can be viewed online by taking a virtual tour, available on the NBU’s official website. The 3D virtual tour offers viewers an opportunity to explore all the showcases.


Home task: Tell about the Ukrainian national currency.

20 серпня 2019
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