Тема: Роль грошей в житті людини.
Мета: Вчити студентів висловлюватись англійською мовою про роль грошей в житті людини.
Студент повинен:
знати лексичний мінімум з теми;
вміти висловлюватись щодо голі грошей в житті людини, володіти навичками ситуативного мовлення при обговоренні питань професійного характеру.
Іноземна (англійська) мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина 3. Завдання для практичних занять для студентів кооперативних технікумів і коледжів / Уклад.: Мартинчук О.М. – К.: НМЦ «Укоопосвіта», 2014.
Забезпечення заняття: опорний конспект, картки із завданнями, посібник, планшетний комп’ютер.
Хід заняття
to sell things – продавати речі
to buy things – купувати речі
to keep money – тримати гроші
to put money – вкладати гроші
means of storing up – засіб накопичення
to be heavy with orders – мати багато замовлень
to clarify some details – з’ясовувати деякі деталі
a repeat order – повторне замовлення
to settle prices – домовитися про ціни
to deal with a bank – користуватися послугами банку
The root of all evil, a measure of the value of goods, to pay money, to put money, means of storing up buying power, to be heavy with orders, to clarify some details, to make an order, to settle prices, to deal with a bank, good and bad point, the guarantee of security, various uses in the modem world, some very serious disadvantages, means of exchanging of goods.
Money for which a thing is bought or sold; a measure of the value of goods, price to be paid for a thing, place where people meet to buy and sell goods, quantity of something given in return for money paid, a particular type of money used in a state (purchase, price, cost, market, currency, money)
1. Time is .... 2. Has money various ...? 3. Money is a means of.... 4. By means of money things can be bought or .... 5. Money is a root....
1. Read, translate and discuss the text:
Money is one of greatest invention. In the modem world money has various uses. Money is used for buying and selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Money is also of very great use as a means of exchanging goods and services. Money is a way to store up buying power that one can use later. If we consider money as a means of storing up buying power, it has good and bad points. Money can more easily be kept for a long time than such things as food, buildings and machines. Food spoils, buildings fall to pieces and machines rust. Money takes up very little space and if we want we may put it in a bank.
Money has four functions:
1. The medium of exchange. In an advanced society the use of money allows us to exchange hours of labour for an amazing variety of goods and services. We can exchange, for example, two weeks' labour for a holiday abroad just as easily as we can exchange it for a piece of furniture or a year's rent on a television set.
2. A measure of value. The direct exchange of goods for goods would raise all sorts of problems regarding valuation. For example, “How many bushels of com are equal in value to one sheep, if twenty sheep exchange for three cows and one cow exchanges for ten bushels of com?” The problem of exchange rates is easily solved when all other commodities are valued in terms of a single commodity, which then acts as a standard of value. Money now serves as such a standard and when all economic goods are given money values (i.e. prices), we know, immediately, the value of one commodity in terms of any other commodity.
3. A store of value. Once a commodity becomes universally acceptable in exchange for goods and services, it is possible to store wealth by holding a stock of this commodity. It is a great convenience to hold wealth in the form of money. Consider the problems of holding wealth in the form of some other commodity, say wheat. It may deteriorate, it is costly to store, may be insured, and there will be significant handling costs in accumulating and distributing it.
4. A means of making deferred payments. An important function of money in the modem world, where so much business is conducted on the basis of credit, is to serve as a means of deferred payment. When goods are supplied on credit, the buyer has immediate use of them but does not have to make an immediate payment.
But modem money has some very serious disadvantages if we use it as a means of storing up buying power. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. In earlier times when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each was really worth the amount stamped on the coin. But the paper in modem paper money is worth much less than the amount written on it. In a short time the buying power of modem money can change very greatly and because of that, some people are doubtful about the wisdom of saving money.
III. Post-reading stage:
l. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text:
doubtful, buying power, wisdom, amount, earlier times, means of storing up, serious disadvantages, modem world, means of exchanging, goods and services, buying things, value of things, little space, gold and silver coins, short time, fall to pieces, little space, worth much less.
2. Find in the text English equivalents to Ukrainian words and word combinations:
товари і послуги, купівельна спроможність, засіб накопичення, хороші і погані сторони, дуже мало місця, сучасні паперові гроші, серйозні недоліки, золоті і срібні монети, зберігання грошей, міра цінності товарів.
(Barter, societies, invented, valuables, coins, printed, Asia, Europe, dangerous, goldsmiths)
The use of money is as old as the human civilization. Money is basically a method of exchange, and coins and notes are just items of exchange. But money was not always the same form as the money today, and is still developing.
The basis of all early commerce was _______, in other words the direct exchange of one product for another, with the relative values a matter for negotiation. Subsequently both livestock, particularly cattle, and plant products such as grain, come to be used as money in many different societies at different periods. The earliest evidence of banking is found in Mesopotamia between 3000 and 2000 B.C. when temples were used to store grain and other _______ used in trade.
Various items have been used by different_______ at different times. Aztecs used cacao beans. Norwegians once used butter. The early U.S. colonists used tobacco leaves and animal hides. The people of Paraguay used snails. Roman soldiers were paid a "salarium" of salt. On the island of Nauru, the islanders used rats. Human slaves have also been used as currency around the world. In the 16th century, the average exchange value of a slave was 8000 pounds of sugar.
Gradually, however, people began exchanging items that had no intrinsic value, but which had only agreed-upon or symbolic value. An example is the cowries shell. Metal tool money, such as knife and spade monies, was also first used in China. These early metal monies developed into primitive versions of round coins at the end of the Stone Age. Chinese coins were made out of copper, often containing holes so they could be put together like a chain. The Chinese _______also paper money during the T'ang Dynasty.
Outside of China, the first _______developed out of lumps of silver. They soon took the familiar round form of today, and were stamped with various gods and emperors to mark their authenticity. These early coins first appeared in the Kingdom of Lydia (now in Turkey) in the 7th century B.C. Paper money was adopted in Europe much later than in _______and the Arab world - primarily because Europe didn't have paper.
The Bank of Sweden issued the first paper money in Europe in 1661, though this was also a temporary measure. In 1694 the Bank of England was founded and began to issue promissory notes, originally handwritten but later _______. To make travelling with gold less_______, goldsmiths, or people who made jewellery and other items out of gold, came up with an idea. The _______started writing out notes on pieces of paper that said the person who had the note could trade the note in for gold. These promissory notes were the beginning of paper money in_______. If you look at a British bank note today, you'll see it still says: I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of twenty pounds.
Home task: Tell about the functions of money in the modern society.