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custom ['kʌstəm] — звичай

 expectation [,ekspek'teɪʃ(ə)n] — чекання, очікування

 to celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] — святкувати

 carol [ kær(ə)l] — різдвяний гімн; колядка

 sermon ['sə:mən] — проповідь

 sweetheart ['swi:tha:t] — любий, коханий

 coup d'etat ['ku:deɪ'ta:] — фр. державний переворот, путч

 family reunion [ri:'ju:njən] — збір усієї родини


Each country has its own customs, traditions, holidays, and important days in its history. Talking of holidays in Ukraine we can't but tell about everybody's favourite New Year Holiday. People think that at night on New Year's eve the old year with all its troubles leaves us forever and the new year with all our hopes and expectations knocks at our doors. People decorate the Christmas tree, have New Year parties and prepare presents for their relatives and friends.On the eve of January the 7th Ukrainians start celebrating Christmas. It's the day of Jesus Christ's birthday and it is widely celebrated all over Ukraine. People sing carols, cook a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish named "kutya" which all the family eats together. Then people go to church to listen to the Christmas sermon.

Not long ago Ukrainians began to celebrate a new holiday, St. Valentine's Day. It's the day of lovers, when we give special cards and presents to our sweethearts. This traditional holiday came into Ukraine from the English-speaking countries.

 March the 8th is Women's Day. This date was introduced in 1910 by the 2nd International Conference of women-socialists at the proposal of Clara Tsetkin as a day of the international solidarity of women in their struggle for economic, political, and social equality. Nowadays this date has lost its political meaning and became just the day when we congratulate and thank our women for everything they do for us at home and at work, say our good wishes, give them flowers and presents.

Easter Day comes according to the lunar calendar. It's the Day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. People celebrate this Holiday because He died on the cross for our salvation. They go to churches to listen to sermons, gather at homes to pray and thank Jesus Christ for our salvation from eternal death into eternal life with Him in Heaven.

On May the 1st we celebrate the holiday of spring, nature awakening and beauty.

On May the 9th we celebrate the anniversary of Victory over Nazi Germany. People go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier who died at war defending our country from fascists, put flowers to the monuments, and in the evening everybody goes to see the holiday salute.

On August the 24th we celebrate the Day of Independence of Ukraine, which was proclaimed in 1991 on the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine after the attempt of the military coup d'etat in Moscow.

We also like our holidays because we always have our family reunion on these days.




1. What holidays do we celebrate in Ukraine?

2. What is your favourite holiday?

3. How do people celebrate Easter?

4. What do people usually do on Victory day ?

5. Where does St. Valentine's Day come from ?

24 листопада 2021
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