ІІ семестр Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу (сімейна форма навчання)

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Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу сімейної форми навчання на ІІ семестр. Міститьт різноманітні завдання з читання, письма та лексико-граматичні тести
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Семестрова контрольна робота

з англійської мови

(сімейна форма навчання)


(ПІБ учня)



Test Paper


I. Make the right choice.


1. When we entered the hall, the music … loudly.

a) was playing   b) played    c) had played


2. My elder brother … school 3 years ago.

  1.       finishes    b) finished    c) had finished


3. Many years ago people … .

  1.       wore funny clothes  b) wear funny clothes  c) had worn funny clothes


4. When we got up, the sun … .

a) already rose   b) had already risen  c) has already risen


5. Before she called us mother … the table.

a) set     b) was setting   c) had set


6. I … home very early yesterday afternoon.

a) had come   b) was coming   c) came



II. Read the text


     Bella swan has always been a little different from other kids at her school. She never really cared about fitting in with the trendy girls at her high school in Phoenix, Arizona. When her mother remarries, Bella decides to live with her father in Forks, a little town in Washington. She doesn’t expect her life to change a lot in her new school but it does change when she meets the mysterious and good-looking Edward. She has never met anyone like him. He’s very intelligent and witty. He’s also trying hard to hide his secret. Very soon they fall in love but it’s a bit like a Romeo and Juliet story. They shouldn’t be together. Their family and friends will try to separate them.

     Еdward Cullen is not an ordinary boy. He has some superhuman powers. He can stop a car with his bare hands and he can run faster than any other human being. He also hasn’t grown any older since 1918 because he’s immortal. Just like all other vampires. Yes, he is a vampire but a different sort of vampire. He and his family don’t drink human blood. When he sees Bella, he realises that he has waited all his life for such a creature. He has finally found his true soul mate. The reason why he tries to avoid Bella at first is because he is afraid that he might hurt her.


1)  Are these sentences true or false?

1. Bella has always been different from other kids at school.

2. Her life doesn’t change in her new school.

3. She has met boys like Edward before.

4. Edward has got a secret that he is trying to hide.

5. He can do things that other people can’t.

6. He is immortal.


2) Answer the questions

1. Is Bella a typical popular girl?

2. Is Edward different from other boys in his school?

3. Where Bella decides to live?

4. What Edward Cullen has?

5.What happened when he sees Bella?

6. What he has found?


III. Write a short composition about famous landmarks of the place you living now

10 січня 2024
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