Інструктивна картка "Україна: Київ"

Про матеріал
Матеріали інструкитвної картки містять підбірку завдань для учнів 7 класу з англійської мови на тему " Україна: Київ", які вдало використовувати під час дистанційного навчання.
Перегляд файлу

Інструктивна картка № 1  до уроку англійської мови

7 клас

( Lessons 81-84 )

Тема: «Україна: Київ»

Завдання для учня:

-         вивчи лексичний матеріал з теми, вмій застосовувати його в говорінні та на письмі;

-         вивчи інформацію про визначні місця столиці України;

-         удосконалюй навички сприйняття на слух англомовного тексту з повним розумінням його змісту;

-         тренуйся будувати речення про майбутні події, вживаючи структуру « to be going to…» та Future Simple Tense;

-         розвивай навички говоріння, аудіювання та письма.


  1. How are you? Choose the smile and draw your mood at this moment.


pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg



2. Warm up


Look at the picture!


-         What city does it remind you of?

-         What do you know about this city?

-         What famous landmarks are situated in Kyiv?

-         What river does Kyiv stand on?


Секретні місця Києва: корисні поради для прогулянок столицею від урбаністок  "Місто-сад" | Українська правда _Життя


-         Is Kyiv your native town?

-         Have you ever been to Kyiv?

-         Where is Kyiv situated?

-         Is it a new or an old city?

-         Is it beautiful?

-         Who was the founder of Kyiv?

-         What places of interest in Kyiv do you know?

-         What places of interest can you see in these pictures?


  1. Vocabulary


Match English words with Ukrainian equivalents:

1.to be situated on           а) проходити (про час)


2. exhibition                    b) каштан


3.to pass                           c) мешканець


4.to be proud                    d) бути розташованим на


5.fifteen centuries             e) виставка


6. inhabitant                       f) давні горби


7. to be held                      g) проводитися


8. ancient hills                   h) пишатися


9.chestnut tree                  I) пятнадцять століть



  1. Reading



Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe. It bears a name of prince Kyi, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the sixth century.  Nowadays it is a large political, industrial and cultural centre. There are huge enterprises in Kyiv. They produce excavators, air liners, computers, automatic lathes, gas equipment, chemical goods, cameras, ready-made clothes, etc. Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and buses in Khreschatyk. Kiev is on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green.

The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreschatic. It is lined up with chestnut trees. Kyiv is the large ancient center of national Ukrainian culture. There are 20 museums, 1300 libraries, 41 theatres, 121 parks. There are many places of historic interest among them: Kyiv – Pechersk Lavra, the St.Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Prince Volodimir and others. More than 10 000 student study at Kyiv Shevchenko National University. There are over 20 higher educational establishments in Kyiv.



  1. Post-reading activity. 


Fill in the gaps.

  1. Some tourists are waiting for their guide on the …… nest to the monument.
  2. We like to ……. along the park when the weather is warm and sunny.
  3. At noon there is much …… on the roads.
  4. All the celebrities like to book ……. hotels. 
  5. The area around this place is ……… It is bad idea to play here.
  6. All this water from rivers and ……. will run into the ocean.


Key: pavement, stroll, traffic, fashionable, swampy, streams.


  1. Reading.


 Do ex. 2, p. 151. Read the text about the main street of Kyiv and complete it with the sentences (A-D) given below.


Post -reading


Do ex. 3, p. 151 Work in pairs. Ask you classmates the questions given below.


  1. Writing


Do ex.5, p. 152.  Write questions to the words in italics.

   Look at the example.


E x a m p l e:

Khreshchatyk is the main street of the capital of Ukraine. - What is the main street of the capital of Ukraine?


  1. Listening

Now I want you to watch one video. While watching the video I want you to answer the question: What is this video about.




And after watching the video let`s try to complete the sentences.


(two word-combinations are extra)

European Square, Khreshchatyk, 1900m, skyscraper, shortest, Bessarabska Square, 1200m, two hundred years ago


1.  The symbol of our capital is …………

2. It stretches from ……. to ……..

3.  It is one of the ………. street in the world.

4. Khreshchatyk has a length of …………

5. The first …… was build on Khreshchatyk Street.


9. Home task


    -Ex.4, page 152 – complete the sentences with will or to be going to

-Listen, read and act out the dialogue. Tell about your weekend in Kyiv last Sunday.


Do these tasks and send the screenshot .  




10. How are you now? Choose the smile about your mood at this moment.

pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg








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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 лютого 2024
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