Казка як засіб формування позитивної мотивації навчання англійської мови

Про матеріал

В даному проекті вміщено цікаву та знайому з дитинства казку. Варіативні завдання до неї спрямовані на активізацію лексичного матеріалу, формування навичок аудіювання, читання та усного мовлення і розширення словникового запасу учнів.

Матеріал призначений для учнів 4-6 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, а також усіх, хто вивчає англійську мову самостійно. Учителям рекомендовано використовувати ці тексти під час занять для непідготовленого читання англійською мовою та аудіювання, тому що вони з прозорою фабулою і легкі для читання та сприйняття на слух.

Перегляд файлу

Департамент освіти  і  науки

Київської обласної державної  адміністрації

Комунальний навчальний заклад Київської обласної ради

"Київський обласний інститут післядипломної освіти педагогічних кадрів"







Казка як засіб формування позитивної мотивації навчання англійської мови








Автор проекту: Діхтяр Віктор Володимирович

слухач курсів підвищення фахової

кваліфікації педагогічних працівників за

очно-дистанційною формою:  для

вчителів англійської , німецької,

французької , іспанської мов

учитель англійської мови Ольшаницького ліцею Рокитнянської селищної ради Білоцерківського району Київської області



Керівник: Стадніченко Галина Михайлівна








                                                 Біла Церква



       Hello, I hope you and your children will enjoy the story and characters I present to you here.

   This fairy tale has been passed down from parent to child for generations and generations. It usually teaches a lesson. It teaches the values that are important in every culture: like being kind, generous and helpful to others. It shows that looks can be deceiving. Someone attractive, can be cruel and evil and someone ugly, can be good and loving. It also teaches the value of patience. Rewards for good deeds don’t always come quickly. But be patient, and the good deeds you do will bring good deeds to you. And if you keep working hard, your efforts will pay off.

This story is written in modern and plain English, without being too complicated or too hard.

Most middle school children can read this story. But I hope that teachers, parents and other adults will enjoy reading this book with their children too.

The listening tasks give a great opportunity to improve children’s listening skills. Pronunciation activities help children to recognize sounds and reproduce them correctly.

 I hope there is enough that everyone will enjoy listening to the story of slow and normal speed and reading it.









    Introduction ....................................................................................................



The Wizard Of OZ (by L. Frank Baum)



 1. Chapter 1……………………………………………………………………..


 2. Comprehension1 ……………………………………………………………..


       3. Chapter 2 …………………………………………………………………….


       4. Comprehension 2 …………………………………………………………….


       5. Chapter 3 ………………………………………………… ………………….


       6. Comprehension 3 …………………………...………………………………..


 7. Answers to Comprehensions 1-3……………………………………………..

   Bibliography……………………………………………………. …………....      
















   Chapter 1

Characters Featured

Dorothy, aunt Em, uncle Henry, the Munchkins, Toto 


 Match the pictures to the words.









      1.  Listen to the recording (slow speed). Clap/raise your hands when you hear the sentence with one of the words from the list. Number the words in the order you hear them. If it is necessary, listen to the sentence again.

 A tornado____                       slaves____                           pick up___

 flew___                                  a wizard___                        a cellar____

   2.  Listen to the recording with pauses after every sentence to improve the pronunciation. (Children repeat a word or a sentence as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation).

 3.  Listen to the recording again (slow speed) and complete the following sentences with the words you hear. If it is necessary, stop the recording and listen to the sentence again. After that read the sentences and check your spelling.

1. It’s so ___________ here. I wish I could have an adventure.

2. It was a ___________!

3. The tornado picked up the _________ and spun it in the air.

4. Dorothy was very____________.

5. She saw a beautiful ______________ with trees and flowers.

6. We are the ________________, and you saved us from the evil witch.

7.  I’m not a powerful _____________.

8. We were all her ______________.

9. Here, take the witch’s _______________.

10. It was a _________________day, and the walk was easy.

4.  Listen to the recording again, then take roles and read it out.   


 Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Dorothy. She lived on a farm in Kansas with her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. She also had a little dog named Toto. Dorothy loved her family, but she did not like Kansas.

– It’s so boring here. I wish I could have an adventure.

– Nonsense, child. Kansas is a wonderful place.

– You don’t need adventures. Now go and get the eggs from the henhouse.

 Dorothy went to get the eggs from the henhouse. But when she went outside, she saw a big black cloud that touched the ground. It was a tornado!

– Uncle Henry! Aunt Em! A tornado’s coming, a tornado’s coming!

– Quickly, everyone go to the cellar. We’ll be safe there.

– Wait! Toto is missing. I have to find Toto.

  Dorothy ran back to the house to find her dog.

– Toto! Toto! Where are you? There you are, you silly dog. Let’s go to the cellar with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Oh, no! The house is moving!

  The tornado picked up the house and spun it in the air. The house flew around and around. Dorothy was very scared. She held Toto tightly. Finally, the house stopped moving, and everything was quiet. Dorothy opened the door, but she didn’t see Uncle Henry’s farm outside. She saw a beautiful garden with trees and flowers. She walked outside into the garden.

– Where are we? This doesn’t look like Kansas. Everything is so pretty here.

Then she saw some people walking up to her. They looked like adults, but they were as small as children. Their clothes were all blue, even their hats and shoes.

– Hello and thank you, powerful wizard. We are the Munchkins, and you saved us from the evil witch.

– I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. I’m not a powerful wizard. I’m just a little girl. My house was caught in a tornado. I didn’t save anyone from an evil witch.

– Your house landed on the witch and killed her. See?

The Munchkin pointed to the side of the house. Sticking out from under the house were two legs. Suddenly, the witch’s body turned into dust and blew away in the wind. Only her two ruby shoes remained.

– I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to kill anybody.

– That’s alright. We’re happy. She’s gone. We were all her slaves. Now we are free again. How can we reward you?

– I don’t need a reward. I just need to get home. My family will miss me.

– We can’t help you get home. But the Wizard of Oz can. You must go to the Emerald City to see him.

– The Emerald City? Where is that?

  Just follow this yellow brick road. It will take you straight there.

– Here, take the witch’s shoes. They are magic shoes, and they will help you.

– Thank you so much. Goodbye.

– Goodbye, and take care.

The Munchkins waved good bye as Dorothy and Toto walked down the yellow brick road. It was a beautiful day, and the walk was easy.


Comprehension 1

  1. Mark the sentences as T(true) or F(false). Correct the false ones.

1. Dorothy lived on a farm.____

2. The Munchkins were very tall.____

3. Dorothy’s house killed the evil witch.____

4. The Munchkins told Dorothy to go to the Emerald City.____

5. The Wizard of Oz lived in Kansas.____

   2.  Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) to questions 1 – 5.

              1. Who did Dorothy live with?

     a  She lived with her mother and father.

     b  She lived with her aunt and uncle.

                     c  She lived with the Munchkins.

              2. What is tornado?

                    a  A big black cloud that touches the ground.

                     b  Dorothy’s dog.

                     c  A kind of farm house.

              3. Why did Dorothy run back to the house?

                    a To get eggs.

                    b To find Toto.

                    c To be safe from the tornado.


              4. What did the Munchkins give to Dorothy?

                    a They gave her some money.

                    b They gave her a beautiful flower.

                    c They gave her magic shoes.

              5. Where did the yellow brick road go?

                   a It went to the Emerald City.

                   b It went to Kansas.

                   c It went to Dorothy’s house.

3.   Fill in the blanks – use the words in the word bank

              (each word is used once)

 beautiful  clothes   everything  family  free

      like     moving    shoes    slaves   walk  


              1. Dorothy loved her _____ , but she did not ______ Kansas.

              2. Finally, the house stopped _____ , and ______ was quiet .

              3. Their _____ were all blue, even their hats and _____.

              4. We were all her ____. Now we are _____ again.

              5. It was a _____ day, and the _____ was easy.




  1. Draw a line to connect the first half of each sentence with the second half :

             A                                        B


Dorothy wished for                        a little dog.


                  Toto was ●                   ● trees and flowers.


Dorothy thought Kansas was               an adventure.


The beautiful garden had ●                 ● dust and blew away. 


The witch’s body turned into ●               ● a boring place.   









  Chapter 2

Characters Featured

Dorothy, Toto,the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman, the  lion, the  guard, Mr. Piddywog, the Wizard of Oz


 Label the pictures.

stuffed with straw, got caught in a rain storm, kind and generous, a coward,  emerald, a broom                                                     


             _______________________                                 __________________________




    _____________________________                            _________________________________


     _____________________________                              _____________________________



      1.  Listen to the recording (slow speed). Clap/raise your hands when you hear the sentence with one of the words from the list. Number the words in the order you hear them. If it is necessary, listen to the sentence again.

 dream____                       brains____                           try on___

 move___                           turn into___                        brave____

   2.  Listen to the recording with pauses after every sentence to improve the pronunciation. (Children repeat a word or a sentence as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation).

  3.  Listen again and write who said that (Dorothy, the Tin Woodsman, the Scarecrow, the  lion, the guard, Mr. Piddywog, the Wizard of Oz) and say these sentences, trying to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation.

1. “I guess I’ll try on these _________shoes”, said  _____________

2.  “Scarecrow, I’m sorry if I ____________ you”, said ____________

3.  “I got caught in a rain storm and was rusted stiff’, said_______________

4.  “I wish I were brave”, said __________________

5.  “Can I help you?” said _________________

6.  “Please follow me”, said ____________________

7.  “Yes, I can do all those things”, said ____________________

4.  Listen to the recording again, then take roles and read it out.


After a while, they came to a cornfield with a low fence around it.

– I need a rest, Toto. I guess I’ll try on these ruby shoes. Wow! They fit perfectly. And they’re so comfortable.

– They look very pretty too.

– Who said that?

– I did. Scarecrow. I’m sorry if I scared you.

– You surprised me. I’ve never heard a scarecrow talk before.

– We don’t have much to say. Our heads are stuffed with straw, and we have no brains. I wish I had brains. I want to think great thoughts and dream great dreams. But you can’t do that without brains.

– I am going to see the Wizard of Oz. May be he can help you too.

– Do you think so? I would be so happy. Please help me down. I want to go too.

Dorothy helped the Scarecrow get down from his post. Then they walked along the yellow brick road together.

Later on, they came to a forest. Standing next to a tree was a metal man with a metal axe.

– What a strange statue. It looks like the statue is cutting down the tree.

– Hrp mr.

– Oh, the statue is trying to speak.

– He’s rusted stiff. Here is an oil can. May be this will help.

Dorothy and the Scarecrow picked up the oil can and oiled the statue. Soon it began to move its arms and legs. Finally, it could move its mouth to speak.

– Ahh, thank you so much. I got caught in a rain storm and was rusted stiff. I’m the Tin Woodsman. Who are you?

– I’m Dorothy, this is my dog Toto, and this is the Scarecrow. We are going to see the Wizard of Oz. I want to go home to Kansas, and the Scarecrow wants brains.

– Really? May be he can give me a heart. A magician made me to help him in the forest. But he forgot to give me a heart. I like people who are kind and generous. But you can’t be kind and generous without a heart.

– If he can help me, I’m sure he can help you too. Let’s go.

So they walked down the yellow brick road together.

Suddenly, a big lion jumped out onto the road. He roared loudly, and showed his big teeth. Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodsman were all scared. But Toto ran up and bit the lion’s toe.

– Ow, ow! Get it away from me! Get it away!

– What’s wrong? Toto’s only a little dog.

– I know, but he scared me.

– A little dog scared a big lion like you? You are a coward.

– Yes, I am a coward. I wish I were brave.

– Maybe the Wizard of Oz can help you too.

– I’m going to ask for the heart, the Scarecrow is going to ask for brains, and Dorothy is going to ask to go home. I’m sure he can give you courage.

  Please let me come with you. I’m sorry I scared you.

– Yes, you can come with us. But don’t roar at us again.

– Right. No more roaring.

The new friends continued down the yellow brick road. Finally, they saw a green glow over the hills.

– That must be the Emerald City.

– I hope the Wizard of Oz can see us soon.

– I hope he won’t turn us into frogs.

– I’m sure he’s a very nice man. He won’t turn us into frogs.

  Soon they came to the city gates. The gates were green as emeralds. A guard met them at the door. His clothes were all green like the gates.

– Can I help you?

– Yes, sir. We’re here to see the Wizard of Oz.

– Do you want to see the Wizard? Please wait a moment.

The guard went inside the gates. Soon he returned with another man.

– This is Mr. Piddywog. He will take you to the Wizard.

– Please follow me.

– Excuse me, Mr. Piddywog. Will the Wizard be able to see us soon?

– The Wizard is a very busy man. But I think he will be able to see you today.

– Will he turn us into frogs?

– If you make him angry, he might.

Mr. Piddywog took them to a huge castle. Everything in the castle was green. The floors and the walls were green marble. The curtains were green silk. Even the windows had green glass. They went through a big green door into a large room. Sitting on a throne in the room was a tall man. He was the Wizard of Oz. 

– Hello. How can I help you?

– Hello, sir. My name is Dorothy. My house was picked up by a tornado, and I want to go home to Kansas. Can you help me?

– I am a Scarecrow, but I want to think great thoughts. Can you give me brains?

– I am a Tin Woodsman, but I have no heart. Can you give me the heart?

– I am a big, strong lion, but I am a coward. Can you give me courage?

– Yes, I can do all those things. But first, you must do something for me. In the west lives a Wicked Witch. Her broom has a very powerful magic. Bring me her broom, and I will grant your wishes. But be careful. She is very evil, and she will try to make you her slaves. Will you try to get her broom for me?

– I really want to go home. All right, we’ll get broom for you.

– Wonderful! But now it is late. Mr. Piddywog will show you some rooms. You may sleep here tonight. Tomorrow, you will go west to find the Wicked Witch’s broom.




Comprehension 2            

    1. Mark the sentences as T(true) or F(false). Correct the false ones.

1. Dorothy met the Scarecrow in a rice field.____

2. The Tin Woodsman was made by a magician.____

3. Toto scared the Cowardly Lion.____

4. Everything in the Emerald City was green.____

5. The Wizard of Oz turned the Cowardly Lion into a frog.____

       2.  Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) to questions 1 – 5.

              1. How did Dorothy’s magic shoes fit?

    a They were too small.

    b They were too big.

                   c They fit her perfectly.

              2. How did the Tin Woodsman get rusted stiff?

                   a  He got caught in a rain storm.

                   b  He fell into a lake.

                   c  Someone poured oil on him.

              3. Who bit the Cowardly Lion’s toe?

                   a  Dorothy did.

                   b  Toto did.

                    c  A bug did.


        4. How many new friends did Dorothy meet on the yellow   brick road?

                  a  She met two new friends.

                  b  She met three new friends.

                  c  She met four new friends.

                  5. Where did the Wicked Witch live?

                  a  She lived in the west.

                  b  She lived in the east.

                  c  She lived in the Emerald City.

  1.   Fill in the blanks – use the words in the word bank

              (each word is used once)

 castle     down     dream    evil     hope

 make     statue     think      took   turn  


              1. I want to ____ great thoughts and _____ great dreams.

              2. It looks like the ____ is cutting ____ the tree .

              3. I ____ he won’t ____ us into frogs.

              4. Mr. Piddywog ____ them to a huge ____ .

              5. She is very ____ , and she will try to ____ you her slaves.


  1. Draw a line to connect the first half of each sentence with the second half :

             A                                        B


          Dorothy wants                        a heart.


The Scarecrow wants ●                   ● the Wicked Witch’s broom.


The Tin Woodsman wants ●                     brains.


The Cowardly Lion wants ●            ● to go home. 


The Wizard of Oz wants ●               ● courage.  









 Chapter 3

Characters Featured

Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman, the Cowardly Lion, the Wicked Witch, Flying Monkeys


What are the following  words in Ukrainian?

Catch –______________________________

Terrible –________________________

Give(gave) a hug –_______________________________

Claws –__________________________

A bucket –________________________

Melt –___________________________


      1. Listen to the recording (slow speed). Clap/raise your hands when you hear the sentence with one of the words given above. If it is necessary, listen to the sentence again.

2.  Listen again and write who said that (Dorothy, the Tin Woodsman, the Wicked Witch, Flying Monkeys) and say these sentences, trying to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation.

1. “There are some strangers from the Emerald City in my kingdom”, said _______________.

2. “This is terrible. We’ve been caught”, said _______________.

3. “There, there, Dorothy. It’s alright”, said __________________.

4. “She’s dead. The Wicked Witch is dead”, said _________________.

3. Listen to the recording with pauses after every sentence to improve the pronunciation. (Children repeat a word or a sentence as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation).

4.  Listen to the recording again, then take roles and read it out


The next morning, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman and the Cowardly Lion all met at the gates of the Emerald City. They turned west and started to look for the Wicked Witch’s castle. But the Wicked Witch had very powerful magic. Her eyes could see anywhere in her kingdom. As soon as Dorothy and her friends crossed the border, the Wicked Witch saw them.

– Who are these strangers? I think the Wizard of Oz sent them. I will make them my slaves. Flying Monkeys, come to me!

Quickly, a group of monkeys flew down to the Wicked Witch. They all had wings like giant eagles.

– There are some strangers from the Emerald City in my kingdom. Catch them and bring them to my castle.

– Yes, my Queen.

The monkeys flew up and away. Soon they saw Dorothy and her friends. They zoomed down and picked them up high into the air. When they landed, they put everyone into cold, dark room. Dorothy started to cry.

– This is terrible. We’ve been caught. Now none of us will get our wishes.

– There, there, Dorothy. It’s alright. We’re still together. I’m sure we’ll be OK.

 The Tin Woodsman gave Dorothy a hug and let her cry on his shoulder. Her tears rusted his arm stiff, but he didn’t mind.

A while later, the Flying Monkeys returned. They took everyone to the Wicked Witch. Dorothy was very scared, but she tried to be brave.

– Who are you ? What are you doing in my kingdom?

– Hello, ma’am. The Wizard of Oz sent us. May we please have your broom?

– My broom? You want my broom? Of course not! It’s my broom. And now you are my slaves.

The Cowardly Lion had an idea. He would scare the Wicked Witch, and then take her broom. He raised his long claws, showed his big teeth and roared at the Wicked Witch. She waved her broom at the Lion. Suddenly, he was frozen like a statue.

– You thought you could scare me? Hah! Now I have a new lion statue! I will put you by my front door. But I will need another statue for the other side of my front door.

She waved her broom again, and a bucket of water appeared.

– This water will rust the Tin Woodsman. He will be my other statue. And you, the Scarecrow. I will use your straw for my fire place!

The Wicked Witch waved her broom a third time. The Scarecrow’s arm burst into flames. Dorothy grabbed the bucket of water and threw it on the Scarecrow. The water put out the fire, but it also splashed on the Wicked Witch.

– Oh, no! What have you done? You got me wet!

– I’m sorry, but the Scarecrow’s arm was on fire. I had to put it out. I didn’t mean to splash you too.

– You, a terrible child. I’m melting! I’m melting!

It was true. She was melting like an ice cream cone. Soon, there was nothing left but her hat and her broom.

When she was gone, all her spells broke. Suddenly, the Lion could move again. The Flying Monkeys flew down to see what happened.

– She’s dead. The Wicked Witch is dead.

– I’m so sorry. It was an accident. I didn’t know water would hurt her.

– This is wonderful. She was an evil witch. We’re glad she’s gone.

– But now we don’t have a queen any more. Who will rule us?

– What are you talking about?

– The Wicked Witch had the magic hat of the Flying Monkeys. Whoever has the magic hat is our ruler, and we have to obey them. You are a nice person. Will you take the magic hat and be our queen? We’ll do whatever you say.

– No, I can’t be your queen. I have to go home to Kansas.

– I have an idea. We will give the magic hat to the Flying Monkeys. Then they will be their own rulers. No one will ever make them do anything again.

– Really? Hooray! We’re free!

The Flying Monkeys were very happy. They gave Dorothy the Wicked Witch’s broom and carried them back to the Emerald City.  






Comprehension 3

1.   Mark the sentences as T(true) or F(false). Correct the false ones.                  

1. The Flying Monkeys had wings like giant eagles.____

2. The Wicked Witch gave Dorothy her broom.____

3. The Wicked Witch turned the Scarecrow into a statue.____

4. The Flying Monkeys asked Dorothy to be their queen.____

5. The Flying Monkeys carried them back to Kansas.____

        2.  Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) to questions 1 – 5.

            1. Where did the Flying Monkeys put Dorothy and her friends?

 a  They put them on an old boat.

 b  They put them in a small house.

                c  They put them in a dark room.

              2. How did Dorothy feel when she met the Wicked Witch?

                  a  She was scared.

                  b  She was happy.

                  c  She was angry.

              3. What did the Cowardly Lion try to do to the witch?

                   a  He tried to turn her into a statue.

                   b  He tried to scare her.

                   c  He tried to splash water on her.


              4. What did the water do to the Wicked Witch?

                   a  It gave her a cold.

                  b  It rusted her stiff.

                  c  It melted her.

              5. What did the Flying Monkeys give to Dorothy?

                   a  They gave her a bucket of water.

                   b  They gave her the Wicked Witch’s broom.

                   c  They gave her wings.

3. Fill in the blanks – use the words in the word bank

              (each word is used once)

 anything    bucket    cry      hat           hug

 kingdom   nothing   make    see     threw  


              1. Her eyes could ____ anywhere in her _____ .

             2. The Tin Woodsman gave Dorothy a _____ and let her _____ on his shoulder.

       3. Dorothy grabbed the _____ of water and _____ it on the Scarecrow.

              4. Soon there was ____ left but her ____ and her broom.

              5. No one will ever ____ them do ____ again.




  1. Draw a line to connect the first half of each sentence with the second half :

             A                                        B

   The Wicked Witch                  broke when the Witch was gone.


The Flying Monkeys ●              ● had very powerful magic.


        Dorothy’s tears ●                    burst into flames.


The Scarecrow’s arm ●            ● rusted the Tin Woodsman ‘s arm. 


All the Wicked Witch’s spells ●          ● caught Dorothy and her friends.    










         Comprehension  1

  1. 1 T    2 F    3 T    4 T    5 F 
  2. 1b    2a    3b    4c     5a 


  1. 1. family , like       2. moving , everything


3. clothes , shoes       4. slaves , free


5. beautiful , walk



             A                                        B


Dorothy wished for                        a little dog.


                  Toto was ●                          ● trees and flowers.


Dorothy thought Kansas was               an adventure.


The beautiful garden had ●                 ● dust and blew away. 


The witch’s body turned into ●               ● a boring place.    


Comprehension  2

  1. 1F    2T    3T    4T    5F 


  1. 1c    2a    3b    4b     5a 


  1. 1. think , dream       2. statue , down


3. hope , turn      4. took , castle


  1.              evil , make



             A                                        B


           Dorothy wants                        a heart.


The Scarecrow wants ●                   ● the Wicked Witch’s broom.


The Tin Woodsman wants ●                    a brain.


The Cowardly Lion wants ●            ● to go home. 


The Wizard of Oz wants ●               ● courage.    


Comprehension  3

  1. 1T    2F    3F    4T    5F 


  1. 1c    2a    3b    4c     5b 


  1. 1. see , kingdom       2. hug , cry


3. bucket , threw       4. nothing , hat


  1. make , anything



             A                                        B


           The Wicked Witch                  broke when the Witch was gone.


The Flying Monkeys ●                          ● had very powerful magic.


        Dorothy’s tears ●                              burst into flames.


The Scarecrow’s arm ●                      ● rusted the Tin Woodsman ‘s arm. 


All the Wicked Witch’s spells ●          ● caught Dorothy and her friends.  


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