Клас: 7 Підручник: Laser B 1 Тема: Appearance Підтема: Характер та зовнішність людини

Про матеріал
Мета уроку: навчити учнів сприймати на слух і розуміти короткі тексти ,навчити учнів розуміти прочитаний текст,розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення учнів,сформувати уявлення учнів про граматичне явище – modals(ability,obligation,advice,permission). Розвивати фонематичний слух, увагу і пам'ять при слуханні та читання тексту, розвивати логічне мислення та мовленнєві здібності учнів. Обладнання уроку:комп’ютер,планшети у дітей, власний блог http://beststudents313.blogspot.com/p/topics.html аудіо запис,роздадковий матеріал у вигляді карток,малюнки, підручник, робочий зошит.
Перегляд файлу

Клас: 7

Підручник: Laser B 1

Рівень знань: середній

Тема: Appearance

Підтема: Характер та зовнішність людини: Навчання складанню повідомлень до теми.



1) навчити учнів сприймати на слух і розуміти короткі тексти

 2) навчити учнів розуміти прочитаний текст

3) розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення учнів

Освітня: сформувати уявлення учнів про граматичне явище – modals(ability,obligation,advice,permission)

Розвиваюча: Розвивати фонематичний слух,  увагу і пам'ять при слуханні та читання  тексту, розвивати логічне мислення та мовленнєві здібності учнів.

Виховна: Виховувати в учнів любовь до праці, самостійної роботи.

Обладнання уроку:комп’ютер,планшети у дітей, власний блог, аудіо запис,роздадковий матеріал у вигляді карток,малюнки, підручник, робочий зошит.





  1.               Greeting (1 min.)

T: - Good morning pupils, nice to meet you. So let’s start our lesson! You remember, we spoke a little about CHARACTER. Today we will continue this pleasant topic and will using our blog. First of all, look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see some provebs.

Ps: - Good morning, nice to meet you too.

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” "Я не птах; і не чиста не ловить мене: я вільна людина бути з незалежною волі ".

 ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

  1.               Organization (1 min.)

T: - Show me your books, copy-books, work books, vocabulary.

  1.               Aim (1 min.)

Метод: усний виклад.

Т:  - Today we’ll  learn what type of friend you are. Also we’ll speak about your best friend and write a letter where describe the features of real friend.

  1.               Warming up (2 min.)

     Метод: усний виклад матеріалу. На дошці з’являється вірш, але у ньому пропущені прикметники . Учням потрібно доповнити вірш запропонованими прикметниками.

Т: - Complete the poem with the words in the box. Use the rhyme to help you.




1. Check on Home Task     (5 min.) БЛОГ  http://beststudents313.blogspot.com/p/topics.html

T: - So, lets check your home task!

Speak about modals and learn the words.

Метод: усний виклад матеріалу.

  1. Діти розповідають - вживання модальних дієслів використовують книгу
    1. Повертаємось до модальних слів agenda.web.org робимо вправи




 TOPIC: Describing people (physical traits) 1

 Choose the best response to complete each of the following sentences:


 1. Jim is  (higher/taller) than I am.

 2. My sister is  (lower/shorter) than I am.

 3. My brother isn't fat, he's  (stocky/sticky).

 4. The word "skinny" is slightly more negative than the word  (thinning/thin).

 5. He's completely  (bold/bald). He lost all of his hair years ago.

 6. My sister works out every day, so she's in very good  (shaped/shape).

 7. He's not fat, but he has a bit of a  (belly/fat).

 8. He's six feet  (high/tall).

 9. He walks with a  (limp/lump).

 10. My grandfather has  (trouble/problem) walking fast. (= he can't walk fast easily)


2. Listening ( 7 min.)

а)  Метод: усний виклад матеріалу. Повторення лексичного  матеріалу .  Д /З

Слухання слів з блогу.Діти відкривають блог з словами, я включаю аудіо –слова.  


1) Pre-Listening Activity.

Метод: бесіда. Декілька учнів дають відповіді на питання.

T: - How do you think do people need in friends?

How many friends do you need? Is it good to have a pen-friend?

2) Listening

Метод: усний виклад матеріалу.

Слова з тексту на дошці.

Учитель читає двічі текст.

My Best Friend

Hello pupils of the 7th A! My name is Ann and I want to tell you about my best friend.

No doubt, everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. Frankly speaking, I’m rather sociable, that’s why I have many friends. As for me I’m happy with my friends.

My best friend is Kate. We study in the same class and spend much time together. In appearance she is very beautiful. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a pleasant smile. So people and, of course I, find her smart. Besides, Kate is known for her friendly character. She is usually kind-hearted and interested in other people. More than that, she is hard-working, faithful and attentive. I can always turn to her whenever I’m in trouble, and she never fails to help. Kate is clever, and that’s why she is good at school. 

In general Kate is loyal, tactful and great at keeping secrets. For me it is very important that my best friend is an honest girl. I can fully rely on her and trust her everything.

In conclusion I’d like to add, that my friend is an interesting person. She is well-read. Her favourite author is Julian Rowling and her creation “Harry Potter”. 

To sum up, “A good friend is like the sun in winter”, it’s about Kate. I’m the happiest girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful friend.

Thank you for your attention! And now I want you to tell me about your best friend. I am looking forward to your letter. Bye!

3) Post-Listening Activity. 

Метод: усний виклад матеріалу.

Роздати завдання  в групках





( Це дітям)

My Best Friend

  1. The girl has many friends.
  2. The girl is sad with her friends.
  3. The girl’s best friend is Julia.
  4. Kate is very beautiful.
  5. Kate is known for her friendly character.
  6. She is usually lazy and selfish.
  7. She is hard-working, faithful and attentive.
  8. Kate is clever, and that’s why she is good at school. 
  9. Kate cannot keep secrets.
  10. Kate’s favourite book is “Harry Potter”. 
  11.  A good friend is like the ice-cream in winter.
  12.  Ann is not waiting for our letter.


My Best Friend

The girl has many friends. T

The girl is sad with her friends. F

The girl’s best friend is Julia. F

Kate is very beautiful. T

Kate is known for her friendly character. T

She is usually lazy and selfish. F

She is hard-working, faithful and attentive. T

Kate is clever, and that’s why she is good at school. T

Kate cannot keep secrets. F

Kate’s favourite book is “Harry Potter”.  T

 A good friend is like the ice-cream in winter. F

 Ann is not waiting for our letter. F


Метод: бесіда. На кожне питання відповідає декілька учнів. Учитель слідкує за правильністю вимови.

 T:  - How do you think is it easy be a good friend? Are you a good friend? So imagine that your friend ask you to …… (do something – what to do you`ll know when you`ll make a dialogue) – працюють в групках.


2. Reading  


Mike: Hi John. Can I ask you a favour? 
John: Sure 
M: Could you pick my brother up from the airport tomorrow at 11am. I have to work 
J: Sure. What does he look like? 
M: Well he's shortish with dark brown hair. He's got a thick moustache and he's usually quite suntanned and he's in his mid-thirties. 
J: And what's he like? 
M: Well he's pretty easy-going, good sense of humour but he's a bit shy with people at first. Oh yeah one other thing. What are the best places to take him? 
J: Well what does he like? 
M: Well he's a bit boring like that. He really doesn't like much.
J: Look. You're in Madrid you can do loads of things. Take him to see Real Madrid if they're playing at home, or take him to Casa Patas to see some flamenco, or just go out in the city centre. 
M: Yeah of course. Anyway Thanks I owe you one.


Метод: робота з підручником. Декілька учнів читають текст, інші слідкують.

T: - Lets read and translate the text.

2)  Post-Reading Activity.  Ex.    (p.  ).

Метод: усний виклад матеріалу. Учні  ділять слова на дві колонки: позитивні та негативні риси характеру.

T: - Devide the words into two columns: good and bad features.( на листках на дошці)


3. Speaking   (8 min.)   

Метод: робота з підручником. Діти розповідають - вживання модальних дієслів


4. Warming up (2 min.)   

Учні співають пісню про дружбу.




T: Each of us has a favourite colour. Recent psychological studies prove that preference for a colour can reveal the person's character. For instance, calm and peaceful people prefer one colour while those who are dynamic, active and confident like another, etc. Read the text and test yourself. Do you agree or disagree with this test? Prove your answer.






If green is your favourite colour, it means you are dynamic and quite active. You are very much aware of what is happening inside you and around you. You control your emotions very well and like to be open towards others. This balance allows you to understand every situation well and make the right choice. You are always looking to improve your situation and that of those around you. In fact you are ready to help everybody. You have a friendly character and you are very sociable.




Yellow's a bright colour, full of light, lively... like you. You are quite sociable and full of brilliant ideas. You like to fantasise about your future and always like to discover new things in life. You are adventurous. But, perhaps, you should pay more attention to reality instead of living in dreams. Nevertheless, you like to compare yourself with others and this helps you to be more realistic in your thinking. You are honest and put all your efforts in whatever you do.




You are full of life, energetic and good-humoured. You have many interests to which you give a lot of attention. Often, you set yourself a target and you do your best to reach it. You are always on the move. You like to practise various sports and meet new friends.




Blue represents tranquility and calm. You like to be in harmony with your surroundings and feel safe in them. You have a balanced attitude towards everything. Before making any move, you reflect Upon it and when you have made your decision, you do it with great care. You are considered to be an affectionate person.


5. Listening  (9 min.)   

Learn English- Personality Descriptions - відео  


1. Слова незнайомі на дошці

2. Слухаємо

3.Виконуємо вправи по книзі

ІІІ. Summation

1. Home Task (1 min.): Dear pupils, you’ve coped with all the work for today. At home you should describe yourself. You will write about yourself and retell the story tomorrow.

The best teller will get a nice prize!


2. Summarizing (2 min.):

a) Метод: бесіда. На кожне питання вчителя відповідає декілька учнів.

T: - What did we do today? What did you like most of all?

Thank you for your work, pupils! … got excellent marks today, … – good marks, others should work better and next time will get pleasant marks.

Good bye, girls and

b) Діти отримують листівки з прислівями про дружбу.!!!

c) Учитель виставляє оцінки.


18 березня 2019
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