"Конфлікти в сім'ї та шляхи їх подолання"

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«Конфлікти в сім’ї та шляхи їх подолання.»

Тема: Конфлікти в сім’ї та шляхи їх подолання.

Мета: повторення лексичного матеріалу,  вдосконалення навичок аудіювання, розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів, ознайомити дітей із поняттям “конфлікт”; навчати розв’язувати конфліктні ситуації, удосконалювати навички ввічливого спілкування;збагачувати активний словник відповідно до тематики тижня;закріпити знання про спільнокореневі слова;активізувати пізнавальну діяльність дітей;розвивати самостійне мислення, уміння досліджувати, уяву, доказове та зв’язне мовлення, пам’ять, увагу, дрібну моторику, критичне мислення, навички вільного спілкування;формувати дбайливе ставлення до правильного харчування;виховувати естетичний смак.

Обладнання: підручник, відеоматеріал, діалог.


І. Greetings (slide 1)

T: Good morning, children. Nice to meet you at our English lesson today.  You will learn a grammar structure called “The third Conditional”. This structure will give you an opportunity to speak about impossible events in past.  By the end of the lesson you will be able to use the third conditional.

ІІ. Warm-up (slide 3)

  1. Are there any kinds of conflicts in the family?
  2. What kind of conflicts occur in the family?
  3. Is there any conflict in your family?
  4. Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family?
  1. Revision

T: Remember conditional sentences your have already known (slide 4)

        Now answer my questions:

T: How many parts do conditional sentences have? ( slide 5)

P: They have two parts: the if-clause and the main clause.

T:  How many types of conditionals do you know?

P: We know two types of conditionals: type 1 – true in the present, type 2 – untrue in the present ( slide 6,7,8)

  1. Match a line in part A with a line in part B( slide 9)



If I had 5 million pounds,

If you are going to the post office,

If I see Anna,

If you want to do well in life,

If you don’t feel well,

a) I’ll tell her the news.

b) I’d give up my job and travel around the world.

c) you have to work hard.

d) go to bed and rest.

e) could you post this letter for me?

   Keys: 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5d. 

  1. Reading and writing

Read the article and make up sentence using the 2nd Conditional

 Example: 1.  If my son/daughter was scared I would ask him/her about
                           the reason.

                 2. I would teach them how to stand up for themselves.


Bullying is when a person deliberately and repeatedly hurts someone else. The hurt can be physical or emotional. Bullying includes hitting, pushing, name calling, leaving people out and teasing. If anyone feels scared or hurt when they are with someone, they may be being bullied. Bullying is a form of aggression that can escalate into violence. Children who are being bullied need adults    to intervene and provide support.

If parents don't know whether or not their child is being bullied, the following are warning signs that might indicate that their child is being bullied.

The child:
gets hurt or bruised;
is scared or has nightmares;

loses or has damaged possessions;
puts him/herself down
doesn't want to go to school;
has no friends or party invitations;
often feels sick; or
acts aggressively.

Parents can help their children deal with bullying by:
-Asking their child what is wrong;

-Reminding children that they have a right to feel safe;
-Letting their children know what bullying is and how to spot it;
-Teaching them that telling about bullying is okay;
-Teaching children how to stand up for themselves (for example teaching them to look the person in the eye and say 'stop bullying me');
-Teaching children not to laugh at anyone being bullied, not to join in
bullying, not to give a person who is bullying lots of attention and not to leave people out of games;
-Telling the school and demanding action;

-Seeking help for their child to improve his / her social skills. A child who has been bullied can be at greater risk than others of being bullied again (even when the first bully has been dealt with). Children who have been bullied can benefit greatly from additional help, including debriefing
about the bullying, and, in particular, making sure they have the social skills necessary to function effectively at school.


Parents can take steps to deal with children who are bullying others:

Increase supervision when the child is with other children;

Explain what bullying is and why it is not acceptable;

Talk with the child about the impact of bullying on others. Try to get them to understand what it is like for the person being bullied;

Ask how they would feel if they were being bullied;

Talk about what they think might help them to stop bullying;

Show them how to join in with other children in a friendly way (For example: first observe a game and the other children, look for a natural break in the game for joining in, choose a person with a friendly face
and ask them if you can join);  

Make clear rules and consequences, and be consistent in addressing inappropriate behaviour;              

Praise children when they play cooperatively with others;

Consider enrolling the child in a group program that helps children learn to manage their behaviour.

  1. Listening

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

Dad. Hey. Uh, what are you doing home this weekend? I thought class-
es didn't end until next week.

D a u g h t e r. Hi Dad. I love you.

Dad. Ah, the three magic words. I NEED HELP! I've heard those

Daughter. Uh, Well, we'd better sit down.
Dad. Uh, this doesn't sound good.

Daughter. Well, first of all... hey, is that painting on the wall new?
    Dad. No, no, no, no, no. Let's get back to the conversation now.
    Daughter. Okay, first of all, I am failing all of my classes, I lost my
job, I wrecked my car, I mean, your car last week. It's at the bottom of the
lake... I think, and the laptop I borrowed from you... well, it was in the back-seat of the car. That's all of the good news.
    Dad. Uh, wait...

Daughter. Dad. You're not saying anything...
Dad. Okay. Now, what's the bad news?

Daughter. Well, I just found out that my old boyfriend was a mem-
ber of a gang; he says that he and 20 of his friends are gonna come over here to talk to you about what you posted on their Facebook page.
      D a d. I don't even know how to use Facebook!

Daughter. Well, you do now. I have to go. I'd rather not be here in
about 20 minutes. Love you. Bye.
     Dad. Ugh!!

Where does this conversation take place?

  1. at the girl's dormitory
  2. at their home
  3. in the car

What might have happened to the family car?

  1. The woman drove it into some deep water.
  2. Some people stole the vehicle by the lake.
  3. The man's daughter hit a tree on a picnic.

The father's computer is currently ...

  1. in a repair shop after the woman dumped water on it
  2. being stored safely in the vehicle by the lake
  3. in serious trouble unless it is in a waterproof container

The man's daughter might have been dating a man who was ...

  1. majoring in criminal justice at the university
  2. or will be involved in some illegal activity
  3. working as an officer in a police gang unit

From the conversation, the father's best course of action in the next 20 minutes is to ...

  1. sit on his front porch and watch the sunset
  2. plant some new sunflowers in his yard
  3. jump in his car and leave home or call the police

Keys: 1b,2a,3c,4b,5c.

  1. Presentation of new grammar (slide 10)

T: Today I shall explain the third conditional to you.  But  at first listen to my story.

 I had a very frustrating day yesterday. Look at the blackboard and guess what I wanted to do yesterday and if I was succeed :

   Make a cake/ no eggs       I should have made a cake if I had had some eggs.

   Shower/ cold water           I should have had a hot shower if the water hadn’t been cold.

T: What did I want to do yesterday?

P 1: You wanted to make a cake./ You wanted to have a shower

T: Was I able to?

P 2: No.

T: Why not?

P 3: Because you didn’t have any eggs/ Because the water was cold.

T: What should I have done if I had had some eggs? I should have made a cake if I had had some eggs./ What should I have done if I the water hadn’t  been cold? I should have had a shower.

Am I talking about the past, present or future?

P: About the past.

T: Is it possible to change the past?

P: No.

T: Look at the sentences written on the blackboard and practice them.

T: So you see: in the “Condition Clause” we have the Past Perfect Tense. In the Principal Clause we have “would” or “should” with “have” and Past Participle. (slide 11)






I should have

made a cake

if I had had some eggs

I should have

had a shower

if the water hadn't been cold

T: Let’s practise on more sentence: If the doctor hadn’t operated, Jack would have died. (Чтение и перевод предложения). ( blackboard)

T: And now answer some questions: 1) how is the third conditional formed?

P: If + Past Perfect + would have + Past Participle

T: Did the doctor operate?

P: Yes, he did.

T: Did Jack die?

P: No, he didn’t.

T: Do all the actions happen in the past?

P: Yes, they do.

T: Is the situation above real or unreal?

P: It is unreal.

  1. Practice.

Pronunciation drill. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.  (slide 12)

If I had had a ticket yesterday, I should have gone to the theatre with you.

If she had asked me yesterday, I should have told her all about it.

If you hadn’t missed the train, you would have arrived in time.

I should have done the work well if I had asked you to help.

 If you had let me know yesterday, I should have brought you my book.

( slide13)

1. Complete these sentences:

   1. If you had phoned me yesterday, I   (not to come).

   2. If he had entered the University four years ago, he (to graduate).

   3. He wouldn’t have gone to hospital if he (not to break) his leg.

   4. I wouldn’t have broken my leg if I (not to slip) on the stairs.

   5. If you had gone there, you (to see) him.

   6. If she had never been here before, she (not to know) the way.


  1. Reading.

T: Here are five people who regret things they did or didn’t do. Read their stories and make sentences about them, using the following phrase: Perhaps if …

Steve is 75. He has never been married. He never had any children. Steve worked too much trying to achieve success in his career. Now he is retired and he lives in a residential home. Nobody ever comes to visit him. He spends a lot of time thinking about his life.

P 1: Perhaps if he had been married he would have had children and he wouldn’t have been alone.

P. 2: Perhaps if  Steve hadn’t tried to achieve success in his career, he would have been married.

P. 3: Perhaps if Steve had been married he would be busy with bringing up his grandchildren.

Julia is 30. At the age of 16 she had her shoulder tattooed because some of her friends had tattoos and her boyfriend really liked it. Her life has changed greatly and now she regrets getting the tattoo. She understands she should have thought more about it. She can’t get rid of it because it’s painful and expensive.

P. 4: Perhaps if she had been cleverer, she wouldn’t have done the tattoo.

P.5: Perhaps if she had had money, she would have got rid of the tattoo.

Jane is 41. She is divorced and very lonely. Her husband left her two years ago but anyway they never were happy together. She often remembers the Italian man whom she met when she was 20 while being on holiday. He proposed to her but her parents were horrified and made her marry another man.

P.6: Perhaps if Jane hadn’t married another man she would be happy with that Italian man now.

P.7: Perhaps if Jane hadn’t married another man she would be married her Italian man.

Bob is 12. He has got nobody to play with because he quarreled with his best friend two days ago. Bob refused to lend his friend his new computer game. That’s why his friend refuses to speak to him.

P.8: Perhaps if Bob had given his computer game to the friend, his mate wouldn’t have refused to speak to him.

P.9: Perhaps if Bob’s friend hadn’t asked a new computer game, his mate wouldn’t have refused to speak to him.

P.10: Perhaps if Bob had given his computer game to the friend, he wouldn’t have quarreled with his best friend.

P.1: Perhaps if Bob hadn’t been greedy he would have given his computer game to the friend.

P.2: Perhaps if Bob hadn’t quarreled with his best friend, he would have had somebody to play with.

Charles is 37. He left school when he was 16. He is working as a manager for a big company. He has been working for the company for 12 years but he has never been promoted and given a pay-rise. He is sorry he never got university education.

P.3: Perhaps if Charles had got university education, he would have been promoted and given a pay-rise.

P.4: Perhaps if  he had got a university education, he wouldn’t have worked as a manager.

P.5: Perhaps if he had continued his education when he was 16, he would have got a better job.

    8. Listening and speaking.

1. T.: Listen to a short story and then  work in pairs and blame each other for what went wrong.


When Jim and Jane went on holiday it was a complete disaster. They woke up late. They ran out of petrol on the motorway. They missed their plane. Their luggage got lost. On holiday Jane got sun burnt. All their money was stolen. When they got home the goldfish had died and the house had been burgled.

Work in pairs and blame each other for what went wrong.

T: imagine you are Jane. You think everything is Jim’s fault because Jim :

forgot to set the alarm clock, (P.1: If you hadn’t forgotten to set the alarm clock, we shouldn’t have missed our plane)

 didn’t tie labels on the luggage securely,(P.2:  If you had tied labels on the luggage, we shouldn’t have lost our luggage)

didn’t pack the sun cream,(P.3:  If you had packed the sun cream, I shouldn’t have got sun burnt)

left a small window in your house open.(P.4:If you hadn’t left the window open,  our house wouldn’t have been burgled)

T: imagine you are Jim. You think everything is Jane’s fault because Jane :

forgot to fill the car with petrol,(P.5: If you hadn’t forgotten to fill the car with petrol, we shouldn’t have missed the plane)

insisted that cash would be better than travelers cheques,( P.6: If you hadn’t insisted that cash would be better than travelers cheques, our money wouldn’t have been stolen)

forgot to ask a neighbour to feed the goldfish every day.(P.7: If you hadn’t forgotten to ask our neighbour to feed the goldfish every day, it wouldn’t have died.)

ІІІ. Summaries

- How can conflicts in the family be solved?
- What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family?

IV.  Homework:  ex. 6,7 p.82



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