Конспект, презентація та роздатковий матеріал до уроку на тему "Healthy eating"

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Конспект, презентація та роздатковий матеріал до уроку на тему "Healthy eating" (за підручником "Choices. Intermediate")

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Healthy eating

Objectives: -to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;
-to develop students’ listening and speaking skills;
-to encourage students to exchange opinions on the subject of the lesson;
-to foster students’ desire to speak English;
-to develop students’ thinking and imagination;
-to stimulate students’ developing cooperative skills;
-to bring up healthy eating habits.

Equipment: textbook(Choices, Intermediate, SB), Power Point presentation, Intermediate Teacher’s Resourses DVD Multi-ROM, handouts, cards, students’ projects (posters of advertisements of restaurants).


I. Introduction.

T. It’s the fourth lesson in your timetable. After it it’s high time for you to go to the school cafeteria to have lunch or snack. I think that after this lesson you’ll be even more hungry than before because the topic of our today’s lesson is “Eating Out”.The things we are going to discuss will make your mouths water. But just wait for 45 minutes. I hope you’ll  be active at the esson and remember what you are:

(Slide 1)

I’m a student.

I’m a good student.

I’m a clever student.

I’m a talented student.

I’m a fantastic student.

I’m the most enthusiastic student.

I’m trying to be the best student in the world.


  1.                   T. First of all I’d like to know about your eating habits. Write 5 kinds of food you usually eat. Which of them can you eat every day and even several times a day?

(Students’ answers).

  1.                   (HO1) T. Write the names of dishes in each column. Explain your choice.



T. As we can see from your answers  almost all of you like eating crisps for pleasure. So why can’t we stop eating crisps? I’m not ready to answer this question. That’s why I invited a group of experts who will help me. I’d like to introduce our special  guests. They are the doctor endocrinologist (S1), the veterinarian (S2) and the doctor nutritionist (S3).

Pre- listening activity.

S1. Before listening to our answer match these words with their definitions:

(Slide 2HO2).

While-listening activity.

S2. You’ll have cards. Be attentive while listening to us and fill in the gaps in the sentences.

S1 and S2 in turns report the information from HO3.

Students work individually with the cards (HO4).

Post-listening activity.

T. Make a conclusion. Why can’t we stop eating crisps?

(Answer: Crisps activate the centres of pleasure and addiction in your brain and you want to eat more and more just to feel good).

T. Now  it’s the turn of our next guest.

S3. My name is… I’m a doctor nutritionist. I’m often asked questions about healthy food and its impact  on human’s body. You will hear some of these questions. Which ideas do you think

a) are complete myths?

b) have some truth in them?

c) are true?

I will record your ideas and tell the right answers.

(Students work in groups choosing a, b or c after each video-question. S3 makes records for each group on the board and tells the right answers).


Video-questions.(Slide 3)

1.My dad says if you eat fish, you’ll be cleverer. I say it’s impossible. Who is right?

2.Does eating carrots improve our eyesigft?

3.My granny says it’s good to drink milk before you go to bed. Is it true?

4.Chewing gum takes seven weeks to pass through the human digestive system. Is it true?

5.My mum says my spots are caused by too much chocolate. Is that possible?


1.Fish contains a fat called omega-3 and this is good for your brain. Eating fish is unlikely to improve your intelligence but it’s good to eat fish at least twice a week.

2.Well, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses? But seriously, no. Carrots are good for healthy eyes because they are high in vitamin A. However, eating lots of carrots won’t improve your eyesight.

3.True. Milk has a chemical, tryptophan. When you drink it, you feel sleepy.

4.It’s a complete myth. It’s take the same time as other food.

5.Many young people are embarrassed to talk about this but it’s quite normal to get spots. Stop eating chocolate for a while and see if it makes a difference. It’s important to eat fruit and vegetables every day. They give you vitamin C and that’s good for your skin.

(Keys: b,b,c,a,a).

T.I want to check how much you have found out from the doctor’s explanation and what you will answer your parents and grandparents.

-Why are carrots good for your eyes?

-How often should you eat fish?

-What food contains vitamin C?

-Does chewing gum take more time to pass through the human digestive system?

-Why is it good to drink milk before going to bed?

Watching the video. (Slide 5,6)

T.School cafeteria and restaurant.It seems they haven’t got anything in common. But there are people, even celebrity chefs, who try to care about healthy eating at their restaurants and at schools. Look at the screen. I’m sure you know this man. Let’s revise everything you know about him.

(Slide 4. The photo of Jamie Oliver).

Students’ answers.

1.Watch the clip about the FIFTEEN restaurant without sound. Try to guess which of the things (a-c) it is about. (SB ex.4 p.27.)

2.Watch again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? (SB ex.5 p.27)

3.Would you like to go on a catering course? Why/Why not? Would you like to eat out at a FIFTEEN restaurant?

Project Work.

T. It’s time to listen to and watch your ideas about kinds of restaurants. You can unite in groups you have been preparing your advertisements in. You are welcome to present your projects (Checking home task). The group of experts will evaluate your adverts according to the chart.

(Slide 7HO5)

(Students present the projects with adverts of their restaurant).

T.We have some independent customers here. Which restaurant would you choose to go to? Why?

IV. Summary.



Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

I’m a student. I’m a good student. I’m a clever student. I’m a talented student. I’m a fantastic student. I’m the most enthusiastic student. I’m trying to be the best student in the world.

Номер слайду 2

rewardaddictionareasavea part, a territorya prize, praise, medal, diplomakeep something for some timeif you have it you can’t stop doing something

Номер слайду 3

Which ideas do you thinkare complete myths?have some truth in them?are true?

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}`Chart. Team 1 Team 2 Logo3 scores. Motto3 scores. Advertisement3 scores. The menu3 scores. Special offer3 scores. Presentation3 scores. Original3 scores. Total. Maximum 21 scores

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