Конспект презентаційного уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему "«Sport in my life. My favourite kinds of sport.»"

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Конспект презентаційного уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему «Sport in my life. My favourite kinds of sport.»
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Презентаційний урок

з англійської мови

в 6-В класі на тему:


«Sport in my life. My favourite kinds of sport.»


C:\Users\LAPTOP\Desktop\images (1).jpg


                                  Підготувала: вчитель

                                  англійської мови

                                  Олійник Л.В.



                 Lesson Plan

Topic: Sport in my life.  

Form: 6-V   

Date: 18.11

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson Aims:


Today we’ll

  • speak about different kinds of sport and about your favourite kinds of sport;
  • repeat some grammar rules;
  • practice our speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;
  • develop communicative skills using active vocabulary on the topic;
  • teach work in groups.



By the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to speak about different kinds of sport and about your favourite kinds of sport;
  • use some grammar rules;
  • to practice our speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;
  • to communicate using active vocabulary on the topic;
  • to teach work in groups.
  • to compare our results with other pupils’ answers;











 “A sound mind in a sound body”


                             LESSON PROCEDURE




  1. Greeting.

Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you today in our classroom. How are you today? I hope you are fine.

    I hope our lesson will be very interesting and successful. So, lets start!

  1. Aim.

 - Today weʹll speak about a very important thing in our life. I mean well speak about sport and some kinds of sport.

     So, we′ll:

  • speak about different kinds of sports;
  • learn some grammar rules;
  • practice our speaking, reading, writing and listening.

And by the end of the lesson we will be able:

  • to speak about different kinds of sport and about our favourite kinds of sport;
  • to use some grammar rules;
  • to practice our speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;
  • to communicate using active vocabulary on the topic;
  • to teach work in groups.
  • to compare our results with other pupils’ answers;


   I want to tell you that thousands of years ago ancient Greeks said:

“A sound mind in a sound body”.

And who can translate this saying?

OK! It is really so!

“A sound mind in a sound body”.

“В здоровому тілі здоровий дух”.

So,it is the motto of our lesson!

And what about the theme of our lesson?

Guess the theme of our lesson.

What are we going to do today?

The theme of the lesson is Sport.

We are going to talk about different kinds of sport, summer and winter sports, use verbs ‘do’, ‘go’ and ‘play’ with different kinds of sport, play games and work in pairs and groups.

It is “Sport.”

And what proverbs about sport and health in Ukrainian and in English do you know?


And now we have some words with ending -ing. Lets repeat this ending,  I read and you repeat after me.

                      running                swimming           skating

               skiing                  boxing              cycling

               skateboarding         sailing              climbing


    You are so active today! And now I have a present for you. My own poem!!! Poems are my friends and I am happy to use them. Its a very good poem. So Ill read this poem and you have to listen to it very attentively.

Lets start!


         I want to be healthy and strong!

I want to be so cool and gay

And I play football every day.

I can be healthy and polite

And I go swimming every night.

I should be thin, I should be strong,

And I play tennis very long.

Lets go! Lets run! Lets jump and play!

And well be healthy every day!


  And now, please, help me to translate this poem.

   Lets read the first line and translate and then the next .....

   And now read all together (as you are happy, sad, ....)


   Find in the text all words that mean:






  - OK. And who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? And what is the weather like today? And now our homework. You had to repeat words that mean sport and read and translate words Ex 1 page 66. So, let us start.........


Sailing, hockey, skating, long jump,

horse riding, gymnastics, tennis,

skiing, football, swimming, fencing,

skateboarding, karate, high jump,

running, volleyball, climbing.


Lexical drill. Лексична зарядка

Now listen to the words. Clap your hands if you listen words about sport.


Volleyball, swimming, mother, ski, English, match, hobby, jump, hockey, lamp, ball, teacher, gymnastics, cat.


Ok. You are very active today!


4. New Vocabulary.

And now your new words:


a match [ mætʃ ] - матч

a net [ net ] – сітка

a goal [ ˈɡəʊl ]  – гол

a goalkeeper [ ˈɡəʊlkiːpə ]  - воротар

a race [ reis ] - змагання

to kick [ kik ] – бити ногою

to roll [ rol ] – котити

to win a game – вигравати гру

to lose a match – програвати матч


Look at these words and guess what sport is connected with these words?

                    FOOTBALL (SOCCER)


How often do you visit football, basketball or volleyball matches?

What do we need to visit these matches? TICKETS!!!!!!



Task 1  

- OK. And now we continue our vocabulary  practice. And this task is more difficult. So, try to guess what kind of sport:

  • needs a ball;
  • needs using hands to play;
  • is played in winter;
  • is played in summer;
  • needs a net.

Take 1 card, read, translate and choose the right column.

needs a ball

needs using hands to play

is played in winter

is played in summer

needs a net




























 The words: tennis, skating, skiing, running, jumping, swimming, hockey, karate.....


And now work in groups and try to guess what kind of sport is it!!!!

(конверти з завданнями)


And what about our boys and girls?

We had a very interesting task. It was to find all necessary information about sport and health in our class.  




And what about our morning exercises? Only 2 pupils!!!! You are so active today. I am very glad. But I think it is time to have a rest. Do you agree with me? I record some voice exercises. Listen, repeat and do!!!

So, stand up, please.





Lets play a game  "True or false". We have some sentences about what we should and shouldnt do to be strong and healthy. So, read, translate and say if it is true or false.


  1. We shouldnt wake up early every day.
  2. We should do morning exercises.
  3. We shouldnt eat much fat products.
  4. We should eat 10 times a day.
  5. We shouldnt run every morning.
  6. We shouldnt jogging in the park with our friends.
  7. We should take part in sport competitions.
  8. We shouldnt attend a swimming pool twice a week.



6. Grammar Practice.


Task 1 

When we speak about some kinds of sport we should use some verbs.

? (to do, to go, to play).

And when do we use these verbs?

I mean to do, to go, to play.

And when do we use these verbs?



And I have a very clever poem about these verbs. This poem will help you to remember this rule. So, listen and then repeat after me.

Go, Play, Do

Boys and girls! Itʹs good to know!

With ending –ing we can use GO!

Games with balls and chess we PLAY!

For other sports is DO okey!


Task 2 



Task 3 

And now try to make some sentences, but be very attentive. Write down these sentences.

  1. favourite, My, is, sport, football.
  2. like, I, tennis, much, very.
  3. I, go, twice, week, a, swimming.
  4. attend, I, a,  pool, swimming, Monday, every.
  5. helps, to, be, me, Tennis, strong, and, healthy.
  6. go, can, We, jogging, our, with, friends.
  7. games, Playing, help, look, us, to, wonderful.
  8. Skating, to, have, helps, us, a, good, time.



7. Speaking.

- And now lets play a role-play.  Imagine this information is about you. Tell about yourselves using this information. But first look at the example and listen to my explanation. Try to work in  pairs, discuss these points and speak on the topic! Let′s start.


Sport: boxing;

Aim: to be strong and healthy;

Place of training: the Boxing Club;

How often: twice a week.


f.e.: My name is... I want to be strong and healthy. Thats why I am going in for boxing. I attend the boxing club two times a week.


Sport: running;

Aim: to look beautiful;

Place of training: near my house;

How often: every morning.




Sport: swimming;

Aim: to control the body;

Place of training: a swimming pool;

How often: every Monday and Wednesday.



Sport: football;

Aim: to keep fit;

Place of training: in the street;

How often: after classes.



Sport: table tennis;

Aim: to make new friends;

Place of training: at school;

How often: every day.



Sport: cycling;

Aim: to have a good time;

Place of training: in the park;

How often: three times a week.



8.Summing-up (Outcomes)

You are very good, smart, talented, fantastic and  really the best pupils in the world! I am pleased with our work!

(assessment of pupils)

Your answer was excellent!

Your answer was very good!

Your answer was great!

Your speaking (reading, writing, grammar) was (not) very good!




We have done a lot of work today. Do you like this lesson?

There are 3 stickers on your desks. Choose only 1 sticker (green, yellow or red) to show your mood at the end of the lesson.


You should write a short letter to your pen-friend..


   But it is not all. I have letters from our health and our body to all you and our guests. Read and remember!!













Go, Play, Do

Boys and girls! Itʹs good to know!

With ending –ing we can use GO!

Games with balls and chess we PLAY!

For other sports is DO okey!


Task 2 



Task 3 

And now try to make some sentences, but be very attentive. Write down these sentences.

  1. favourite, My, is, sport, football.
  2. like, I, tennis, much, very.
  3. I, go, twice, week, a, swimming.
  4. attend, I, a,  pool, swimming, Monday, every.
  5. helps, to, be, me, Tennis, strong, and, healthy.
  6. go, can, We, jogging, our, with, friends.
  7. games, Playing, help, look, us, to, wonderful.
  8. Skating, to, have, helps, us, a, good, time.


Go, Play, Do

Boys and girls! Itʹs good to know!

With ending –ing we can use GO!

Games with balls and chess we PLAY!

For other sports is DO okey!


Task 2 


Task 3 

And now try to make some sentences, but be very attentive. Write down these sentences.

  1. favourite, My, is, sport, football.
  2. like, I, tennis, much, very.
  3. I, go, twice, week, a, swimming.
  4. attend, I, a,  pool, swimming, Monday, every.
  5. helps, to, be, me, Tennis, strong, and, healthy.
  6. go, can, We, jogging, our, with, friends.
  7. games, Playing, help, look, us, to, wonderful.
  8. Skating, to, have, helps, us, a, good, time.


Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).

Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).




Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).

Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).




Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).



Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences:

My favourite kind of sports is… .

It is very important for… .

I want to be…. .

I think that… .

I attend…… .

I should…. .

I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week).

I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals...).










And now complete the sentences. Use the verbs: to play, to do, to go.

I ....... football every day.

My sister  ....... aerobics twice a week.

We ....... swimming with our friends on Mondays.

They ....... chess very often.

My father ....... jogging every morning.

In spring and summer I often ...... badminton with my friends.

On weekends we always ....... cycling with our classmates.

My aunt ....... fencing every evening.


























Task 1  



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