Theme: Letter Ee.
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, alphabet cards, flashcards, song “The ants go marching one by one”
Aim: to review imperatives
Teacher: We are playing the game “Simon says ..., please”. If I say: “Simon says clap your hands, please”, you’ll do my instruction. If I say: “Simon says sit down” without “please”, you won’t do it.
Aim: to present and practice the letter of the alphabet
Teacher: You can see the different words; can you say what's it?
Teacher: It’s correct … egg, elephant, ear, elf.
Teacher: What colour is an elephant? Great, all of these words are similar. All of them start from the letter …. (wait for the students’ variants). Yes, they start from the letter Ee.
Teacher: Try to guess, what object is in the box? It can be white. It can be oval. You can eat it .
Teacher: Yes, it’s a cat. The word “an egg” begins from the letter “e” and today we are talking about the letter “Ee”.
Сьогодні на вас чекає нова подорож до країни –Letterland.
В чарівному містечка живе літери Ee – E велика e - маленька .Зустрічайте!
Eddy Elephant -дуже спортивний, він любить стояти на голові і кожен день робить ранкову руханку. А ще, у нього є чудовий друг - Emmy Ella. У Eddy Elephant великі вуха - ears , Emmy Ella має великі очі - eyes. .. Іноді жителі Letterland підсміюються з друзів за це, але друзі незважають. Їм весело разом гратися і робити ранішню руханку разом.
(Ex .2).
Teacher: Watch the video again and remember how you can write the capital
and short letter “Ee”.
Teacher: Look at the ex. 3 and now you need to find the letter “Ee", circle it in the line.
Teacher: Well done, look at the ex.4.You have to match the capital and the short letter "Ee". Be careful!
Teacher: The last task is 4. You should complete the words using the short letter "e".
Aim: to review, ptactise and make sure that students understand the
Teacher: I need 6 volunteers. Now we are playing the game
"Musical Alphabet ". You are going around the circle. When the music is turning off, you have to say the letter and the word, which is beginning on this letter. If you can't say, you have to leave the circle.
Teacher: So, students, you can see different questions. Try to answer them, describing what have you liked on our lesson today.
Teacher and students sing a goodbye song
Подивися на букву, спробуй запам’ятати букву та слово.
Спробуй написати літеру Ee за зразком .
Знайди літеру Ee у ланцюжку та обведи колом.
З’єднай і обведи велику і маленьку літери.
Допиши літери Ee, яких не вистачає.