Конспект уроку позакласного читання з елементами аналітичного і критичного мислення " A Christmas Carol ( after Charles Dickens)"

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Grade 9th  

Тема:    A  Christmas Carol   ( after Charles Dickens). Home Reading                



удосконалювати навички роботи з текстом, встановити , що призвело  Скруджа до переродження, вчити учнів висловлювати власні думки у  зв’язку з прочитаним текстом.

розвиваюча:сприяти розвитку аналітичного та критичного  мислення учнів; розвивати мовні, мовленнєві та  комунікативні компетенції  учнів, навички співпраці, уміння слухати. виховна: виховувати в учнів кращі людські цінності: гуманізм, доброту, працелюбність.

формувати потребу до самоосвіти і практичного використання іноземної мови, розширити світогляд учнів. Тип уроку: комбінований.

Форма уроку: урок-дослідження.

Міжпредметні зв`язки: музика, образотворче мистецтво, народознавство, інформатика

Обладнання: Тексти з оповіданням, QR коди  вправ “ Learning Apps”, комп’ютер, відео, презентація « A Christmas Carol», аудіо запис колядки. Очікувані результати:   усвідомлюють необхідність виявляти активну життєву позицію та прагнути самореалізації; співпрацюють з іншими на результат;  аргументують власну думку  розуміють, що індивідуальні сильні сторони є значним потенціалом для спільноти.

Aim: to form students’ abilities of using their imagination while working on the topic; to develop free speaking, using personal experience and knowledge exchanging opinions in groups.                                                   



( Divide students into three groups

I- the Ghost of Christmas Present

II-the Ghost of Christmas Past

III-the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come



І. Introduction. 

1. Greeting and Aim

Слайд  № 1    

Teacher: Good morning pupils! I’m very glad to see you. 

Tell me 

1)       What day / month/ season is it now? 

2)       What is the weather like today? 

3)       How do you feel? Why?  

Teacher: Thank you. I’m fine too, because we have a nice opportunity to improve our speaking skills now.  v Brainstorm 

Слайд  №  2   

Teacher: I propose you to look at the screen. What can you see in the slide?

-          I can see a  Christmas tree and a lot of presents under it.

-          I think, it is Christmas Eve and all members of the family will receive presents because it is time of joy and happiness.

Teacher: What words come into your mind when you hear the word "Christmas"? ( gifts, bells, trees, candies, lights, Santa Claus, reindeer, parties, mystery, baby Jesus, carols.



Teacher: Thank you. So, the theme of our lesson is: “A  Christmas Carol ” . And we are going to work with the text you have read.   I know that you like reading stories, because they are about interesting things and they teach us lots of useful lessons.  I wish you good luck and an active work. 

Teacher: Are you ready?  So children, in order to have good spirit, I propose you to read this funny tongue -twister and practice sound [ p]

v Warm - up 

                                                 Слайд №  3   


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

                                           Слайд № 4

Teacher:  Thank you. And now look at the screen, please.  You can see the epigraph of the lesson. It’s a famous saying of a French philosopher  Denis Diderot 


«Do  good as long as  you can exist» 

                                                                                    Denis Diderot


Teacher.: What are these words about? (kindness, charity, goodness ] ) 


Teacher .: You are right. So, we’ ll talk about  them during the  lesson. Write down the date, the topic of our lesson and the epigraph into your copy-books, please.  


b)  T:  Are you ready? So, let’s deal with the text in details.

II. Main part of the lesson.  

Teacher:  Answer my questions:   


1. What is the title of the text you have read?   

2. Did you like the story? Why?                      3. Who is the author of “ A Christmas Carol”?


Teacher:  In order to have a  good  pronunciation,  let’s pronounce the following proper names               

                                                      Слайд  № 5

Ebenezer Scrooge  [               ]      kr      ]         

Jacob Marley          [ '             ] [ '          ]

Bob Cratchit

Tiny Tim                  ['      ]                                          twice  [ Teacher         Pupils ] the Ghost of Christmas Past the Ghost of Christmas Present the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come




Teacher: Now, children, we are going to work with Learning Apps online. So, you should take your telephones and scan a QR code of Activity 0.


ACTIVITY № 0                 (Task: Match the name with the 

                                               necessary picture)


Teacher: I need one volunteer to work on the lap top. Rest of you should do an activity                  on your phones online?   ( діти виконують вправу) Teacher: Are you ready?  Show me your screens. Perfect! 

( Слайд №6)


 Teacher: Now look at the screen. Tell me, who is he? ( Scrooge) Let’s try to describe Scroodge. 

Activity 4         

  Pupil:  -Scrooge is an old man with an oval face.

  Pupil: -his cheeks are wrinkled

  Pupil: -his gait is stiffened   

  Pupil:  -his eyes are red

  Pupil: - his lips are too thin and blue

  Pupil: - his chin is long and sharp

  Pupil:  -his hair is grey and untidy

  Pupil: -his nose is hooked and pointed    Pupil: -As for me I don’t like Scrooge here because he is an unpleasant and ugly man.


Teacher:  Thank you. So, children in order to find out more about Scrooge let’s continue doing the activities online. You should scan a QR code of Activity 1. 

ACTIVITY 1                    Task: You should read and try to recall who said the following quotations.

 a)"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"     

1.   Who said it?                                      ( Scrooge)

2.   To whom were the words spoken? ( two gentlemen)

3.   What were these men trying to do? (collecting money for the poor)

b) "I wear the chain because I was so stingy in my life"

1.   Who said it? ( Jacob Marley)

2.   To whom, were these words spoken? ( Scrooge)

3.   What things were Jacob’s chains made of ? Why?

c) “ Bah! Humbug!”

1.   Who said it?                                      ( Scrooge)

2.   To whom were the words spoken? ( Scrooge ‘s nephew )

d) “I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer”

1.   Who said it?                                      ( Scrooge)

2.   To whom, were these words spoken? ( The Ghost of Christmas Past ) 3. What warning did Marley give Scrooge 

-  I think, Marley's ghost wanted to tell Scrooge to change his ways of  life and become a good person;            -  I think, Marley hoped to save his old partner from suffering a similar fate.  




Teacher: Thank you.  And now in order to find out for more details about Scrooge. Let’s do Activity 2 together. So, look at the screen.



                 Activity 2                 Task: Read the sentences and tell if they    ( НЕ СКАНУВАТИ)  are True or False.


1.     Marley and Scrooge were business partners once                     ( T)

2.     Scrooge lived all alone in an old house.                                      (T)

3.     Marley’s chains were made of  flowers and candies.                  ( F)  

4.     The Ghost of Christmas Past took Scrooge to Bob Cratchit’s house ( F)  -( took Scrooge back in time, to a place where Scrooge was a boy)

5.     The spirit stood among the trees and pointed down to one.           ( F) ( graves)


  Teacher: OK. Continue our work and I propose you to scan a QR code of Activity 3.


                                    Activity 3                               Task: Choose the right answer. 

1.     Christmas Yet to Come  shows the death of...

a)Jacob Marley

b)Mr. Cratchit



2.     What is wrong with Tiny Tim?

a)   He does not behave well

b)  He is crippled and sick

c)   He steals from others

d)  He does not believe in Christmas 3. Why does Marley visit Scrooge?

a)        He misses his friend.

b)        He wants to spend Christmas with Scrooge.

c)        To warn him of the 3 spirits and to change his life.  

4.      Where does Scrooge first see Marley's face? 

a)      in the letterbox

b)      in the window

c)      on the wall

d)      in the door knocker

5.      Who is Scrooge's nephew? 

a)      Cratchit

b)      Tiny Tim 

c)      Fred

d)      Fezziwig

6.      Who was Scrooge's girlfriend? 

a)      Fan

b)      Belle

c)      Mrs. Fezziwig 

d)      Mrs. Cratchit  





Activity 5

Teacher:     Thank you. We have spoken a lot about Scrooge and Marley today. So tell me, how are they similar and different?  Your home task was to divide into three groups and  prepare characteristics for Marley and Scrooge. To do this activity I propose you to use the Venn Diagram.  We have two circles. The first is for Scrooge, the second one is for Marley, the place where the circles cross is for both characters. So, let’s start from Scrooge. Whose group is ready?                                                                    the Venn Diagram ( Слайд№7)


Scrooge          Both         Marley

 Pupils: Both: (№3” Yet To Come)”

-   their souls have been spoiled;  

-   they are rich and greedy;                                                 

-   they worked at the same place; 

-   they are partners; 

-   they are both victims of a cruel economic system;                                  - they live in Victorian epoch;

-   they hate Christmas and don’t like poor people

     (№1”…Present”  Scrooge (№2… Past) Marley

-   alive;                                                                              - dead;

-   has a chance to change his life;                                     - his ghost helps Scrooge change;

-   a real character;                                                          -  has an awful fate;

-   the only Marley’s friend;                                                - a fictional character

-   the only person who feels sorrow after Marley’s death           Teacher:     Give me your list, please.

 Teacher: Tell me 

23. Children,tell me, what does the character of Scrooge represent?     Pupil: Scrooge represents the Victorian rich who neglects the poor and think only of their own well-being.


Teacher:     You are right, besides this, Scrooge represents the person with strong willpower/ You may ask me ” Why”. Let’s  answer together.   So, we have the problem:  Is Scrooge a person with a strong willpower?  

Activity 10                   ( Слайд№8)

Teacher:  Children, look at the screen. Tell me, what do you see? ( a fishbone).

Teacher:  You are right. It has 4 parts. They are a head, a tail and bones. The head is our problem, the upper bones are reasons, the low bones are facts, the tail is the conclusion. Now let’s try to fill the fishbone.  Each group will give 3 or 4 pairs of bones: a reason and a fact.  


-The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Present” should prepare bad characteristics.  -The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Past ” will prepare information about the time Scrooge was young.  

-The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Yet to come will prepare the information about  New Scrooge.

 You may use the information of the Venn Diagram.








didn’t give his money to poor


hadn’t any friends


cared about business


liked only his money

a spoiled soul

thought about his wealth 


didn’t like to meet his only relative

was afraid of future

met 3 spirits


visited his nephew 


gave some money to poor



Problem                                              Conclusion




 Teacher:      What is the conclusion?( Every person has a chance to become better.


Teacher: That’s right.  Ebenezer Scrooge could change himself and discovered that there were more useful things in the life than work and money. 

Teacher: Tell me, what are they (kindness, love, charity, goodness)


Teacher:  You have done a lot of work already. So, I propose you to have a rest a little and sing the song. 

Physical Activity                                 ВІДЕО №1 ( Щедрівочка   ) 



Teacher:  Continue our work.


                                       Activity 6 ( Слайд №9)

Teacher: Scrooge has changed. Let’s compare the Old Scrooge in the beginning of the play with the New Scrooge  at the end of the play. So, start with: He was…  / He has become…


the Old Scrooge                             the New Scrooge

gloomy kind                                        indifferent                                                          charitable

stingy cheerful                                                          cruel                                                                   generous                                  cold- hearted kind-hearted heartless                                                             heartiness


“ If-Tale”                Activity 9( Слайд №10)


Teacher: Scrooge is happy and kind now. Let’s revise  how does it happen?...



( Слайд №11-12)

If Scrooge ( not to meet) Marley, he ( not to know)  about the ghosts. 

If he ( not to know)  about the ghosts, he ( not to travel).

If he ( not to travel), he ( not to have ) a chance to change. If he ( not to have ) a chance to change, he ( not to change).

                                             Activity 8            ( Слайд №13) Method “ Microphone ”  



Children,imagine, I am not your teacher but I’m the journalist and I want to know:                 1)Do you like our lesson? Why                2) What does the story teach us?


III. Ending of the Lesson


Teacher:   So, finishing our lesson I want  to tell you  “ A Christmas story” is like a fairy tale with a happy ending.  The writer reminds people that in their misfortunes they often are guilty themselves.  He tells us it is necessary at least sometimes to analyze our actions.

  Today you  have  worked  hard  and  done  your  best,  because  nothing  is impossible  to  a  willing  heart.  Look at the last screen and write your home task.  


Home task:   ( Слайд №14)


Write a short message to one of the Ghosts.

*Make up your own story about someone’s transformation or  create the next chapter of “ A Christmas Carol”. Start with:  “ Seven years passed. It is Christmas Eve today. … ”

              Your marks are ...

Thank you for the lesson. Good – bye. Have a nice day.



1. Іноземна мова. Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів [ Електронний ресурс] - режим доступу: https://mon.gov.ua/storage/app/media/zagalna%20serednya/ programy-5-9-klas/programiinozemni-movi-5-9-12.06.2017.pdf  

2.Словарь активного усвоения лексики английского языка-М.:Рус.яз.,1988-710с.

3.Англо-русский словарь под.  ред. В.К.Мюллера-23-е изд.-М.:Рус.яз.,1992-843с.

4.Hornby A.,Gatenby E., Wakefield H.  The Advanced  Learner’s Dictionary  of  Current  English. 2nd ed. London, Oxford University Press,1963.

5.  Wyld H. The Universal Dictionary of the English  Language. London,1956

6.  Text “  A Christmas Carol” The Internet:

LearningApps.org [Електронний ресурс] : [веб-сайт]. – Режим доступу:



                   The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Present” 


Task: prepare bad characteristics of Scrooge. 



                     The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Past ” 


Task: prepare the information about the time when Scrooge was young.  




                  The group of “ the Ghost of  Christmas Yet to come “


Task: prepare the information about  New Scrooge.







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