Конспект уроку за темою" Здоров'я"для учнів 7 класу допоможе перевірити та вдосконалити вивчену лексику, розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення,активізувати творчі здібності учнів, використовуючи рольову гру, а також продовжувати роботу в групах( проектні технології).
Конспект уроку англійської мови у 7 класі на тему «Ми хочемо бути здоровими»
Тема: We want to be healthy
Мета: на кінець уроку учні повинні
Тип уроку: вдосконалення знань, умінь і навичок
Обладнання: прислів’я про здоров′я, кружечки рожевого, жовтого і синього кольорів (19 шт.), фрукти, емблеми груп, імітація склянки коктейлю, презентація Power Point.
Хід уроку
Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you in good health today. How’s life today? What mood are you in?
Let’s say something good to each other. Take this orange and wish something good to your friend. I’ll start “Ann, I wish you to get a good mark today”. (P1 – P2 – P3…)
Today we’ll go to the country of Health. There is a beautiful garden there where different fruit trees grow. Do you like fruits? What fruits do you like? As for me, I like cherries. And you? But the fruits in our garden are magic. If you eat them, you’ll be healthy an will study very well. We must get these fruits and make a Health Coctail from them. There is an English proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But to get these fruits you have to do a lot of tasks. Are you ready? Let’s go! And the topic of our lesson is “We want to be healthy”. ( слайд 1 )
Are you healthy? Let’s check. All of you have three different circles. Listen me and choose the colour of your health, go to the board and stick it on the glass of cocktail.
Pink: - if you fall ill during the year and seldom miss lessons – you’re healthy;
Yellow: - if you fall ill mostly during the epidemies – you’re healthy in some way;
Blue: - if you often fall ill during the year and miss your lessons – your health is in danger.
(учні обирають колір, виходять та прикріплюють на дошку)
Today you’ll work in groups and you have evaluation charts on your desks. For each task you’ll get 3 points. And the first task is “Assosiations”. Draw your associations with the words “Health” and “ Illness”. You have 3 min.
Now the time is over. Choose a speaker and explain your associations.
What should you do to be healthy? You’ve got a task in groups to prepare a presentation and answer this question. So, group 1 – you are welcome!
Презентація 1 групи “ Healthy food”
Our motto: Live not to eat, but eat to live.
Vocabulary practice. Divide these things into 2 categories: useful – unuseful
Chocolate, eggs, carrot, sweets, honey, bread, meat, cake, milk, hot dog, butter, fish, candy, apple, chips, cheese, hamburger, orange, tomato, pizza
Презентація 2 групи “ Sport and exercises “.
And now group 2 you are welcome!
( Учні проводять фізкультхвилинку)
Our motto: A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Презентація 3 групи “ Laugh and smile “
Group 3 it’s your turn to present your project.
Our motto: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Task “ Do you know English proverbs well? “
Match the parts of the proverbs about health.
5. Early to bed, early to rise e) is a good medicine
6. Better to be safe f) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
But people still fall ill in any season of the year. What do you usually do if you fall ill?
Yes, you go to the doctor. What does the doctor do? He prescribes you some medicine. And now you’ll have the next task.
Each group will get a dialogue. Choose two pupils who’ll act it out. The other pupils must choose the best medicine according to the patient’s complains.
2.5 Рольова гра “ At the doctor “. Role-play.
And now it’s high time for the role-play “ At the doctor “. Who wants to be a doctor? Take your place at the desk and make your image. Who wants to be a patient? You’re welcome.
A visit to the physician
Physician: Hello!
Anya: Hello!
Physician: What`s the matter? You don`t look happy.
Anya: I don`t feel well. I`ve got a headache and an earache. My ear hurts. And I can`t move my head.
Physician: How long have you been this?
Anya: Since yesterday.
Physician:What is your temperature?
Anya: It is 37.5.
(Лікар слухає Аню)
Physician: You shouldn`t worry. You should stay in bed and keep warm yourself. I`ll prescribe some medicines for you. Take the medicine three times a day before meals. Take some vitamins, too. You should drink herbal tea (with mint, for example). .
Anya: Thank you very much. Good bye.
Physician: Good bye.
At the dentist’s
Dentist: Hello!
Roma: Hello!
Dentist: What is the matter?
Roma: I`ve got an awful toothache. I used a hotwater bootle, I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.
Dentist: Open your mouth, please. Show me your teeth. What tooth hurts you? Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you brush your teeth?
Roma: Oh, yes, I do.
Dentist: How often do you brush your teeth?
Roma: Sometimes often, sometimes seldom.
Dentist: You must brush your teeth more than three times a day. And you must visit the dentist twice a year. But now I`ll extract your tooth. It is too bad.
Roma: Oh! My God!
A visit to surgeon
Surgeon: Hello!
Sasha: Hello!
Surgeon: What`s the matter?
Sasha: Oh, I was going home in the evening yesterday. It was dark. I didn`t notice a stone on my way and fell down. I felt a terrible pain. I didn`t sleep all the night.
Surgeon: Show me your leg, please. Oh, I think you should go to hospital by ambulance. I hope we help you and you`ll get better.
We’ve just come to our garden to get fruits for our Health Coctail. But to take them you must answer my questions. If you agree – clap your hands, disagree – stamp your feet. Ready?
Good for you. Let’s come into the garden and take fruits you like.
Take your favorite fruit and we’ll make the Health Coctail.
3.2 Домашнє завдання. Home task. Write the rules of healthy lifestyle.
I wish you to be healthy! Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. See you on Monday.