Конспект уроку "Австралія. Адміністративний та політичний устрій. Природні ресурси."

Про матеріал
Тема: Австралія. Адміністративний та політичний устрій. Природні ресурси. Тип заняття: заняття на розвиток мовленнєвих вмінь.
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Конспект відкритого заняття

з дисципліни «Іноземна мова»

на тему: «Австралія. Адміністративний та політичний устрій. Природні ресурси.»
























Берислав, 2021 рік


Заняття №

Тема: Австралія. Адміністративний та політичний устрій. Природні ресурси.



познайомити студентів з географічним положенням Австралії;

систематизувати знання й уявлення студентів про Австралії в цілому;

розширити словниковий запас з вивченої теми;

вдосконалити уміння висловлювати власну думку із запропонованої теми;


розвивати уявлення та образне мислення;

розвивати здібність свідомо використовувати набуті знання в межах виучуваної теми;

пробуджувати інтерес до різних стилів мистецтва;


формувати естетичні смаки;

виховувати читацьку культуру;


формувати соціальну, комунікативну, предметну компетентності відповідно до Державного стандарту початкової освіти;

виробляти мовно-комунікативні компетенції майбутньої ділової людини-педагога;

Тип заняття: заняття на розвиток мовленнєвих вмінь.

Методи: словесний: бесіда; наочний: демонстрація;

Інтерактивні методи: «Мозковий штурм», «True or false», Lego, хмари слів

Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, підручник, роздатковий матеріал (картки), англо-українські словники.

Здоров’язбережувальні технології: фізкульхвилинка.

Міждисциплінарні зв’язки: географія

Інтернет ресурси

1. Lingualeo. Australia - [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/australia-313779?utm_action=20

2. Всеосвіта. Розробка конспекту уроку «Australia»- [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://vseosvita.ua/library/rozrobka-uroku-australia-z-anglijskoi-movi-v-11-mu-klasi-124852.html

3. Lingualeo. What do we know about Australia?  - [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу https://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/what-do-we-know-about-australia-606149?utm_action=20

4. LearnEnglishFeelGood.com, ENGLISH ARTICLES - ESL ARTICLES - [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/articles-geographic-names1.html#

5.  Pinterest. Australia [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://pin.it/6rnWgkR

6. Pinterest. Articles with geographical position [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://pin.it/1yYWps0

7. Pinterest. Comparison of adjectives [Електронний ресурс]

Режим доступу: https://pin.it/4s6fikS



План заняття

І Організаційна частина заняття

1.1 Привітання

1.2 Фонетична зарядка

1.3 Мовленнєва зарядка. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

1.4 Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.

1.5 Актуалізація опорних знань учнів

II. Основна частина заняття

2.1 Читання

2.2 Аудіювання

2.3 Письмо

2.4 Говоріння

IІІ. Заключна частина заняття

3.1 Підведення підсумків заняття

3.2 Повідомлення домашнього завдання




Перебіг заняття

І. Організація класу

1. Привітання.

Good morning, students!


2. Створення іншомовного середовища


Today English is the language of the world. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, and the South African Republic. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. It is language of literature, education, modern music, international tourism, political organizations. 


3. Фонетична розминка

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

«Мозковий штурм».

Let`s check your home task. Answer the questions.  

Where is Canada situated?  (Canada is situated in North America)

What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)


ІІ. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку 

Today we are going to make our trip to one of the most wonderful and unique countries in the world, the country with a rich history, the country of beautiful landscapes and unique nature, the country of 6 states and 2 territories.


Look at the screen. (australia1)

What country is this?
What is the official name of the country?

Of course, it is Australia.

 The name of this country is AUSTRALIA!

I wish you good luck! Be active, attentive; remember all the things we’ve spoken about and everything will be all right.

So, the main aim of our lesson is to improve our vocabulary, to make it more flexible, to learn new words and word-combinations which will be useful for you through doing different kinds of oral and written exercises.

III. Актуалізація опорних знань студентів. Мовленнєва розминка.

 1. The next task is to arrange the words in pairs of antonyms (I hope you remember that antonyms are the words that have opposite meanings).


1. South                                 a) short                            

2. lowlands                            b) East                             

3. to separate                         c) undeveloped                

4. suitable                              d) to join                          

5. long                                   e) North                        

6. developed                          f) highlands                   

7. West                                  g) unsuitable   

Key 1e 2f 3d 4g 5a 6c 7b               



2. In order to continue our conversation about Australia I’m sure that we should review one more thing – articles. We have already spoken about it during our previous lessons. So, look at the screen.


  1. We do not use definite article the with the names of continents:

                           Africa, Asia, North America

  1. We do not usually say the with the names of countries and states:

                   France, Japan, Canada, Ukraine

      But if the name includes words like republic, union, states, kingdom, federation, we say:

                    the USA, the United Kingdom

  1. We do not use article with the names of cities:

                     Kyiv, Toronto, London

  1. Island groups usually have plural names with the:

                     the Bahamas, the Canary Island

Individual islands usually have singular names without article:

                      Bermuda, Newfoundland

  1. Mountain ranges usually have plural names with definite article:

                     the Alps, the Cordillera, the Carpathians

       But individual mountains usually have names without the:

                      Ben Nevis, Hoverla

  1. Lakes usually have names without article:

                       Swytyaz, Lake Superior

  1. Names of oceans, seas, rivers, channels have article the:

                      the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Ontario, the English Channel



2.4. Try to do an exercise. Fill in the blanks, if necessary. I think 1 minute will be enough for this task:


  1. Last year we visited … Canada and … USA.
  2. … Africa is much larger than … Europe.
  3. … Rocky Mountains have nearly 300 flowering plants.
  4. Most population lives along the shores of … Lake Erie and … Lake Ontario.
  5. … Newfoundland is the least populated area.
  6. … Kingston, … Toronto, … Montreal and … Vancouver are the largest cities in … Canada.
  7.  He was born in …… New York City. 
  8. … Republic of Ireland is in the European Union.
  9.  Have you ever been to … Netherlands?
  10.   Los Angeles is in the state of … California.



ІІ. Основна частина


1. Розповідь вчителя. Робота з контурною картою.



Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. Its territory is about 7 million square kilometers. It is only slightly smaller than the USA. Australia is located to the south of Asia, between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is the only country that occupies a complete continent. Australia is a federal state. There are 6 states and 2 territories: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, Northern territory and Australian Capital Territory with Canberra, the national capital. Each Australian state has its own government and capital. Australia is a constitutional monarchy. It is a member of Britain's Commonwealth and officially recognizes Queen Elizabeth as its monarch.

It is also the driest continent in the world. About one third of the land is desert. Australia has 4 main deserts. The Great Barrier Reef is a garden under the sea

 The climate ranges from tropical monsoon in the north to temperate in the south. Wet season is January-April. In the center the climate is very dry.




Be attentive and read the following questions. Try to find mentioned information.

  1. What is the capital of this country?
  2. What other big cities do you know?
  3. Who discovered Australia?
  4. Who are the Australian natives?



Read interesting facts about Australia and answer the questions

Post-reading. Lapbook making. Australia

Work in pairs. Find information about Australia. Fill in the table. After paste a picture (population) in a copybook.







Official language






Name: Commonwealth of Australia

Size: 2,967,909 square miles

Capital: Canberra

Official Language: English

Climate: Australia has a variety of climates: tropical climate in the north part of the country; temperate climate in the south part of the country; and dry and hot in the deserts.

Products: Australia produces wheat, barley, cattle, sheep, poultry, wool, coal, iron ore, and gold

Population: For current information, use this website: Population of Countries





4. Listening


Wilderness – пустеля

Defined by – визначати

Expansive – нестримний

Made up – вигаданий

Terrain – місцевість, ландшафт

Abundant ecosystem – багаточисленна екосистема

Donate – пожертвувати

Outback – необжиті райони

«Bush capital»– «чагарникова столиця»


1. Australia is a federal state. There are 6 states and 2 territories: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, Northern territory and Australian Capital Territory with Canberra, the national capital. Each Australian state has its own government and capital.

Watch the video and do an exercise




Mark the capitals on the map

South Australia – Adelaide

Western Australia – Perth

Queensland – Brisbane

Victoria – Melbourne

Tasmania – Hobart

New South Wales – Sydney

Northern territory – Darwin

Australian Capital Territory – Canberra 




2. Pre-listening

Reminder – нагадувати

Relationship – відносини

Constellation – сузір’я

Visible – видно

Hemisphere – півкулі

Colorful – кольорові

Waterproof – водостійкі

Platypus – качкодзьоб

Echidna – єхидна

An emu – ему

Unique – унікальний




1) To color a picture «Flag of Australia»

2) «True or false»

If it is true, you rise up a green Lego, if it isn`t – a red Lego.

  • At the top on the right you can see the Union Jack (f)
  • Union Jack is a reminder of the relationship between the British Empire and Australia (t)
  • There is a seven-pointed star at the bottom (t)
  • The points represent the provinces (f)
  • Australian people use Euro(F)
  • Australian banknotes are very colorful and waterproof. (t)
  • You can see typical Australian animals on the banknotes (F)
  • The typical Australian animals are kangaroo, platypus, echidna, emu (t)

5. Writing

Pre-writing. Повторення граматики.

While-writing. Do the ex.

Australia is the world's _______ (large) island and its ______ (small) continent. People often call Australia the «land down-under» because it lies entirely south of the equator. Australia is _____ (old) of all continents. Its mountains are the worn and ancient stumps that were once__________ (high) than the Himalayas; its desert sands rose from the waves of the sea millions of years ago and still fossils of the marine creatures that formerly swarm over them. Its animals are ancient and unique. Its wandering aboriginal tribes still live like the men of the Stone Age. Australia is ________ (dry) continent on earth. The four great deserts of central Australia cover 2,000,000 square kilometers. There are few rivers there. Australia is _______ (flat) of all continents. Unlike any other continent, it lacks mountains of truly alpine structure and elevation. Its most significant mountain chain is the Great Dividing Range running down most of east coast. Because of its overall flatness and regular coastline, Australia is often called a «sprawling pancake». An island continent, Australia was cut off from the rest of the world for millions of years. As a result, it was the last continent to be discovered and settled by Europeans.


Make simple sentences with the words in the brackets.

Large, small, old, high, dry.


6. Speaking




What do we know about Australia?

Alex - Have you had a nice evening?

Boris - Yes, I've been watching a documentary film on TV.

Alex - Really? What was it about?

Boris - About the largest island in the world.

Alex - The largest island? Do you mean Australia?

Boris - I do. Though I'm sure that Australia is the biggest island I know that many people think it's a continent.

Alex - Yes. That's what I think - it's the smallest continent on the earth.

Boris - And it is an independent country too.

Alex - I know that. What is its capital? Sydney?

Boris - No, it's Canberra, but Sydney is the largest city in the country.

Alex - Is English the official language?

Boris - Yes, it is, though it is a bit different from the language they speak in the USA and Britain.


Make your own dialogue

III. Підведення підсумків 

1. Підведення підсумків. Створення хмари слів  57 71 69


2. Оголошення домашнього завдання

Підготувати проект на вибір: «Свята Австралії», «Відомі особистості Австралії», «Тваринний світ Австралії»

Пройти тестування:

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Города Австралии — ВикипедияMap of Australia With Cities | Australia map, Australia, Printable maps