Контрольна робота до теми 6 ,підручник "Go Getter 1"

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Контрольна робота до теми 6 " My day" , підручник Go getter 1. 5 клас. Для перевірки засвоєння знань з теми
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Unit 6. My Day


  1. Listen to Sophia talking about her day. At what time does she do these actions? Write the time in numbers.

( Прослухай аудіозапис , що прикріплений до завдання, та запиши час, коли Софія виконує ці дії, цифрами)

Get up –

Have breakfast – 

Have lunch –

Leave school –

Have dinner –

Go to bed –

  1. Complete the text with the words in the box.

(Записуєте лише цифру і слово, яке треба вставити )

go , have, watch, do , get, tidy

I 1)_____ up early. I 2)_________ breakfast at home and then  I 3)_______ to school. After school I 4)_________my homework and I 5)________ my room. I 6) _________ TV after dinner.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.
  1. My sister ________ (make) dinner on Saturdays and I ________ (make) dinner on Sundays.
  2. We _______ (have)breakfast at home. Next, we _______ (go) to school.
  3. I ______ (have) lunch at school. My best friend ______ (have) lunch at home.
  4. I _______ (listen) to music before dinner and my sister _______ (do) her homework.
  5. I _______ (tidy) my room and my sister ______ (play) computer games.
  6. I ______ (hang out) with my friends and my sister ______ (watch) TV.
  1. Put the words in the correct order.

(Розташуй слова у правильному порядку)

  1. gets / brother / late / always / My / up.
  2. I / with / often / my / hang out / friends.
  3. play / They / games/ never/ computer.
  4. We / to / cinema / sometimes/ go / the.
  5. sister / My / late / usually / is.
  6. He / often/ sad/ is.
  1. Write the time in letters . (Запиши час словами)
  1. It’s 9:00.                                        5) It’s 10:50.
  2. It’s 4:30.                                        6) It’s 2:05.
  3. It’s 11:15.
  4. It’s 5:20.
29 травня 2021
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