Конспект уроку "Цей чудовий тваринний світ"

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Конспект уроку

«Цей чудовий тваринний світ»

 у 2 класі










Підготувала Губар Оксана Михайлівна

Тема: Цей чудовий тваринний світ.

Мета: навчальна: удосконалення навичок уживання лексико-граматичного матеріалу з теми «Тварини»; поширення знань про тварин; удосконалення навичок письма; інсценування з метою розвитку в учнів вільного мовлення;

розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, увагу та мислення на уроці;

виховна: виховувати любов до оточуючої природи.

Тип уроку: узагальнення і систематизація знань.

Обладнання: зображення тварин.

Хід уроку

Організаційна частина уроку

1) Greeting:

Stand up, please! Учні та учитель вітають один одного віршем “My monkey is clever”.

Основна частина уроку

 2) Grammar

T.: Dear animals, here is Neznaika. He knows nothing about animals.

P1: It’s a pity.

P2: Let’s help him!

Малюнки на дошці.

Who has got:

  • a trunk
  • a busy tail
  • a long neck
  • a bill?

Учні складають опис тварини. Монологічне мовлення.

3) Finding words

T.: So, my dear animals. I’ll give you these cards. The names of animals are cut down. Make up words, and then read them.























 True or false

T.: Thanks. And now, let’s go to the zoo. Wow! How many animals are there!

Oops! What do I see? What is right and what is wrong? (Малюнок)

P1: A zebra lives in the zoo, but a horse doesn’t live there.

P2: A bear lives in the zoo, but a dog doesn’t live there.

P3: A hippo lives in the zoo, but a pig doesn’t live there.

P4: A lion lives in the zoo, but a cat doesn’t live there.

P5: A monkey lives in the zoo, but a hare doesn’t  live there.

5) Game

T.: Thanks. Well done. Let’s play a game “Are you sure?” (Малюнок)

A tiny bird is so strong,

I’m sure, you are wrong.

A butterfly is so light,

I’m sure, you are right.

A fish can sing a loud song,

I’m sure, you are wrong.

A zebra is so striped,

I’m sure, you are right.

A goat’s tail is very long,

I’m sure, you are wrong.

A peacock tail is so bright,

I’m sure, you are right.

This merry sow is very long,

I’m sure, you are wrong.

I sing this song from morn till night,

I’m sure, you are right.

6) Song

T.: Its right time to have lunch. Are you hungry, my dear?

Ps.: Yes, we are.

Little kitten, do you like fish?

Yes, I do, and I like milk, too!

Little chick, do you like water?

Yes, I do, and I like corn, too!

Little frog, do you dragon-flies?

Yes, I do, and I like water, too!

Little puppy, do you like bones?

Yes, I do, and I like meat, too!

Little calf, do you like milk?

Yes, I do, and I like grass, too!

Little squirrel, do you like nuts?

Yes, I do, and I like mushrooms, too!

Watch that dog!

She can ply hopscotch!

Watch that dog!

He sits on a log.

He is a good dog.

He can play leap-grog.

Watch that cat!

She is not bad.

She can play tag.

Watch that cat!

He runs for a rat.

His name is Dick.

He can play hide-and-seek.

7) Introducing

T.: Now, dear animals introduce your favorite animal friends. Everybody, listen attentively and try to guess who it is.

Учні розповідають про тварин, читають про них вірші.

I’m zebra

And I’m striped.

My stripes are black

My stripes are white.


I’ve got a bag

I’m a kangaroo.

I can jump

I live in the zoo.


Quickly, quickly

Hop, hop, hop

Up he goes

To the tree top.


Such clever tricks

My dog can do.

I love my dog

He loves me, too.

Little monkeys

In the tree.

This is what she says

To me. They, they, they

Thee, Thee, three.

All the babies in the zoo

Are little kangaroos.

You can only see his head

Mother’s bag is baby’s bed.

Quickly, quickly

Round and round

Down he jumps

To the ground.

My dog is clever, strong and quick

His name is Jack,  my name is Dim.

My dog is nice, my dog is gay

We are together every day.


The lion has the golden name.

And under it a clever brain.

8) Tale

Ones there were

“The Chick and the Duck”

Ch.: Hi, who are you?

D.: I’m Duck. And you?

Ch.: I’m chick. How old are you?

D.: I’m two.

Ch.: Two years old?

D.: No, two hours old.

Ch.: How wonderful! I’m two hours old, too.

D.: The sun is shining brightly. I like the sun.

Ch.: So do I.

D.: I’m going for a walk.

Ch.: So am I.

D.: I ‘m digging a hole.

Ch.: So am I.

D.: I have a worm.

Ch.: So have I.

D.: I’m going to swim.

Ch.: So am I.

I’m swimming.

Ch.: So am I. Save me!

D.: Are you all right?

Ch.: I’m all wrong. The water is so wet.

Заключна частина уроку

9) Summarizing

T.: It’s wonderful. Thank you. Today you worked hard. Well done. Your marks are…Good-bye. See you tomorrow.


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
9 січня 2023
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