Конспект уроку для 10-го класу "Київ-столиця України. Визначні пам'ятки"

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Розширений конспект уроку для учнів 10-го класу спрямоаний на використання лексичного матеріалу в усному та писемному мовленні «Київ-столиця України. Визначні пам’ятки»;;
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Київ – столиця України. Визначні пам’ятки. Пасивний стан.


- використовувати лексичний матеріал в усному та писемному мовленні«Київ-столиця  України. Визначні пам’ятки»;;

- вміти спілкуватись із співрозмовником у межах відповідної сфери спілкування;

- розуміти інструкції та виконувати їх;

- ставити запитання співрозмовникові з метою з’ясування або уточнення певної інформації у процесі спілкування, і відповідати на подібні запитання;

- уміти правильно у письмовій формі з використанням вербальних або невербальних опор, передати основний зміст прочитаного, побаченого або почутого, коротко висловлюючи своє ставлення до подій, осіб, явищ;

- уміти обмінюватися інформацією і висловлювати свої погляди простими мовними засобами;

- уміти обмінюватися репліками зі співрозмовниками;

- уточнювати зміст почутого у разі нерозуміння його.  

Інтерактивні технології: «Опитування у формі діалогічної пари», «Асоціативний кущ», «Так чи ні», «Продовж речення», «Запитання-відповідь».

Обладнання: картки для індивідуальної роботи, робочі зошити, презентація.



1. Passive Voice [Електронний ресурс] // Passive Voice. – Режим доступу: https://www.native-english.ru/grammar/passive-voice. – Назва з екрану.  

2. Kiev Post [Електронний ресурс] //Kiev Post. – Режим доступу: https://www.kyivpost.com/. – Назва з екрану.  

3. Зведена таблиця часів [Електронний ресурс] Зведена таблиця часів //. – Режим доступу:  https://opentalk.org.ua/langstory/tablitsi-zvedena-tablitsya-chasiv . – Назва з екрану.  

4. Historical Kiev, Ukraine! Andreevskiy Descent, Kiev Ukraine (ENGLISH) [Електронний ресурс] // Historical Kiev, Ukraine! Andreevskiy Descent, Kiev Ukraine (ENGLISH). – Режим доступу: /. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC5VLHQVJT4 – Назва з екрану.  

Хід уроку



  1. Організація.

1.1. Greeting. Aim.

Good afternoon!

 By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to revise words according to our topic, make up dialogues and do different exercises. I’ll give you a ticket for each correct answer. By the end of the lesson we’ll count them and divide the sum into 2 equal parts.

1.2.Фонетична зарядка.  (Слайд 2).

Love you dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

1.3.Warming up.Мовленнєва зарядка.

- I have “Magic box” with questions. You take one question and answer.

  1. What is the territory of Ukraine?
  2. Is Ukraine a large or small country?
  3. What is the population of Ukraine?
  4. What countries does Ukraine border on?
  5. How many regions are there in Ukraine?
  6. What are the largest regions in Ukraine?
  7. What are the biggest cities in Ukraine?
  8. What are the main rivers in Ukraine?
  9. When did Ukraine become an independent state?


II.Основна частина заняття.

2.1.Word dictation (додаток 1, слайд 3)

- Open your copybooks for dictations and fill the gaps in the words.

  1. Ind…pend…nt 
  2. St…te
  3. Pop…l…tion
  4. Capit…l
  5. Stre…ch
  6. Bor…er
  7. w…ters…ed
  8. tr…nsmit…sion
  9. in…ustri…lized
  10. pot…nti…l


- Change your copybooks and check your neighbour’s dictation in his/her copybook.


  1. independent 
  2. state
  3. population
  4. capital
  5. stretch
  6. border
  7. watershed
  8. transmission
  9. industrialized
  10. potential
    2.2. Checking hometask (Додаток 2).

Your hometask was to complete the sentences. Let’s check it.

  1. Ukraine is situated…(in the south-eastern Europe).
  2. The capital of Ukraine is… (Kyiv).
  3. The main river of Ukraine is… (the Dnipro).
  4. Ukraine is washed by…(the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov).
  5. Our country is divided into…(24 regions).
  6. The population of Ukraine is…(39 mln).
  7. The territory of Ukraine is …(603,7 sq km).
  8. On the head of the country there is the …(President).
  9. The state official language is …( Ukrainian).
  10. More than 100… live in Ukraine (nationalities and ethnic groups).

2.3. Listening comprehension.

Pre-listening Stage

Look at the screen, you can see the photo of one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine.

What do you know about Kyiv?

As you know, Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It’s very ancient and interesting city. I propose you to have an unusual trip to this city. Girls of your group will be your guides. So our excursion starts with…

  • Good afternoon! We are glad to see you!
  • Our bus trip starts with one of the most beautiful place of interest. It is Golden Gates. Look to the right you can see fortified wall, defining the limits of the city and serving as a protective barrier from invaders in the centuries past, dates back to 1037, the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The place was restored to its present condition in 1983, and it now serves as the Golden Gate historical museum. The structure is located in downtown Kyiv, just outside the Zoloti Vorota metro station.
  • Look to the left. Oh, it’s wonderful St. Sophia Cathedral. St. Sophia's thirteen golden domes nicely blend with the city skyline. The great ensemble was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the XI century in commemoration of the victory over the Pecheneg tribe. The cathedral became a major cultural and political centre of Kyivan Rus and a site for receiving ambassadors from many countries. St. Sophia is famous for its outstanding mosaics and frescoes dating back to the eleventh century.
  • Turn left. You can see Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra

The Dnipro hills are dominated by the greatest monument of Kyiv, the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, built almost nine centuries ago. A complex of churches, masterpieces of architecture by themselves, has been a holy place of worship for devoted Christians. Famous for its catacombs with the saints' relics, Lavra is also called the Monastery of Caves. Museum collections of miniatures and church treasures amaze visitors from all over the world.

  • It’s a very busy road. Let’s drive another way. You can see Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent)

The most ancient and steep street in Kyiv, Andriyivsky Uzviz, is  favourite place for outdoor fairs, festivals, and concerts. Art galleries, shops, and studios make Andriyivsky Uzviz the best place to shop for Ukrainian crafts and artworks. Cultural museums located here reveal the history of the legendary street and of the whole Kyiv. Overlooking Andriyivsky Uzviz and Podil, the old section of Kyiv, stands the Ukrainian Baroque church of St. Andrew designed in 1754 by the Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The building is currently being reconstructed into a hotel.

  • The Saint Andrew's Church is a major Baroque church located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The church was constructed in 1747–1754, to a design by the Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a cathedral. The church is part of the  "Sophia of Kiev" as a landmark of cultural heritage.
  • Our last place is Khreschatyk. It is the main street in Kyiv. It was recently renovated into one of the most scenic and beautiful places that combines the features of a busy business center with the historical architectural design of buildings. The street leads to Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the city's main square and one of the most popular places of meetings. On weekends, the traffic is blocked on Khreschatyk, and visitors can enjoy a nice walk right in the middle of the street.
  • While-listening Stage (Додаток 3).
  • Read the tasks and choose the correct answer.

1.  Golden Gate is a ……museum.

a) cultural; b) scientific; c) industrial; d) historical.

2. The great ensemble was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the XI century in commemoration of the victory over the ….. tribe.

a) Pecheneg; b) Slavic; c) Skif; d) Varyagy.

3. Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra is a complex of…

a) museums; b) restaurants; c) churches; d) cathedrals.

4. Art galleries, shops, and studios make Andriyivsky Uzviz the best place to shop for Ukrainian ….

a) crafts and artworks; b) clothes; c) houses; d) culture.

5. The church was constructed in 1747–1754, to a design by the Italian architect ……Rastrelli.

a) Antonio; b) Barto; c) Bartolomeo; d) Leonardo.

6. The street leads to Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the city's main square and one of the most …. places of meetings.

a) great; b) amazing; c) popular; d) funny.


1. d. 2.a.  3.c.  4.a.  5.c. 6. c.

Post-listening Stage

Jigsaw sentences (додаток 4):

Jigsaw these sentences, please.

1) Kyiv / is / 2.7 / people / the/ of / about / population / million /

2) Kyiv / scientific / and / is / of / an / cultural / important / industrial / centre /


3) St.Sophia / is / masterpiece / Cathedral / the / of / people / unique /


4) attracts / tourists / Kyiv / every / thousands / of / year .

5) A / lot / of / are / in / Kyiv / research / institutes / located .

6) Kyiv / of / beautiful / Europe / is / most / cities / one / the / in.


1. The population of Kyiv is about 2.7 million people.

2. Kyiv is an important industrial, cultural and scientific centre of Europe.

3. St. Sophia Cathedral is the unique masterpiece of Ukrainian people.

4. Kyiv attracts thousands of tourists every year.

5. A lot of research institutes are located in Kyiv.

6. Kyiv is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

2.5. Physical activity “Shake them”.

2.6. Reading (Додаток 5).

Pre-reading Stage

  • Do you know a legend about founders of Kyiv?
  • What were the names of three brothers?

While-reading Stage

Read the text. Match the titles with the passages.   

   1. The historical monuments of Kyiv.

   2. The geographical position.

   3. Kyiv is the centre of education and culture.

   4. The foundation of the capital.

    5. The central street of the city.


   A. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in Europe. The city is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro river.  Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is about three million people.

   B.  There is a legend about its founding. Once there were three brothers named  Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, and they had a young sister named Lybid. Kyiv was    named after the eldest brother Kyi, two hills were named Shchekavytsa and   Khorevytsa after the other two brothers – Shchek and Khoryv. A narrow river was named Lybid after the sister. In the 11th century, Kyiv became the capital of a strong Slavonic State – Kyivan Rus.

   C.  Kyiv is about 1,500 years old. Today it is one of the greatest ancient European cities, rich with the monuments of art and architecture. Among them are the 

Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia’s Cathedral and the monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and T. Shevchenko.  

    D.   Khreshchatyk is the central street of the capital. It is one of the finest streets of the city. The traffic is very heavy in it. A constant stream of buses and cars runs along the main street of the city.

   E.  There are many research institutes in Kyiv and the Academy of Sciences is located there. There are a lot of libraries in our capital. They have millions of books,   magazines and newspapers. The museums and art galleries make our capital a world cultural centre. Many residents and guests of Kyiv visit the famous T. Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre and the I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre. 

     c) Post-reading task. (Додаток 6).

Complete the sentences:

1) Kyiv is situated…………………………………………………………….. .

2) The population of the city is…………………………………………………. .

3) Prince Kyi was…………………………………………………………………. .

4) The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra ………………………………………………. .

5) The places of historic interest are………………………………………………. .

6) The major universities are………………………………………………….

7) The main professional theatres are ……………………………………………. .

8)The main street is …………………………………………………………….

2.7. Speaking. (Додаток 7).

Read these 2 dialogues and make up the same dialogues, then act them.

- Excuse me, can you tell me where Soborna Street is, please? 

- Take the second turn on the left, and then ask again. 

- Is it far? 

- No, it's only about 5 minutes walk. 

- Thanks a lot. 

- Not at all. 

 Excuse me, I'm afraid I'm lost. Can you help me? 

- Where do you want to go? 

- I am to be in Independence Square at 3 o'clock. I'm short of time. 

- Oh, yes. The quickest way to get there is by metro. 

- Is there a metro station here? 

- Yes, go straight as far as the park and there you'll see the metro station. 

- Thanks a lot. 

2.8. Writing. Grammar. Tense revision. (Додаток 8).

Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple Passive Voice.

1. The day before yesterday we _____ (invite) to the birthday party by our friends.

2. I _____________ (bear) in a small Ukrainian town not far from Kyiv.

3. The house _____________ (destroy) by the storm.

4. I _____________ (give) a letter by a postman yesterday.

5. Both motorways ____________ (open) last year.

6. A dangerous criminal ______________(arrest) by the police yesterday.

7. The job ____________________ (offer) to Patricia.

8. My suitcase ____________________ (steal) from the hotel room.

9. Last night I ____________________ (stop) by the police as I was driving home.

10. This shopping centre _______________ (build) 10 years ago.

11. These are very old photographs. They __________(take) a long time ago.

12. Originally the book ____________(write) in Spanish and a few years ago it _____________(translate) into English.

13. All flights ____________________ (cancel) because of fog.

14. The men ____________________ (pay) £200 to do the work.

15. The windows ____________________ (break) with a baseball bat.

16. The two missing children ________________(find) in a local park.


1. were invited. 2.was born. 3. was destroyed. 4. was given. 5. were opened. 6.was arrested. 7.was offered. 8.was stolen. 9. was stopped. 10. was built. 11. were taken. 12.was written/was translated. 13.were cancelled. 14. were paid. 15. were broken.

16. were found.

IV.Підведення підсумків практичного заняття.

  1. Оцінювання знань студентів.
  2. Read and fill “Student lesson feedback form”. Well done! You were great at the lesson. Thank you for your work. Let’s count your tickets. Your marks are good and excellent.

Student Lesson Feedback Form

Circle appropriate number       1= not at all               5 = extremely

The topic of the lesson was helpful  1 2 3 4 5

The lesson held my attention            1 2 3        4        5

The lesson was easy to understand         1 2 3 4 5

What I liked about this lesson:


What I did not like about this lesson:


What I would suggest to improve the lesson:


  1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

 You are staying in Kyiv for a week. Write down a postcard to your friend about the places you’ve already visited or you are going to visit. Express your own impressions.


Додаток 1

Open your copybooks for dictations and fill the gaps in the words.

  1. Ind…pend…nt 
  2. St…te
  3. Pop…l…tion
  4. Capit…l
  5. Stre…ch
  6. Bor…er
  7. w…ters…ed
  8. tr…nsmit…sion
  9. in…ustry…lized
  10. pot…nti…l

Додаток 2

Your hometask was to complete the sentences. Let’s check it.

  1. Ukraine is situated…
  2. The capital of Ukraine is…
  3. The main river of Ukraine is….
  4. Ukraine is washed by…
  5. Our country is divided into…
  6. The population of Ukraine is…..
  7. The territory of Ukraine is ….
  8. On the head of the country there is the ….
  9. The state official language is …..
  10. More than 100… live in Ukraine.

Додаток 3

Read the tasks and choose the correct answer.

1.  Golden Gate is a ……museum.

a) cultural; b) scientific; c) industrial; d) historical.

2. The great ensemble was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the XI century in commemoration of the victory over the ….. tribe.

a) Pecheneg; b) Slavic; c) Skif; d) Varyagy.

3. Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra is a complex of…

a) museums; b) restaurants; c) churches; d) cathedrals.

4. Art galleries, shops, and studios make Andriyivsky Uzviz the best place to shop for Ukrainian ….

a) crafts and artworks; b) clothes; c) houses; d) culture.

5. The church was constructed in 1747–1754, to a design by the Italian architect ……Rastrelli.

a) Antonio; b) Barto; c) Bartolomeo; d) Leonardo.

6. The street leads to Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the city's main square and one of the most …. places of meetings.

a) great; b) amazing; c) popular; d) funny.

Додаток 4

Jigsaw these sentences, please.

1) Kyiv / is / 2.7 / people / the/ of / about / population / million /

2) Kyiv / scientific / and / is / of / an / cultural / important / industrial / centre /


3) St.Sophia / is / masterpiece / Cathedral / the / of / people / unique /


4) attracts / tourists / Kyiv / every / thousands / of / year .

5) A / lot / of / are / in / Kyiv / research / institutes / located .

6) Kyiv / of / beautiful / Europe / is / most / cities / one / the / in.

Додаток 5

Read the text. Match the titles with the passages.   

   1. The historical monuments of Kyiv.

   2. The geographical position.

   3. Kyiv is the centre of education and culture.

   4. The foundation of the capital.

    5. The central street of the city.


   A. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in Europe. The city is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro river.  Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is about three million people.

   B.  There is a legend about its founding. Once there were three brothers named  Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, and they had a young sister named Lybid. Kyiv was    named after the eldest brother Kyi, two hills were named Shchekavytsa and   Khorevytsa after the other two brothers – Shchek and Khoryv. A narrow river was named Lybid after the sister. In the 11th century, Kyiv became the capital of a strong Slavonic State – Kyivan Rus.

   C.  Kyiv is about 1,500 years old. Today it is one of the greatest ancient European cities, rich with the monuments of art and architecture. Among them are the 

Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia’s Cathedral and the monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and T. Shevchenko.  

    D.   Khreshchatyk is the central street of the capital. It is one of the finest streets of the city. The traffic is very heavy in it. A constant stream of buses and cars runs along the main street of the city.

   E.  There are many research institutes in Kyiv and the Academy of Sciences is located there. There are a lot of libraries in our capital. They have millions of books,   magazines and newspapers. The museums and art galleries make our capital a world cultural centre. Many residents and guests of Kyiv visit the famous T. Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre and the I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre. 

Додаток 6

Complete the sentences:

1) Kyiv is situated…………………………………………………………….. .

2) The population of the city is…………………………………………………. .

3) Prince Kyi was…………………………………………………………………. .

4) The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra ………………………………………………. .

5) The places of historic interest are………………………………………………. .

6) The major universities are………………………………………………….

7) The main professional theatres are ……………………………………………. .

8)The main street is …………………………………………………………….

Додаток 7

Read these 2 dialogues and make up the same dialogues, then act them.

- Excuse me, can you tell me where Soborna Street is, please? 

- Take the second turn on the left, and then ask again. 

- Is it far? 

- No, it's only about 5 minutes walk. 

- Thanks a lot. 

- Not at all. 

 Excuse me, I'm afraid I'm lost. Can you help me? 

- Where do you want to go? 

- I am to be in Independence Square at 3 o'clock. I'm short of time. 

- Oh, yes. The quickest way to get there is by metro. 

- Is there a metro station here? 

- Yes, go straight as far as the park and there you'll see the metro station. 

- Thanks a lot. 

Додаток 8

Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple Passive Voice.

1. The day before yesterday we _____ (invite) to the birthday party by our friends.

2. I _____________ (bear) in a small Ukrainian town not far from Kyiv.

3. The house _____________ (destroy) by the storm.

4. I _____________ (give) a letter by a postman yesterday.

5. Both motorways ____________ (open) last year.

6. A dangerous criminal ______________(arrest) by the police yesterday.

7. The job ____________________ (offer) to Patricia.

8. My suitcase ____________________ (steal) from the hotel room.

9. Last night I ____________________ (stop) by the police as I was driving home.

10. This shopping centre _______________ (build) 10 years ago.

11. These are very old photographs. They __________(take) a long time ago.

12. Originally the book ____________(write) in Spanish and a few years ago it _____________(translate) into English.

13. All flights ____________________ (cancel) because of fog.

14. The men ____________________ (pay) £200 to do the work.

15. The windows ____________________ (break) with a baseball bat.

16. The two missing children ________________(find) in a local park.

Додаток 9

Student Lesson Feedback Form

Circle appropriate number       1= not at all               5 = extremely

The topic of the lesson was helpful  1 2 3 4 5

The lesson held my attention            1 2 3        4        5

The lesson was easy to understand         1 2 3 4 5

What I liked about this lesson:


What I did not like about this lesson:


What I would suggest to improve the lesson:


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