Конспект уроку для 2 класу з теми "Тварини"

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Урок з теми "Тварини", насичений насичений різними лексико-граматичними іграми
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Конспект уроку  у 2 класі


“Тварини. Домашні та дикі тварини.”














З досвіду роботи вчителя I категорії

Терещенко Олени Анатоліївни

     м. Павлоград  ЗШ 9


     курси від 27 травня 2019











Animals. Domestic and wild animals

Aim: To talk about animals

To identify wild and domestic animals

To describe animals

To revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lessons


Photocopies of the flashcards

Sets of the cards with tasks


  1. Greeting

2. Aim

T.: Today’s topic is “Animals. Domestic and wild  animals”. Today you are going to learn new words, be able to speak about your favourite animal, read and listen the text, and play many interesting games.

Hello,boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have a competition. But now let's divide into two teams. Come to me and take the cards on my table. The first team will be Lions. The second team will be Cats.

And now close your eyes and count to ten. So 1,2,3… Now open your eyes .You are at the Land of Animals.

3. Pronunciation

T.: As usual we start our lesson with phonetic drills! Let’s pronounce the English sounds correctly! Послухайте казочку про містера Язичка. Сьогодні наш друг містер Язичок запрошує нас прогулятися з ним у лісі (звучить запис звуків лісу). Отже, ми з вами у лісі. Під ногами шарудить листя: [S-S-S]. Десь барабанить по дереву дятел: [d-d-d], [t-t-t]. Поряд з нами пробігає їжачок: [p-p-p], [f-f-f]. І раптом налітають комарі: [z-z-z]. А ми їх відганяє ось так (плескає в долоні). Комарі злякалися і повтікали. А ми з вами виходимо на гарну галявину. Ми дивуємося і говоримо: [waV-w-waV].

4. Vocabulary

Look at the blackboard, please. You can see a lot of animals. Let's repeat the animals all together.

And now let's play an interesting game "What is missing". Try to remember the animals. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. "What is missing?"


5 .Listen to me attentively and try to guess the riddles.

6. Relaxation

T.: Are you tired, kids? Do you want to have a rest and do mornings exercise? Are you ready to have fun? Let’s listen and move!


7. Put the given words into the correct columns – Domestic animal and wild animal.

Bear, parrot, cat, cow, mouse, crocodile, dog, duck, fox, hamster, rabbit, horse, lion, pig, tiger, monkey.

8. How many animals can you find?

9. Let’s check up how you can write the English words.  I want you to write the English letters. You will write the missing letters. Команди  отримують завдання на дошці: дописати пропущені літери.

Anima…        wi…d

f…x         rab..it

fr…g         c…t

wol..         z…o

be..r         gir…ffe

10. A game” Hot potato“

One pupil call the animal and quickly toss a ball to the next pupil. And he must name another animal Do not repeat the animals.

Now, make up the word using the letters.

(The pupils write down the words on the blackboard)

Kncomy-monkey     antephel- elephant

Gooraank – kangaroo     seomu – mouse

Ffergia – giraffe      bibtar – rabbit

Only – lion      resho – horse

Erab – bear      tea – cat

11. Read the words and match them with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Horse    миша    cat

Monkey    лев     wolf

Mouse    кролик    dog

Bear     кіт     lion

Tiger     кінь

     тигр     rabbit






12. Summarizing

Now let’s count how many counters do we have? So, the winner of our game is the team of…Thank you for your work, children. And now the lesson is over. Goodbye


13 лютого 2020
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