Конспект уроку для 7-го класу "Подорож англійським містом "

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Розширений конспект уроку для учнів 7-го класу з метою закріплення та активізації матеріалу теми "Подорож"
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Тема: Подорож по англійському місту.


  • закріпити лексичний матеріал за темою «Подорож»;
  • збагатити й узагальнити знання про назви будівель та споруд;
  • розвивати вміння аналізувати, співставляти, порівнювати, вибирати головне;
  • навчити використовувати лексичний матеріал в усному та писемному мовленні;
  • закріпити  вивчений  граматичний матеріал на практиці (there is/are).
  • вміти будувати мовні моделі спілкування;

Інтерактивні технології: Опитування у формі діалогічної пари, «Асоціативний кущ», «Так чи ні», «Продовж речення».

Здоровязбегігаючі технології: фізкультхвилинка.


картки для індивідуальної роботи, робочі зошити.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: українська мова, культурологія, етика, географія.


Режим доступу :

  1. http://www.lingvozone.com/
  2. http://www.sixthsense.ru/topics/great_britain/60455/
  3. http://cybermova.com/online/
  4. https://opentalk.org.ua/langstory/preposition

Хід уроку








I.Організація класу.

  1. Greeting. Aim.

Good morning! Today we’ll have unusual lesson. It’s a trip around the city .It is a wonderful place. It’s Brighton. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to repeat all words according to our topic, sing song, make up dialogues.

2.Phonetic exercise.

Look here, please. Sound [ou] is practiced in this rhyme. Listen to the rhyme. Repeat it after me. Read the rhyme, please….

We go by car,

We go by train,

We go by boat,

We go by plane.

We go by land,

And sea and air,

We go, go, go

From here to there.


3.Warming up.Мовленнєва зарядка

Song “How are you today?”

Sing the song and tell me how you are today.

Основна частина уроку

  1. Повторення лексичного матеріалу теми.

I’m glad that you are fine today. It’s an excellent opportunity to have a trip to famous English city- Brighton.

  1. Team game .«Мозковий штурм»,

Can you write down seven names of public places and buildings in Brighton?









  1. Power Point presentation

- yes/no answers (grammar point “this is/are…”) «Так чи ні»

Look at the slides. Answer the questions

  1. Is this a museum? (Yes)
  2. Is this a cinema? (No)
  3. Is this a concert hall? (No)
  4. Is this a hotel? (No)


  1. There are some places in Brighton. Match the names of 18 places in town with their descriptions. Write the letters next  to the places.


  • restaurant
  • movie theatre
  • post office
  • supermarket
  • school
  • bank
  • zoo
  • library
  • bookshop
  • gym
  • park
  • mall
  • museum
  • police station
  • drugstore, pharmacy
  • church
  • Internet cafe
  • bakery


  1. a place where students can study
  2. a building where you can see objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest
  3. a building used for public Christian worship
  4. a place where you can buy bread and cakes
  5. a place where you can buy medicinal drugs
  6. a place where we can read books
  7. a place where we can get money
  8. another word for CINEMA
  9. a place where there are many different shops
  10. a place where we can buy many things
  11. a place where you can report a theft
  12. a place where animals are kept
  13. a place where we send letters
  14. a place with internet connection
  15. a place where we can do sports
  16. a place where we can buy books
  17. a large public garden in a town, used for recreation
  18. a place where people pay to sit and eat meals

d)  Look at the map of Brighton and make sentences with there is/there are in the correct form:

1. …………………… a bank in Rain Street? …………, there ………………

2. ………………… a restaurant in Summer Av.

3. ………………… a school in Snow Road.

4. ………………… a big park next to the hospital.

5. …………………… a furniture shop on the corner? …………, ……………………

6. ………………… two supermarkets.

7. …………………… a sweet shop in Summer Avenue, but ………………… one in Snow Road.

8. ………………… a very big park behind the shopping centre.

9. ………………… a café in Rain St.? …………, …………………

10. ………………… a newsagent’s behind the restaurant.

11. ………………… a school next to a supermarket.

12. …………………… the pet shop next to the sweet shop? ……………, ……………….

13. ………………… a bank in Summer Av.

14. …………………… a restaurant in front of the garage.

15. …………………… a gift shop on the right of the park.

16. ………………… a pet shop in Rain St? ……………, ………………………


e). Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.


1. There’s a bank opposite the school.


2. There aren’t two restaurants.


3. There’s a hospital next to the photographic studio.


4. There’s a hairdresser’s opposite the gym


5. There’s a garage next to the butcher’s.


6. There isn’t a jeweller’s in Summer Av.


7. There’s a petrol station in front of the garage.


8. The greengrocer’s is behind the gift shop.


9. The restaurant is near the pool.


10. There isn’t a clothes shop behind the café.


11. There’s a shopping centre next to the petrol station.




Physical exercise

Let’s make physical exercise “Clap, clap your hands”.


f) Speaking  «Add the sentences». Work in pairs.

I want some flowers.

Let’s go to the florist’s!

I want a toy plane.

Let’s go to the toy shop!

I want a bottle of orange juice.

Let’s go to the supermarket!

I want some oranges and carrots.

Let’s go to the market square!

I want a book.

Let’s go to the bookshop!

I want some bread.

Let’s go to the bakery!

I want to eat soup.

Let’s go to the restaurant!

I want a cup of coffee.

Let’s go to the café!


g) Make up the dialogues according to the map and sentences which you have  already made. (Work in pairs)

- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the library?

- Go along the street. The library is between museum and church.

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


ІІІ. Підведення підсумків  .

Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Learn the words by heart.

Make up a project “The town of my dream”.

Оцінювання. Підведення підсумків.

Why do you want to visit Brighton?


Додаток 1

Match the names of 18 places in town with their descriptions. Write the letters next  to the places.


  1. restaurant
  2. movie theatre
  3. post office
  4. supermarket
  5. school
  6. bank
  7. zoo
  8. library
  9. bookshop
  10. gym
  11. park
  12. mall
  13. museum
  14. police station
  15. drugstore, pharmacy
  16. church
  17. Internet cafe
  18. bakery


  1. a place where students can study
  2. a building where you can see objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest
  3. a building used for public Christian worship
  4. a place where you can buy bread and cakes
  5. a place where you can buy medicinal drugs
  6. a place where we can read books
  7. a place where we can get money
  8. another word for CINEMA
  9. a place where there are many different shops
  10. a place where we can buy many things
  11. a place where you can report a theft
  12. a place where animals are kept
  13. a place where we send letters
  14. a place with internet connection
  15. a place where we can do sports
  16. a place where we can buy books
  17. a large public garden in a town, used for recreation
  18. a place where people pay to sit and eat meals









Додаток 2

- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.


- Excuse me.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Where is the…..?

- Go…………….. The …… is………………….

- Thank you.

- Not at all.





Додаток 3

I want some flowers.

Let’s go to the florist’s!

I want a toy plane.

Let’s go to the toy shop!

I want a bottle of orange juice.

Let’s go to the supermarket!

I want some oranges and carrots.

Let’s go to the market square!

I want a book.

Let’s go to the bookshop!

I want some bread.

Let’s go to the bakery!

I want to eat soup.

Let’s go to the restaurant!

I want a cup of coffee.

Let’s go to the café!


I want some flowers.

Let’s go to the florist’s!

I want a toy plane.

Let’s go to the toy shop!

I want a bottle of orange juice.

Let’s go to the supermarket!

I want some oranges and carrots.

Let’s go to the market square!

I want a book.

Let’s go to the bookshop!

I want some bread.

Let’s go to the bakery!

I want to eat soup.

Let’s go to the restaurant!

I want a cup of coffee.

Let’s go to the café!


I want some flowers.

Let’s go to the florist’s!

I want a toy plane.

Let’s go to the toy shop!

I want a bottle of orange juice.

Let’s go to the supermarket!

I want some oranges and carrots.

Let’s go to the market square!

I want a book.

Let’s go to the bookshop!

I want some bread.

Let’s go to the bakery!

I want to eat soup.

Let’s go to the restaurant!

I want a cup of coffee.

Let’s go to the café!

árboles,corrientes,equipo para parques infantiles,paisajes,parques,parques infantiles,puentes,ríos,tiempo libre

calabazas,cestas,comercios,edificios,empresas,fachadas comerciales,fantasmas,frutas,Halloween,manzanas,ocasiones especiales,tiendas,vacaciones

















boutiques,gente,grandes almacenes,hombre,hombres,maniquíes,mujer,mujeres,negocios,persona,sexo femenino,sexo masculino,tiendas,tiendas de moda,tiendas de ropa,venta al por menor


camas,camas de hospital,controles de tráfico,cruces,Europa,europeo,hospitales,Italia,italianos,letreros de tráfico,señales,señales de carretera,símbolos,transporte

candelabros,comercios,empresas,establecimiento,exposiciones,luces,Navidad,ocasiones especiales,tiendas,vacaciones,velas

almacenes,cámaras,edificaciones,negocios,negocios al por menor,tiendas,tiendas de fotografía

almacenes de comestibles,edificios,mercados,negocios,supermercados,tiendas de alimentación

balanzas,cenar,dulces,pesar caramelos,tiendas de dulces,tiendas de venta al por menor

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cafés al aire libre,cafés con terraza,comer,comida,Europa,lugares,personas,restaurantes,restaurantes europeos,terrazas de bar

barberías,cortes de pelo,letreros,peluquerías,salones de belleza,textos,tiendas de cosméticos,tijeras

almacenes,deportes,edificaciones,equipamiento deportivo,negocios,negocios al por menor,tiendas,tiendas de artículos deportivos,tiendas de deporte




carros de la compra,cartas,cestas de la compra,negocios,números,tiendas




cafeterías,comer,comida,restaurantes,signos,símbolos,tazas de café


almacenes,almacenes de muebles,artículos de la casa,decoración de la casa,diseño interior,edificaciones,mobiliario,negocios,tiendas,tiendas de muebles

comunicaciones,gente,gente trabajando,periódicos,publicaciones,publicaciones periódicas,quioscos,quioscos de periódicos,sexo masculino,varón,vendedores ambulantes,vender periódicos


alimentos,almacenes de comestibles,carritos,carritos de comestibles,carros de la compra,cenar,cestas,cestas de la compra,supermercados


almacenes de comestibles,mercados,negocios,señales,símbolos,tienda de alimentación,tiendas de 24 horas


deportes,esparcimiento,instalaciones deportivas,natación,ocio,piletas,piscinas,pozas

edificios,empresas,garajes,talleres de automoción,talleres mecánicos,tiendas,transporte

ver detalles




edificios,exteriores,joyerías,joyeros,negocios,tiendas de joyas,venta al por menor

Додаток 4

1. Look at the map and make sentences with there is/there are in the correct form:

1. …………………… a bank in Rain Street? …………, there ………………

2. ………………… a restaurant in Summer Av.

3. ………………… a school in Snow Road.

4. ………………… a big park next to the hospital.

5. …………………… a furniture shop on the corner? …………, ……………………

6. ………………… two supermarkets.

7. …………………… a sweet shop in Summer Avenue, but ………………… one in Snow Road.

8. ………………… a very big park behind the shopping centre.

9. ………………… a café in Rain St.? …………, …………………

10. ………………… a newsagent’s behind the restaurant.

11. ………………… a school next to a supermarket.

12. …………………… the pet shop next to the sweet shop? ……………, ……………….

13. ………………… a bank in Summer Av.

14. …………………… a restaurant in front of the garage.

15. …………………… a gift shop on the right of the park.

16. ………………… a pet shop in Rain St? ……………, ………………………






2. Say if the sentences are True or False. Correct the false ones.


1. There’s a bank opposite the school.


2. There aren’t two restaurants.


3. There’s a hospital next to the photographic studio.


4. There’s a hairdresser’s opposite the gym


5. There’s a garage next to the butcher’s.


6. There isn’t a jeweller’s in Summer Av.


7. There’s a petrol station in front of the garage.


8. The greengrocer’s is behind the gift shop.


9. The restaurant is near the pool.


10. There isn’t a clothes shop behind the café.


11. There’s a shopping centre next to the petrol station.

































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