Конспект Уроку для 8 класу

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку для учнів восьмого класу за темою Украіна до підручника Оксани Карпюк з використанням мультимедійних технологій (презентація і завдання до уроку додаються)
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Theme: A Round Ukraine Trip.

Objectives: practical: to develop pupils' speaking skills; to practise using active vocabulary on the topic; educative: to develop pupils' readiness for taking part in the process of English communication; developing: to incorporate team work; to teach pupils to express their opinions; to develop a creative way of thinking and the ability to think logically; cultural: to teach pupils to respect each other.

Interactive Activities: aquarium.

Materials: cards for assessment and self-assessment, the map of    Ukraine.


I  Starting The Lesson.

Greeting Motivation

T. Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you.

How are you today?

Ps. We're super, thank you.

II Introducing The Theme and Expected Results.

T. Look at the blackboard. There is a poem here. Let's read it.

T. How do you understand these words?

Do you agree that Ukraine is a country of remarkable beauty?   What do you think about Ukraine?

I'd like to introduce you the topic of the lesson and   my expectations from your work at this lesson.

At this lesson we'll have a discussion about a round Ukraine trip. Before the end of the lesson you'll learn to express your own opinion, give convincing arguments and discuss it in groups using active vocabulary on the topic.

III Warming-up.

T. To check your knowledge about our Motherland answer my questions:

1. Where is Ukraine situated?

2. What's its territory?

3. What countries does Ukraine border on?

4. What are the main rivers in our country?

5. What can you tell about the mountains on the territory of Ukraine?

6. Could you name some big ports in Ukraine?

T. Thank you.

We live in Ukraine and I hope you love your native land and you are the patriots of your Motherland. )


T: I see you understand the meaning quite well. So it doesn`t matter to what country we travel, what exciting and interesting places we see there – our Motherland, the place where you were born and live is the best for you and sooner or later you come back here.


   2. Уведеннявіншомовнусферу:

T – T--So as you`ve already understood today we`ll speak about our native land, our Motherland. What associations do you have with the words UKRAINE ? p 160


    - rivers

    - seas

    - lakes

    - mountain

    - capital

    - flag

Make sentences using these words.

Основна частина уроку

1. Listen to the poem. ( скласти вірш)

«My Native Land»

      My native land,

      The land  of wonders,

      Of autumn rains

      And summer thunders.

      The greenest hills

      And magic lakes, (ніжніша прохолода)

      The tender breeze, романтичні долинини

Romantic dales. Дивуючи земля)

      Amazing land –

My dear Ukraine.

2.  Write down words. So, we live in Ukraine. What you tell me about our country. Please, describe our country with help of the using letters.

U – unusual

K – kind

R –  relative

A – amazing

I –  ideal

N –  native

E – enchant

         So, Ukraine is ……..

3 Cherk h/w projects about Ukraine. Some pupils prepared projects for you about our motherland. Lets listen to them.

4. Read the text and do the tasks

Ukraine is a big country in Europe. Its territory is 603.7 thousand square kilometers. The geographical centre of Europe is situated near the small Ukrainian town Rakiv. The capital is Kyiv.

    Ukraine borders on Russia, Belorus,Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.

    There are 71 thousand rivers in Ukraine. The biggest rivers are the Dnipro, the Dniester, the Prypyat, Desna.

    Ukraine is an independent state. We celebrate Independent Day on the 24th of August. The flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow. The emblem is Trident.

    Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lvyv are the biggest cities of Ukraine. The country is washed by the Black Sea and the Azov. The mountains of Ukraine are the Carpathians and the Crimean.

Finish the sentences.

Ukraine is a big _______________________________________________ .

The geographical centre of Europe is ______________________________ .

There are 71 thousand __________________________________________ .

We celebrate Independent Day ____________________________________ .

The flag of Ukraine ____________________________________________ .

The country is washed by ________________________________________ .

The mountains of Ukraine are 

True or False

  1. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. (biggest)F
  2. The Ukrainian flag has got tree stripes on it.(two)F
  3. The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.(Kyiv)F
  4. The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.T
  5. Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.T
  6. Kyiv is a very modern city.(oldest) F
  7. The 28th June is the Independence  Day.(24 of August) F
  8. Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia ,Romania and Kazakhstan( Russia) F
  9. In Kyiv you can see many high buildings

Резерв впр В ст. 165 (доповнити речення використовуючи таблицю)

Заключна частина уроку

H/W:  ex.A p.167 reading




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