Конспект уроку " На прийомі у лікаря".

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку містить поетапний план уроку з різними видами діяльності. Також є різнорівневі завдання з теми.
Перегляд файлу

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови.

Клас : 6       клас                                                                                                                                         

Тема : У лікаря

Мета :

освітня: оволодівати знаннями про реалії життя підлітків: вчити учнів правилам дій у разі хвороб;

практична: активізувати ЛО з теми «Хвороби» в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності;

розвиваюча: розвивати уміння переносити знання і навички у нову ситуацію;

виховна: виховувати емоційно-ціннісне ставлення до власного здоров’я та навички здорового способу життя.

Тип уроку : урок формування та вдосконалення знань, умінь та навичок учнів.

Обладнання: експрес зошити , підручники, мультимедійна презентація, картки із завданням.

Хід уроку

1. Організаційний момент

2. Мовленнєва зарядка

T: Match two parts of one proverb.( слайд 1)

A. Health is …                                                       above wealth

b. Early to bed  and early to rise ……               makes a man healthy

c. A sound mind in a                                          sound body

d. An apple a day                                                 keeps  the  doctor away

e. After dinner sit a while                                  after supper walk a mile

Основна частина

3.Введення нового

T: Have you ever visited doctor? When do we visit him?

T: What illnesses or diseases   do you know? (поєднати малюнки та назви хвороб) ( слайд 3)

Task 1 . Match the pictures with the illnesses.

T: Look at the pictures and say what problems do these children have. Make up sentences about the patients. Use the table.

Task 2 . Make sentences about the patients. ( слайд 5)













has got

has hurt

has cut

a headache

a cold

a cough


stomach ache


her finger

 his leg

T: Do you know how to be fit and healthy?

T: Today we have a special guest Dr. Ann Brown


Doctor: Hello!  I’m Dr. Ann Brown and today I’d like to tell you how to be healthy. Listen to the text and say if the sentences are true or false.

 Task 3  Listening

How to take care of health?

Nobody wants to be ill. Everybody wants to have a strong and healthy body to live an interesting life. There are some rules, we must keep to stay fit.

 The exercises and proper food are the most important of them. The exercises help us to keep our body healthy, because they make our muscles strong.

 Walks in the fresh air are also good for us. It is especially important during a school year, because students have to spend a lot of time inside, doing their homework and studying.

      A lot of parents want their children to go in for sports.

 Proper food is the second rule we should keep. It is better to eat less, but more often, try to keep a diet and not to eat lots of sweet and fat food, not to eat late.

        Good sleep is also very important for those who want to develop a healthy body.

 It is not hard to keep all these rules but try to do some of them. They will help you to be healthy and fine all the time. You won’t need medical care and will never be ill.

Write if the sentences are true or false  (слайд 6)

  1. The exercises help us to keep our body healthy
  2. Walks in the fresh air are  good only for students
  3. It is better to eat more , and less often
  4. Good sleep is not very important
  5. You won’t need medical care if you do all these rules

Pre-Reading Task

T: But what should we do when we are ill? What can you recommend?  ( слайд 8)

 Task 4 .Reading ex.24,p.58

T: Let’s read the text what does the doctor advise us to do.


 Task 5. Reading the dialogues and put the lines in correct order

a. D:  Hi! Come in, please. What’ the matter?

b. P: I’ve got a terrible toothache.

c. D:A toothache ?! What do you eat?

d. P: Hello, doctor! May I come in?

e. D: Oh my dear, you shouldn’t eat chocolate.

f. P: I eat chocolate and sweets.

g. D: You should clean your teeth twice a   day and   forget about chocolate.

h. P: Thank you doctor!

i. P: What should I do, doctor?

T: Now you are ready to make up your own dialogues

 Task 6 T: Now using this  dialogues make up your own and act it out! ( учні складають власні діалоги за зразком)

Patient: Hello, doctor! May I come in?

Doctor: Hi! Come in, please. What’s the matter? (What’s up?)

Patient: I’ve got a__________________.

Doctor: ______________?! What do you _______? (do, eat,)

Patient: I ______________________

Doctor: Oh my dear, you shouldn’t____________.

Patient:  What should I do , doctor?

Doctor: You should___________________________________!

Patient: Thank you doctor!

Заключна частина     

  1. Підведення підсумків


Your points

Your mark for the lesson

28-31 points


27-25 points


24-20 points


17-18 points


15-16 points


13-14 points


Less than 13 points

Next lesson will be more successful!

  1. Рефлексія

                             Сan you name five diseases?


Can you give the advice ?


Can you make up and act out dialogues?



  1. Домашнє завдання

    Прочитати текст стор.59,впр.26

    Написати  лист другу  , що ти робиш, щоб бути здоровим.