Конспект уроку на тему "Bullying! No Way!'' для 8 класу

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Матеріал може бути використаний як на уроці, так і на виховному заході. Цікаві активності дозволяють зрозуміти природу булінгу та допомогти дітям знаходити вихід у непростих ситуаціях.

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Topic: Bullying. No Way!

Objectives: * to raise students’ awareness of the role of bystanders

* to develop students’ spoken fluency and improve reading skills

* to develop higher-level thinking skills by encouraging students to question their beliefs



I. Warming up. Hi, everybody! To start our lesson let’s stand in a big circle and carry out an experiment. Each of you have got a piece of paper. Fold it and cut a piece of the upper right corner. Fold it again and cut the upper right corner again. Now unwrap your sheets and compare them. Are the patterns similar? What conclusion can you make? We are different. Now take the threads you like and form pairs. Face each other and start like this: - We are different but I like (appreciate) your smile (eyes, help, sense of humour, voice, talent, style of life etc.) Be tolerant and positive!

II. Lead in. Look at the blackboard. All the words are related to the theme of our lesson. They are hurt, pain, tease, call names, kick, hit, victim, bystander, harm. Can you guess the topic of our lesson? The theme is Bullying.

III. Presentation. What is bullying? Is it OK? What can be our reaction as for such behaviors? These are the points of our meeting today.

Look at the graph and try to explain what “bullying” means.



                                            misuse of power


Bullying                                       repeated


                                            behaviours that cause harm



So, bullying is when someone uses “power” they have over you to try to hurt or upset you again and again.

IV. Listening. Watch the video “Bullying is never OK!”(1.37)

* Can you remember the types of bullying? (physical, verbal, social and not bullying)

V. Group work. Let’s split up into 4 groups. Choose the behaviours according to your type of bullying. You’ve got 3 minutes to choose the proper slips of paper and then you’ll swap places. Agree or disagree and share your point of view.


I. Physical

- regularly hitting or punching someone


 - stealing/demanding someone’s belongings


 - threatening

II. Verbal

 - picking on someone to make them feel bad


 - sending nasty messages online


 - making fun of how someone looks or what they wear


 - teasing someone for not being good at sport


 - teasing someone for being good at school


 - calling someone names

III. Social

  - trying to stop someone from joining in with a group


 - trying to make others not like someone


 - spreading rumours or lies about someone


 - ignoring


 - constantly teasing someone for not being like a “typical” girl or boy


 - tagging inappropriate images online

IV. Not bullying

 - fighting for place


 - not liking somebody


 - being angry at someone who has taken your things


 - saying you disagree


 - being rude at someone one time but then you realise that’s not OK



VI. Relaxation. Let`s play a game “Empathy Freese”. I’ll play some music and when the music stops, I’ll say an emotion. I want you to show this emotion using your facial expressions and even bodies.

VII. Problem Solving. I`m going to read a story. After I’m done reading, tell how people in the story might be feeling.


Bob is at lunch and sees a group of people he wants to sit with. He walks up to the group and asks to join. Mary yells at Bob and tells him that no one wants him to sit here. Mary tells him to go away and sit by himself. Mary does this every week to Bob. The other kids sitting at the table see this happen.


Who is a victim in the story?

Who is a bully?

And  who are bystanders?

Bystanders are people who see bullying happening but don’t do anything about it.

And upstanders are those who stands up to a bully and help the person being bullied.

What might you do in such situation. Take a card and tell what you might or may not do.

Cards in the box

1. Tell Mary that her behaviour is bad;

2. fight with Mary;

3. invite Bob to sit at your table;

4. cry to Mary ;

5. walk away;

6. stop Mary;

7. join in with bullying;

8. tell a teacher about the situation;

9. support Bob;

10. stand up for Bob


VIII. Summing up. Life is short. But there must be time for help, support and a simple compliment. So, to motivate you always find positive in people, let’s do  the following activity. There are 2 “hot seats” here. I need 2 volunteers to sit here. 3-4 pupils come to the board and write something positive about the person behind.

IX. Feedback.  How do you feel? If you have learnt something new, come to +. If you think that the lesson was boring and useless for you, stand there. Explain your choice.

All in all it is so important to be kind and understanding nowadays.

20 листопада 2018
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