конспект уроку на тему "Наша Земля -наш дім"

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конспект уроку на тему "Проектна робота ""Наша Земля -наш дім"розроблений для учнів 9 класу за підручником Карпюк. Конспект уроку допоможе у закріпленні і розвитку мовних навичок, підкреслювати необхідність захисту оточуючого середовища, розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення, виховувати любов до навколишнього середовища .

Перегляд файлу

Тема : Проектна робота «Наша земля – наш дім».

Мета : закріпляти і розвивати мовні навички, підкреслювати необхідність захисту 

            оточуючого середовища, розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення, виховувати 

            любов до навколишнього середовища .

Обладнання:   підручник,    малюнки за темою, презентація вчителя, проекти дітей              


Хід уроку



1. Привітання.

T: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we’ll revise the vocabulary on the topic «Care аbout the Environment», and showed your project.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

3. Вступне слово вчителя

Nature  is Full of Wonders

We live in a magic world. The world is full of wonderful things. It is our nature. Nature gives us life. We are the children of nature. Nature is our best and kindest friend. Nature teaches us to be kind and clever, attentive and creative. It teaches us to understand the world around us. We see the blue sky and the grey rain, the black night and the shiny stars, green mountains, seas  and sunshine.

 It is fun to know about the stars that look little but are very big, about the Moon that looks big but is smaller than the starts, about the EARTH that is turning all the time.

 Nature presents us with beautiful songs. They are the songs of the woods, the songs of   of the wind, the songs of birds, the songs of rain.

 Nature shows us wonderful pictures of different colours : the blue sky and the green grass, the white snow and the black night, the red poppy and yellow sunflower. Nature  is a great artist and poet. It has different colours for each season. Autumn is yellow, winter is white, spring is green, summer is bright.

 We are the happiest people because  we are face to face with nature. It is nice to walk in the forest  and listen to the buzzing of bees, the whisper of the wind, the trees  and the flowers.

 Our first spaceman Y.A  Gagarin said : “How beautiful our blue planet is. How small it is. People of  the world, take care of it, protect it”.


Учитель роздає картки (НО2) і двічі читає текст; учні слухають і самостійно вико-

нують завдання на картках. По закінченні роботи вони по черзі відповідають на по-

дані запитання. Учитель стежить за правильністю виконання завдання.

Your listen the text, before answer the question


Katherine: «I love nature very much. I always try to keep places that I visit clean and

safe, and I respect their people and culture. I wish other people behaved so! What if

a clue to this problem lies in our education? Many people wouldn’t just think that their

efforts to save the environment may somehow matter. Others believe that they don’t

have to do anything for their planet (as if their planet isn’t their home... it is home,

it is just a little bigger than a flat). Our beliefs are developed during the process of

education. Maybe, if we change a few moments in the education system (not only school,

college, university, etc; but also and maybe mainly in our home upbringing), we will

save our planet».

Anna: «I come from a region of Poland that is very industrial and urbanized — lots of

factories and a lot of pollution as an effect. It’s not possible to renew such devastation

and destruction by human activity. But there are also some places in our country that

are protected because there are lots of rare plants and animals living there. These are

called national parks and I consider them as a good solution in our times. There is also

a place called the «green lungs of Poland» where you can find very large areas of


In my opinion it’s really important to show people the necessity to change their lifestyle

and rescue our planet. A simple example is buying things in plastic bottles that cannot

be recycled. I think that showing people a new style of life could be rather effective

and would be a good addition to showing them how the environment would look without

us destroying it».

Jyothi Nagarathnam: «I am from Bangalore in India. As a kid, I have seen my city

clean and green with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

Now after nearly two decades, the city has lost its charm because of the pollution from

the vehicles and industries situated within the city’s boundaries. I believe it also has

a very significant effect in terms of ecological balance because of excessive interaction

with nature by humans and thereby exhausting all the natural resources. I genuinely

feel that places like national parks should increase in number throughout the world;

making people aware of the consequences of misusing nature’s resources, and at the

same time considering our planet is our only home, we should take care of this only

place as we would of our homes».


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.



5. Виступ учасників з проектами

Please showed your project. But after  your looked my presentation about care environment.

Учні дивляться презентацію, а потім представляють свої проекти.

ІІІ Заключна частина уроку


1. Домашнє завдання.


Підготуватися до контрольної роботи.

2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

What have you found out at the lesson today? What environmental problems (we have talked about) can you remember? What environmental problem do you consider to be the worst?






















Залавська ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів

Рокитнівського району










вчитель англійської мови

Тіт Ганна Олексіївна




2017 р.







Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.


Listen to the following speakers and choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1) What is Katherine’s main point?

A. People should be taught to behave nature-friendly.

B. She doesn’t believe that joint efforts to save the environment may somehow matter.

C. She doubts if she can do anything for the planet.

D. Schools should provide a special course on environment.


2) What is Anna’s main point?

A. Poland is a very polluted country.

B. She doesn’t believe that human activity affects the environment.

C. She thinks that people need to know how they can change their lifestyle in order to rescue our planet.

D. Everybody should buy things in plastic bottles.


3) What is Jyothi Nagarathnam’s main point?

A. He lives in a clean and green city with fresh clean air and a moderate climate in any season of the year.

B. Vehicles and industries situated in the city’s boundaries can’t affect the environment drastically.

C. National parks can’t be increased in number.

D. Our planet is our only home, and we should take care of this only place as we would of our homes.



24 липня 2018
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