Конспект уроку на тему "Покупки та магазини"

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Урок розроблений відповідно до нових методичних рекомендацій на тему "Покупки та магазини".
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Lesson 4

Theme: Shops and shopping


to revise lexical materials about the theme;

to practice them in the context of the sentences  and dialogues

to form communicative and social competence of students;

to develop  the skills of dialogue speech.

Vocabulary: grocer’s, greengrocer’s, market, dairy, goods, butcher’s, bakery, toy shop, department store, chemist’s, fishmonger’s, clothes shop, confectionary, loaf of bread, sausages, sour cream and etc.)

Structure: I need, I would like, Do you need…?, Where can … buy…? , There is/are, How much/how many

Materials: cards, flashcards “Shopping”, phrases “I need, I would like, Do you need…?, Where can … buy…?”.

Outcomes: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

- name the words: fishmonger’s, confectionary, toys shop, chemist’s, sportworlds, clothes shop;

- tell about goods which we can buy in these shops;

- select names of shop in the row of familiar words;

- answer the questions of your partner about shopping list;

- characterize different kinds of shop using the grammar structure there is/there are


  1. Greeting
  1. Aim.

- Today we are going to continue our work about shops and shopping – the activity most of you like very much. When we are speaking what things come to your mind first?

- What are the goods you buy most often? What shops do you visit?


Shops and shopping


  1. Warming up

Game “Pair- Questions-Cross”

- Ask different questions choosing from Questions-Cross.

What is your favourite shop?

What shops are there in your town?

Do you like shopping alone?

What do you spend your money on?

Who do you usually go shopping with?

What did you buy yesterday?

Are you a shopaholic?

What can you buy at the department store?

What kinds of shop do you visit most often?

  1. Checking homework (orally)

(pupils act out own dialogues)

  1. The main part of the lesson
  1. Presenting and practice vocabulary.
  1. Ex.1, p.38
  2. Listen to the words and clap your hands when you hear the names of shop.

Tomato, meat, toy shop, little, doll, dress, dairy, department store, bread, butter, bakery, buy, boots, butcher’s, change, chocolate, cheap, shoes, sure, shoe shop, clothes shop, shampoo, fishmonger’s, that, there, those, orange, try, greengrocer’s, confectionary.

  1. Game «Броунівський рух»

(some Ps have names of shops, some Ps have goods. Stand up and make sentence

For example:

Crabs, fish                                            fishmonger’s

We can buy crabs and fish at the fishmonger’s.

  1. Speaking.
  1. Work in pairs. Read and say what shops the children are in.

Ex.3, p.39

  1. Ex.4, p.40
  1. Writing
  1. Work in groups

- You have a table. Your task is to complete this table with products which we can buy in these shop. (5 words in each column)




Clothes shop






















-  And now name the words and underline the similar ones.

- So, and now let’s make sentences with these words using the phrases:

I need …..

I can buy …

There is …. at the….

There are …. at the …..

I would like …..

  1. Homework

- Write some sentences describing what we can buy in two different shops.


- What did we speak about at the lesson today?

- What new information have you learned?

- What is your favourite shop?

- What can you buy there?


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
16 липня 2019
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