Конспект уроку на тему "Sport in our life"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку "Sport in our life" містить цікавий та змістовний матеріал по темі. Вашій увазі представлені різні форми роботи: парна, групова, командна та індивідуальна. Вправи на дієслова go, play do, вікторина, гра "Scrambled sentences", "Strip story" та нетрадиційний підсумок уроку. Я вважаю, що моя розробка буде корисною для вчителів англійської мови.
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Form 7


Тема: Sport in our life

Мета: Практична: активізувати вживання лексики по темі уроку,

удосконалювати навички говоріння, письма, читання, аудіювання;

підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання по темі;

удосконалювати  синтаксичні навички;

закріпити лексичні навички вживання дієслів to play,

 to do, to go з різними видами спорту.

Освітня: ознайомити учнів з видами спорту, спортивними ігорами.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, готовність до практичного використання знань; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення;              

Виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови,

виховувати інтерес до спортивного способу життя; прищеплювати любов

до спорту.

Обладнання уроку: магнітна  дошка, магніти, роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер, магнітофон, картинки по темі.

Тип уроку: комбінований.


I. Beginning of the lesson

1. Greating

T. Good morning, children and dear guest. I’m glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson! How are you today?

P. Fine, Thanks.

T. Sit down, please. I’m fine too. If you are ready, let’s begin our lesson.

         Who is on duty today?

         What day is today?

         What date is it today?

         Who is absent today?

2. Announcing the topic and aim of the lesson.

T. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. Look on the board, please and say what are we going to speak about?

Гра «The smartest» (на дошці прикріплений кросворд, за допомогою цифр, які написані під ним потрібно відгадати тему уроку) 7, 6, 5, 6, 7.

T. Our topic is «Sport». (слайд 1)

 • We’ll revise the vocabulary on the topic; (слайд 2)

• to develop  pupil’s listening, reading, speaking and  writing skills;

• to teach pupils to work in groups and pairs;

• to motivate them in expressing  their own opinions on the topic.(слайд 3)

Our motto is «A sound mind is in a sound body». (слайд 3)

T. What kinds of sport do you know? (слайд 4)

3. Warming up.

T. We’ll begin our lesson with a poem about sport.

T: Look at the blackboard, let’s read the poem about sport together:

(Read the poem and put it in the picture). Вірш написаний на дошці.

Sport is fun for girls and boys,

It’s much better than the toys.

You can swim and play football!

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun!

(Учні прикріплюють малюнки до видів спорту)

II. Main part.

1. Lexical control.

Учні виконують Task 1поєднують назви різних видів спорту з картинками.

(слайд 5)

T: So, children, let’s do Task 1. Take your handouts, look at the pictures and match them with different kinds of sports.

Are you ready? What is number 1?

P1: football.

2. Pair work. 

T – P, P – P

T. 1.Why should you do sport?

P. Sport is good because it makes me strong and fast.

P. It helps me to keep fit.

P. It builds character.

P. It teaches me to win and to lose.

P. It’s very good for my health.

P. We enjoy it.

P. Sport helps to stay in good shape.

P. Sport to support heals and prevent from illness.

T. 2.What kinds of sport do you know? (слайд 4) 

P. It is swimming.

T. 3. Is sport important in our life?

T. 4. Do you go in for sport?

T. 5. What kinds of sports are very popular in our school/country?

T. 6. What summer/winter sports do you know/prefer?

T. 7. What famous sportsmen of our country do you know?

T. 8. Do other members of  your family go in for sport?

T. 9. What kind of sport do you like and what do you dislike?

T. 10. Do you take part in sport competitions?

T.11. Who is your favorite sportsman?

T. 12. Are you a football fan?

T. 13. Is sport popular in Ukraine?

T. 14. Do you play football (tennis, basketball, volleyball)?

T. 15. What kinds  of sport do you to read about?

3. Make dialogues about sport. (Pair work.)

4. Make compositions about different kinds of sport. (Group work)

1 – Volleyball, 2 – Football, 3 – Hockey, 4 – Basketball

5. Writing.

Write verbs to play, to do, to go. (слайд6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

T: Now, let’ speak about the use of the verbs to play, to go, to do with sports. Look at the examples on the blackboard.

 We use “play if we speak about ball games and chess and with any competitive game.

  Play: tennis, golf, football, basketball, chess.

We use “go” with any activities you do alone and with sports that have the ending – ing.

Go: swimming, cycling, dancing, surfing, sailing.

We use “do” with any sport that is more of a physical activity.

Do: yoga, judo, gymnastics.

Now, let’s do Task 2 – choose play, go or do with sports and write them down.

Учні вибирають правильне дієслово, записують його і читають речення.

6. Let’s have a rest. (video)

7. Listening. Look and listen video and answer the questions. (Cлайд 15)

  • 1. What sport do most British people like?
  • 2. What kinds of sport have you seen?
  • 3. What names British cities have you seen?

8. Game «Scrambled sentences». (слайд 16, 17)

9. Exchanging the ideas. Is true or false? (слайд 18)

  • 1. Women are good football players as a rule.
  • 2. Ice - hockey is popular with men.
  • 3. Hockey is one of the most popular summer games.
  • 4. We use ball when playing basketball.
  • 5. You can touch the ball with your hands when playing football.
  • 6. Skating and skiing are summer kinds of sports.
  • 7. In hockey a handball and rackets are used.

10. A Strip Story. (Make a composition).

 A Strip Story

It is Sunday.

Alex is going to the stadium.

Today his school team will take part in the competitions.

There will be competitions in volleyball and football, running and jumping.

Alex plays football very well, because he goes in for football from the first form.

Last year their team won the first place.

So this year they will try to play well too.

11. Quiz.

«What kind of sport is it? »

Now to guess what kind of sports is it.

1. A game for two teams that you play with the ball and a basket. (Basketball)

2. A game for two teams that you play with the ball and a foot. (Football)

3. This kind of sport girls like very much. (Gymnastics)

4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on a table. (Table tennis)

III. Заключна частина уроку

1.Homework. (слайд 19)

T: Your homework for the next lesson is a project “My favorite kind of sport”.

2. Виставляння оцінок, їх мотивація.

T: Dear children! Today you were active and have done great job. I’m pleased with you. So, your marks are … .


1. What topic did we practice at the lesson today?

2. What text did we listen to?

3.  How do you feel now at the end of the lesson?

 P1: I feel happy.

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T: The lesson is over!

     Thank you! Good bye!


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