Конспект уроку на тему "Тварини".

Про матеріал
План-конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови для учнів другого класу.
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Клас: 2.

Дата проведення:12.02

Тема: Animals. 

Мета: повторити назви тварин вивчені у першому класі, ознайомити школярів з новими лексичними одиницями,  тренувати учнів у вживанні навчального матеріалу ; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання та діалогічного мовлення;

розвивати пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення та фонематичний слух школярів;

виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови та почуття любові до природи.

Обладнання: підручники, зошити, робочі зошити з друкованою основою, дошка, крейда,наочність(роздаткова, демонстраційна та предметна), ноутбук, проектор,eкран, флешка з презентацією та  відеозаписами.  

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Lesson procedure

I Beginning of the lesson.

1 Greeting.

T. Good morning, children!

P. Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning!

We are glad to see you.

T.I am glad to see you.

P. Red, yellow, green and blue

Hello teacher, how are you?

T. I am happy, how are you?

2. Introduction in the foreign language atmosphere.

a) Warning up.

Dialogues “T-p-s”

Dialogues “P-s”

What is your name?
How old are you?

How  are you?

b) Phonetic drill

T. Look at the board and repeat after me. It is sound [k].

Cat, cold, cook, Nick, neck.

Repeat all together. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [k].

Cat, lion, dog, cold, cook, pen, school, Nick, neck.

II  Main part of the lesson.


T. The theme of  our lesson is “Animals”. (S.1)


2. Repetition

At the Zoo.

T. Let’s go to the Zoo.  Look at the screen and say. (S.2-9)

What animal  is this ?

 P. This is a … .

T. What animals  are these ?
P. These are …  .


T. Now we will be singing the song about zoo. Look at the screen. Let’s sing the song. Listen, sing and do1♫

I can see a fox in the zoo.

I can see a rhino — it is blue.

I can see a monkey in the tree.

I can see a black and yellow bee.

A tiger, big lion, a small kangaroo.

We can see them all in the Zoo!


T. Now we will be play with letters.

Do you remember English letters? 

What letter is it ?

Game “What letters are missing.”

T.How many letters are missing?

What are they? What letter is it?

A  d_g

A _ox

A wo_f

A t_g_r

A mo_key

A c_t

Game “Match”

T.Look at the board and match the words with the pictures.

Work in the groups.

T. Now we will be work in the groups. I have 2 boxes. In these boxes there are many letters. You must open it and take letters and then make up as many words as you can.

T.Steady, ready, go.

Dog  bear  tiger lion                   Cat snake  fox monkey

 T. Are you ready?

… read, please, your words.


T. Now we will be relaxing .

Stand up! Stand still!  Listen to me, repeat after me and do.

This is a fox, f-f - fox.

This is a dog,  d-d – dog.

This is a bear, b-b- bear.

This is a cat, k-k- cat.

This is a wolf, w-w- wolf.

This is a tiger, t-t- tiger.

This is a snake, s-s- snake.

This is a lion, l-l- lion.

This is a monkey, m-m- monkey.

Stand still! Sit down, please.

3. Presentation.

New words

T. Today we will be learning new words.

Look at the board and repeat after me.

A dog [dɒg] собака

A puppy['pᴧpi] цуценя

A rabbit['rᴂbit]кролик

A guinea-pig['ɡinipiɡ] морська свинка

A cat [kᴂt]кіт

A kitten ['kitn]кошеня

A hamster ['hᴂmstə(r)] хом’як

A parrot['pᴂrət]папуга


T.Stand up! Stand still!  Listen to me, repeat after me and do.

This is a dog .

This is a puppy.

This is a rabbit.

This is a guinea-pig.

This is a cat .

This is a kitten.

This is a hamster.

This is a parrot.

Stand still! Sit down, please.

Work with the book

T. Now we will be working with the book.

Open your books at page 84. Exercise 1.

Listen and repeat after me.

 Read, please.

T.Exercise 2, page 84.

Listen the dialogue and then read it.

Look at me. I have got the magic bag . In this bag there are many animals. You must choose the animal and make up the dialogue.

Use the example exercise 2.



T. Now we will be relaxing .

Stand up! Stand still!  Look at the screen. Listen the song, sing  and do. 2♫

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, shine your shoe.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, that will do.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, go upstairs.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the light.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say good night.

Stand still! Sit down, please.

Work with the book 

T. Look at the book. Exercise 4, page 84. Listen the text and  keep on eyes.

T. Exercise 5, page 84. Choose and read.

T. Close your books.

Work in the pairs.

T. Now we will be animals. …, you will be the fox(cat, dog, wolf, monkey, bear ,tiger, kitten, puppy, rabbit, parrot, hamster).

Fox and wolf go to the board and make up the dialogue.

Work with the  Work book

T. Open your Work books  at page 38. Exercise 2. Read the text and  fill in the words.

T. … go to the board and write down, please.

Game “Show me, please”

T. We have got many pictures. Listen to me and show me, please,… .

Work in the groups.

T. Now we will be describe the animals .Every group must make up the picture and describe it. Start to work.

T. Are you ready?

T. Look at the screen and  describe your animal.

It is a … .It is…  .… has got … . It can…I like…

Game “Translate”

III Ending of the lesson.

1 Home task

T. Open your daybooks and write down your home task.

Кн впр 1,2,4 с 84-85, РЗ впр 1, с 38.

Close your daybooks.

2 MarksT. Your marks for this lesson are… .

3 Forewell

T.Stand up! Stand still!

Fly, little bird!

Fly in the blue sky!

One, two, three,

You are free!

T. Good bye, dear pupils.




































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17 жовтня 2021
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