Конспект уроку " Одяг та аксесуари "

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План - конспект уроку для 6 класу за підручником Full Blast на тему " Одяг та аксесуари "
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Тернопільська загальноосвітня школа I – III ступенів № 26 ім. Д.Заплітного





План-конспект уроку

з англійської мови

для 6 класу

( за підручником Full Blast 2, H.Q.Mitchell )







   вчитель англійської мови

   Кузь І.Є





Тернопіль 2023

План-конспект уроку № 62 в 6 - A класі з англійської мови


Тема: Одяг та аксесуари.


Практичні: Ознайомити учнів із новими лексичними одиницями; практикувати їх вживання у мовленні та на письмі; розвивати навички читання, аудіювання та розуміння тексту.                    

Освітня: вчити учнів працювати в парах та малих групах; розширювати кругозір учнів.

Розвиваючі: розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів; розвивати зорову та слухову пам'ять; розвивати фонетичні навички; розвивати самостійність у праці.

Виховні: виховувати гарний смак і культуру; виховувати в учнів повагу один до одного та любов до англійської мови.

Обладнання уроку: дошка, робочі зошити та підручники, тематичні картки, роздатковий матеріал із завданнями, мікрофон, телевізор.

Тип уроку: комбінований.














Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1) Привітання 

    T:  Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today?     

2) Бесіда з класом 

         - What do people usually wear in winter?

            T:  - Children, look at ……! She is so nice today! Tell me please what colour is   her pullover? An what is  …. wearing? It is winter now, so all of you are wearing warm clothes.

3) Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

       T: As you guess today we are going to speak about  people's clothes, listen to an interesting dialogue, sing a song, do the crossword and other interesting tasks. At the end of the lesson you'll be able to talk about your favourite clothes,  you'll know more new words and find out how to make a skirt from jeans.

4) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

   Мовленнєва розминка.

     T: Many names of clothes came to us from the English language. Their names almost coincide with Ukrainian. Do you know them? (sweater, jeans, jumper, cap, uniform, sandals, cardigan, pullover, boots, pajamas)

Фонетична хвилинка. Phonetic minute.

      T: In order to have good English we should begin with phonetic drills.

You've got sheets of paper on your desks with a tongue-twister: "She sells shirts, skirts and T-shirts at the shop. I’m sure". Let’s try to read it.


T: Super! Let’s try to pronounce it faster. […] as fast as you can […] Good job!




II. Основна частина уроку.

1) Введення нової лексики по темі “Одяг”.

      T:  Look at the blackboard. You can see pictures of different items of clothes and accessories. Listen to their names and repeat. …

2) Розвиток навичок письма.

     T: In order to practice the spelling of these words you'll do the following task. You'll work in 2 groups. I give each team an envelope with the words, but the letters are mixed. Your task is to unscramble the words. Then use them to label the pictures on the blackboard.   ( Додаток 1 )

  T: Good job, thank you.

3) Pre-listening  activities

     T: It's time to work with the books. Open your books on page 12, Ex.2. Look at the picture and tell me: What is Liv doing? What is Liv using to make a skirt?

4) While-listening  activities

      T: OK. Now listen to the dialogue and check your answers

5) Post - listening activities

      T: Now we're going to do our next interesting activity which is based on this dialogue. You can see 6 sentences on the blackboard. You'll read them out one by one. If the sentence is correct you raise a green card, if it is wrong you raise a red one. So, let's start.  ( Додаток 2 )

6)  Фізкультхвилинка .

     T: It’s time to relax and move. Let’s listen to the song about clothes and sing it. Please, stand up.

7) Розгадування кросворду

T: Your task is to fill the crossword and find a key-word in red lines. Look at the board. You can see a crossword on the topic “Clothes”. I'll read the question, you must guess what is it. Who knows the answer,  must go to the board and write down the word. One by one. ( Додаток 3 )

  1.        What protects us from the sun in summer? (cap)
  2.        What keeps our trousers on? (belt)
  3.        People use it to keep things there. (pocket)
  4.        People use it to keep two parts of a jacket together in cold weather. (buttons)
  5.        We wear it with a tie. (shirt)

    6) What do people use in winter to keep their hands warm? (gloves)

   7) What do people wear at a formal dinner with a business partner? (suit)

8) Мозковий штурм.

T: Be attentive! We have a brainstorm. Answer very quickly.

  1.        name clothes only for girls;
  2.        name decorations;
  3.        name clothes only for boys;
  4.        name winter clothes;
  5.        your best colours are…

9) Гра “Мікрофон”.

      T: The last activity for today is the game "microphone". I want to know your ideas about clothes. Answer the questions using this microphone.

     T: Do you wear a school uniform?

  •                                 What does your school uniform look like?
  •                                 Do you like your school uniform? Why?
  •                                 What do you wear after school?
  •                                 What do you wear at home?
  •                                 What do you wear when you go to the party?
  •                                 What do you wear when you go to the gym?
  •                                 Are your clothes comfortable?
  •                                 What are your favourite clothes?
  •                                 Have you ever been to the brand clothes shop? What did you buy there?







III. Заключна частина уроку.

 Підведення підсумків уроку. Виставлення оцінок. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

       Т: Clothing is an important part of our life. Most people like tо dress up, but we must remember about good taste to be smart and elegant. With that our lesson is coming to the end. Time is up! Unfortunately, we have to finish. I liked the lesson. What about you?


       T: Your home task is to do Ex B, p.12 WB and learn the words. You worked really hard today and I have some marks for you […] Have a nice day! Thank you for joining our today's lesson!  Good bye!


















Додаток 1

 dnsalsa - sandals

 sstroh - shorts

ebtl - belt

 obsot - boots

rtshi - shirt

itrsk - skirt

purjem - jumper

eglgisng - leggings, tah - hat

tsitrkacu - tracksuit


Додаток 2

1. Liv is making a skirt. ( +)

 2. Liv usually makes her own clothes. (-) 

3. Liv is drawing a butterfly on one of the pockets of the skirt. (+) 

4. Jean skirts are in fashion this summer. (+)

5. Liv puts 3 patches on the pockets. (-)

 6. The butterfly is on the blue patch. (-)

Додаток 3

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