Тема уроку: Подорож різними видами транспорту
Мета: навчити учнів висловлювати свою думку про професії людей, які ми зустрічаємо під час подорожі; ознайомити учнів з роллю подорожі у нашому житті, вчити обмінюватися інформацією про різні види подорожі та людей, які до цього причетні; закріпити лексику з теми; тренувати учнів у діалогічному та монологічному мовленні ; розвивати навички читання тексту; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тексту; виховувати культуру спілкування, інтерес до подорожування, сприяти естетичному вихованню.
Обладнання: підручник, зошит,
Хід уроку
І Початок уроку
Let’s read this short rhyme and practice some sounds: [w], [t].
We go by car
And we go by train.
We go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land,
And sea and air.
We go, go, go
From here to there
Мозковий штурм. Brain storming.
Modern life is impossible without travelling.
Say me, please:
Why do people travel? What makes them travel?
Tell your suggestions and make
notes on the blackboard.
II Основна частина
Jane: Excuse me.
Information office agent: Yes, can I help you?
Jane: I’d like some information about trains, please.
Information office agent: Where to?
Jane: To London.
Information office agent: When?
Jane: Tomorrow.
Information office agent: morning or afternoon?
Jane: In the evening. About 7 o’clock.
Information office agent: Let me see. There is one at 6:40.
Jane: Thank you.
I personally think that… Особисто я думаю, що…
To my mind…На мій погляд…
In my opinion…На мою думку…
1) Робота в парах. Відгадування загадок.
Let’s work in pairs. Guessing of riddles.
T. To check your knowledge about the kinds of transport guess my riddles:
Take a riddle, read it, try to guess.
This is a house on wheels is running a race,
Taking people from place to place. (A bus)
When it is driven it goes,
When it stops, it falls down. (A bike)
What is it? That has no wheels
And leaves no tracks on the water behind it? (A boat)
Through not a bird, not a butterfly,
I can fly high up in the sky. (A plane)
Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities only in a few hours. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read, eat or sleep. During the trip you need no tickets. People can visit many countries by plane. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it.
Hiking is interesting and it is also good for health. This way of travelling is the fastest. You can visit many interesting places. It helps to learn many interesting things and enjoy beautiful places. You don’t need to think about the tickets and timetable. Hiking helps physical training. You can get to many cities in a few hours.
Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage. You can stop wherever you like. You can read and sleep. For this way of travelling you need no tickets. It is good for your health. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying.
Бесіда про переваги і недоліки різних видів подорожей.
advantages |
disadvantages |
Travelling by plane |
fast |
expensive tickets |
comfortable armchairs |
you can’t travel in rainy or foggy days |
Travelling by train |
rather fast and not so expensive |
you need tickets |
comfortable seats in carriage |
Travelling on foot |
good for health |
tiring |
you don’t need tickets |
troublesome |
Travelling by car |
cheap |
Tiring for driver |
comfortable |
There Is Are
is are aren’t isn’t there |
a lot of much many a little any |
money tickets sugar time bananas information place |
Before the beginning of the film In the ticket office? In that book? On the plate? In this house. For this trip. |
ІІІ Заключна частина
Використання інтерактивної вправи «Сенкан».
T. Now we’ll sum up our lesson and do it in a form which is called “cinquain”. Let’s remember the rules of such a form.
Structure of “cinquain”
1 line: Theme (the main word)
2 line: two adjectives
3 line: three verbs (actions of the main word)
4 line: a sentence (quotation on the topic)
5 line: synonym / antonym of the main word.
T. Our main word is “Travelling”. You should try to use different notions connected with it in order to this structure.
Interesting, exiting
To go, to visit, to learn
Travelling is very popular in modern life.