Урок "Спортивні змагання" 7 клас

Про матеріал
Підсумковий урок з теми. Метою є проконтролювати ступінь засвоєння знань, сформованості навчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Спорт»; узагальнити грама¬тичний матеріал (утворення і вживання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); розвивати навички розуміння прочитаного, навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над проектними робота¬ми; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів; виховувати пізна¬вальний інтерес до вивчення анг¬лійської мови, старанність і повагу один до одного; розширювати кругозір учнів.
Перегляд файлу

План-конспект уроку "Sports Competitions" 7 form

 Мета: проконтролювати ступінь засвоєння знань, сформованості навчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Спорт»; узагальнити грама­тичний матеріал (утворення і вживання вищого й найвищого ступенів  порівняння прикметників); розвивати навички розуміння прочитаного, навички діалогічного та монологічного   мовлення,   вміння   учнів  працювати над проектними робота­ми; сприяти   розвитку   логічного мислення учнів; виховувати пізна­вальний інтерес до вивчення анг­лійської мови, старанність і повагу один до одного; розширювати кругозір учнів.

 Тип уроку: урок-змагання.

 Обладнання: плакати з прислів'ями та висловами; картинки з видами спорту; дидактичний матеріал;  результати проектної діяльності.


І.    Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення

І. Вступна частина. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

  1. Привітання.

Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.

Today visitors came to us. Let us tell them «Hello».

  1. Повідомлення мети і теми уроку.

Before start our lesson I want you to watch the short film and answer the question: “What`s about this video?”


Sport definitely plays a very important role in our life. Today we’ll read, speak and discuss the importance of sport. Let’s take a motto of our lesson “Life is nothing without sport”

         Sport is a competition. That’s why I’d like to unite you into teams. You should give the names to your teams, do wishes  to your opponents and take the rules of our game. Ex.: Team1: The name of our team is “Brave hearts”. We wish you every success. Team2: We are “Sports Stars”. We wish you the best of  luck!

Team 3: “Strong team”

Are you ready to compete?


  1. Фонетична хвилинка

Look at the pictures and try to guess different sports:  ( pictures)

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка.

Робота з віршем. (перегляд відео)


Listen to the poem and name different sports you remember.

  1. Мотивація.

Робота з прислівями. Who will be the first

All proverbs reflect the wisdom of the people; emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for everyone.

Transcribe the proverb.

1   19,15,21,14,4    13,9,14,4    9,14      1    19,15,21,14,4     2,15,4,25.

If you do not know the alphabet this table will help you.

































A sound mind in a sound body. У здоровому тілі здоровий дух.

 II. Основна частина уроку

6.  "Missing letters" (вставити   пропущену літеру) 

 Т. The following task is to write the  missing letters. I need 1 player. Go  to the board, take the piece of chalk  and get down to work.




1. ..wi..ing

1. h…ckey

1. c..ess

2. ..ox..ng


2. te..m

3.  cr..ck..t

3. sk_t_ng

3. ba..ket

4.  .. nnis

4. wr_stl .ng

4. ..olf


5.ba.. ket-b ..11

5. r..n…ing

7.   Puzzle-words (побудувати слово) 1 бал

Т. The other two pupils have to make up the words using the letters. You'll have one point for each right word.





1. і n g s i k (skiing)

1. nasgymtics

 1. s t n  e  i n (tennis)

2. n і n g  n  r u (running)

2. a i t  r n e r (trainer)

2. m s i  n w m g i

3. n g f e c n I (fencing)

3.s sec h (chess)

3.gc yi ln c  (cycling)

4. o l l b t o af ttt((t(Football)

4. c k c r i e t (cricket)

4. boxing,

5. у p l e a r (player)


5. hockey


8. Listening   Comprehension. Riddles   Аудіювання   (Загадки)                             

T: You have cards with the words. Show one word for the following definitions.

1. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket.(basketball)

2. A game that you play on board.(chess)

3. A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.(ice- hockey)

4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on the table. (table -tennis)

5. An English popular game.(football)

6. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc. (athletics)

7. Canada’s national sport is… (hockey)

8. You can swim there in winter (swimming- pool)

9. A place where boys and girls go in for sports… (gym)

10. A person that trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport… (trainer)

11. The sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails ( rowing)

12. The sport  of going on horseback (horseracing)

13. A game played between two teams of eleven players (football)

14. An outdoor game, popular in Britain played in summer with a ball by two     

      teams of 11 players each, usually dressed in white (cricket)

15. A game in which the players use rackets to hit a small object called a

      shuttlecock over a high net (badminton)

16. A game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net (tennis)

17.  A game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field         

      ( ice hockey)

18. The sport of fighting with fists (boxing)

19. The sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball (rugby)


9.   Reading test (робота з текстом)

And now please read the text and complete the table.

Sport in Our Life

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport and physical exercises help us to keep fit and healthy. There are summer and winter kinds of sports. The most popular winter sports are skating, skiing . Some people greatly enjoy figure skating and ski-jumping. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink or to the forest on a frosty sunny day!

The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling, boating and yachting. It's so wonderful to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy watching nature!

Children all over the world like to play indoor and outdoor games. Athletics, aerobics, gymnastics enjoy their great popularity among the girls. Many of them attend sports clubs and train in the gym. The boys go in for boxing, wrestling, football, tennis, basketball and track and field events.

Everyone must do all he or she can to be healthy and to develop a strong character. "A sound mind in a sound body," the old Latin proverb says.


10. Post–Reading Activity 1 бал



Choose true or false sentences



The most important winter sports are skating, skiing and cycling



Children like to play indoor and outdoor games



Athletics, aerobics, gymnastics enjoy popularity among boys



A sound mind in a sound body, the old Greek proverb says



People is fond of sports and games






Answer the questions


What winter sports do you know?


What summer sports do you know?


What sports do the boys go in for?


What sports do the girls go in for?


How sport help us?




Read and complete sentences



People all over the world are fond of___



Sport and physical exercises help us___



Children all over the world like to play _______games.



The boys go in for ____



___________enjoy their great popularity among the gir



11. Фізкультхвилинка. 

To be healthy you should go in for sports and of course do exercise. Do it now.

Now we shall be healthy, stronger and more attentive.

12. TV Programme “Sport Stars”

Do you like watching TV-show? Let`s do it.

P1: Hello! Everybody!

P2: Welcome to our studio! This is the programme “Sports Stars”.

P1: We have some guests, they are sports stars! They are very fond of sport!

P2: So, let’s communicate with them!

Can you tell us about your favourite sport, team, stars?


Sport is very important in my life. I go to the sport club 5 times a week. My favourite sports programme is “Everything about football”, my favourite football team is DINAMO and football star – Lobanovsky.  I‘ve got “The Golden Ball Prize”

P1: Do you know the name of this sport star? – Of course, he’s A. Shevchenko!



I’m crazy about sport! I think it’s very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I’m fond of swimming . I became interested in it from the age of 4.  I am an Olympic champion 4 times.

P2: Can you tell us her name? Who is she? – You are right! This is Yana Klochkova!




From the age of 5 my brother and I began to go in for boxing. Now sport plays a great role in our life. I think boxing is for real men! I am the champion of the world!

P1: Do you know the name of the sportsman? – Yes, this is Volodymyr Klychko!

13. Question — answer (полілог)

 T. "Question — answer" is the next task. Listen to me attentively! You  must make up the questions using the follow­ing words, write them down and ask the members of the other team. Do it one by one. The card № 1 will start. You have 5 minutes. The highest mark is 6.


1)   you, Do, in for, go, sport?

2)   you, Can, swim?

3)   to see, you, competitions, like, Do, boxing, on TV?

4)    in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last?

5)   What, you , are, fond of?

6)    like, Did, the game, you?


1)    kind, do, What, of sport, you, in for, go?

2)    play, you, Can, chess?

3)    to skate, you, Do, like?

4)    took part,  What,  in  the  game, teams?

5)    won, game, Who, the?

6)    favourite, Who is, sports­man, your?


  1. Сan ,ski, you, in winter?
  2. you ,Do, skating, like, on the ice?
  3. good at, Are , you hockey?
  4. you ,Do, to, sledge, like, in winter?
  5. dance ,Can, on ,you the, ice?


14. Складання мікро діалогів за зразком.


  • Say, Jack, what’s you favorite kind of sport?
  • Amm… It’s hard to say. I like football a lot – but I guess I like tennis better.

III. Заключна частина уроку

 Підбиття підсумків



Make up the crosswords on the topic “Sport”. - 8

Make the short story(5-6 s) about one of the kinds of sport. - 12















1 бокс.jpeg

2 дзюдо.jpg

1 хоккей.jpg

2 шашки.jpg

1 плавание.jpg

2 катання на ковзанах.jpg

1 карате.jpg

2 парусний спорт.jpg

1 теніс.jpg

2 стрільба з лука.jpg

1 серфінг.jpg

2 футбол.jpg

1 біг.jpg

2 баскетбол.jpg

1 гольф.jpg

2 крікет.jpg

1 фехтування.jpg

2 велоспорт.jpg

1 гімнастика.jpg

2 тейквондо.jpg

1 лижний спорт.jpg

2 гребля.jpg

1 шахмати.jpg

2 конгфу.jpg



1)   you, Do, in for, go, sport?

2)   you, Can, swim?

3)   to see, you, competitions, like, Do, boxing, on TV?

4)    in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last?

5)   What, you , are, fond of?

6)    like, Did, the game, you?



1)    kind, do, What, of sport, you, in for, go?

2)    play, you, Can, chess?

3)    to skate, you, Do, like?

4)    took part,  What,  in  the  game, teams?

5)    won, game, Who, the?

6)    in boxing, favourite, Who is, sports¬man, your?



1) Сan ,ski, you, in winter?

2) you , Do, skating, like, on the ice?

3) good at,  Are , you hockey?

4) you , Do, to, sledge, like, in winter?

5) dance , Can, on ,you the, ice?






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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
3 березня 2020
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